New Life Festival 2023 Extension

  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin Also please be advised, January 9th is a Tuesday. Article says it’s a Wednesday. Sorry for the nitpick, just trying to avoid confusion down the line!

    Thanks for this. We'll update that now.

    Steam announcement still says "Wednesday, January 9, 2024" @ZOS_Kevin

    Thanks! Just updated it.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    With the whopping 60 Event Tickets, I guess it is save to say that at least new motive pages should be quite cheap at the guild traders lol :joy:
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on December 19, 2023 6:22PM
  • Elvenheart
    Thank you!! I’m really glad to hear about the extra event tickets because for the past few events my luck at getting the new motif pages has not been like it in the past and I’ve had to get some motifs from the Impressario. This will really help!
    Edited by Elvenheart on December 19, 2023 9:53PM
  • Tenthirty2
    Thank you @ZOS_Kevin and the team, Happy Holidays to you all! <3
    • "Some enjoy bringing grief to others. They remind M'aiq of mudcrabs - horrible creatures, with no redeeming qualities."
    • "When my time comes, I will smile. And that will be all." -Sir Nathain Galien
    • IGN: TenThirty2 (PC/PS: NA, PC/PS: EU)
  • Leighlaa
    Excellent news!!! Thanks!!
  • EmEm_Oh
    Thanks so much, Kevin!
  • katanagirl1
    Great news, thanks so much!
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP

    PS5 NA

  • Drammanoth
    My cynical side says this was a business move. To shorten the event, and if people noticed and made a fuss, it gave ZOS an opportunity to look good in the players’ eyes.

    But either way, idc. I’m just grateful it got extended.
    I'll also go for cynicism - and gratefulness.

    Soooo thanks :)
    My wishlist for ESO
    >>weapons: Polearms, Unarmed, Crossbow

    >>Sorc's Twilight - perched animation

    >>a skill line - a guild having this - to enable us to increase % gold gain for donating Ornate gear (another gold sink in order to gain more pennies - but over time it would pay off)

    II.Overland Mechanics
    >>new skill lines - Adventure (enable climbing, increase flora and fauna harvesting chances)

    >>tree climing in Grahtwood / Malabal Tor / Greenshade, etc. (with tall trees)

    >>rock climbing in Glenumbra / Rivenspire / Stonefalls, etc. (with tall peaks)

    >>restoration of destroyed cities, eg. Satakalaam, Aswala maybe as well?

    >>a way to make Overland more challenging - for those who want

    III.CP 2.0
    >>Craft Tree development -->

    >>a mount OF CHOICE (eg. horse, senche, quasigryph) for every 1200 CP in respective colours
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to gold gain from every source for 900 CP collected on Craft
    >> a permanent 5% attack / defence bonus for 900 CP collected on Warfare
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to health/stam/mag regen and 5% health/stam/mag increase for 900 CP on Fitness

    III.Replayable content in overland
    >>dynamic pocket rifts to Oblivion - eg. to Vaermina's in Stormhaven, Boethiah's in Deshaan, Hircine's in the Rift OR in Bankgorai, etc. to get Daedric Sets relevant to the Prince, something like Oblivion rifts in Blackwood / the Deadlands

    >>Pyandonea - we had some quests WITH Maormer (Summerset, High Isle) - maybe we could meet them there? Poke poke, nudge nudge, wink wink, eh ZOS?

    >>Norg-Tzel - for Mara's sake, ZOS, REMOVE it from the list please!


    >>story mode for dungeons - sometimes I don't want to do a dungeon quest with sprinters. They will rush from boss to boss and leave without saying a thing. I'd love to enjoy the time, even though I've done a dungeon many times

    (the ideas are also inspired by other Forum Users' posts)
    >>possibility to research traits on Companions' equipment so that we could change the traits

    >>pet battles! We collect SO MANY pets, and yet they are just a cosmetic. What a HUGE potential lies within those tiny beats!

    >>ASOC - a new server in Asia and Oceania. If people have a bad ping there, it would be great if they had a server reaching their places more easily. And hey, it would make THREE servers, not two.

    >>highlighting WBs that are being engaged

    >>possibility to dye barding

    >>possibility to switch UI between guild bank<-->bank<-->guild trader

    >>display the dialogue options so that we can see which answer the NPC is reacting to
  • old_scopie1945
    Fab news, cheers buddy.
  • Haenk
    Thanks a lot!
  • vsrs_au
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    @ZOS_Kevin Also please be advised, January 9th is a Tuesday. Article says it’s a Wednesday. Sorry for the nitpick, just trying to avoid confusion down the line!

    Thanks for this. We'll update that now.

    Steam announcement still says "Wednesday, January 9, 2024" @ZOS_Kevin

    Thanks! Just updated it.
    The USA version of the event page also says it finishes on a Wednesday.
    Edited by vsrs_au on December 22, 2023 12:31PM
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • Jaimeh
    Thank you for extending the festival! I'm sure a lot of players will be busy during the holidays and also trying to finish their fragments for the collectibles, so it's really awesome to have plenty of time :smile:
  • amapola76
    So, in other words... a bunch of people made fun of those of us who preemptively complained that the festival might be shortened and said that we were stupid to gripe about hypotheticals. And then they did, in fact try to shorten the festival... but ended up leaving it the original length specifically because of those of us who complained in advance.

    Hmmm. Sounds like some people owe some other people some apologies.
  • carthalis
    that is awesome, thank you
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    vsrs_au wrote: »
    The USA version of the event page also says it finishes on a Wednesday.

    Dang it! We missed that one. We'll have to change that after we're back from the holiday, since that team is enjoying their time with friends and family. Thank you for spotting the other Wednesday.

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • MasterSpatula
    This is good, because otherwise I was going to only get two days in for this New Life Festival due to holiday travel. And that was going to cost me the final rewards that I've been working towards this year.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • Arizona_Steve
    I do have one question - why does the event end at 10AM ET? This makes it hard for those of us on the West coast to get the last day's tickets before the event ends. Wouldn't it be better for the event to end at the same time the daily quests roll over?
    Wannabe Thalmor - Altmer MagSorc
  • S2RDK

    Thank you very much - that is a very nice gift for the new year =)
  • Melissa1414
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! We wanted to give you a heads up that due to a scheduled maintenance for all megaservers on Wednesday, January 3rd, we are extending the New Life Festival. Normally, we would extend the event by one day to account for the maintenance, however we have also seen player requests asking for a longer event, inline with past New Life Festivals, so we have decided to extend the event by six days.

    This will change the end date from Wednesday, January 3 at 10:00am ET to Tuesday, January 9 at 10:00am ET. Additionally, this increases the amount of earnable tickets from 42 to 60. These changes are now reflected in the New Life Festival blog post. Thanks so much and enjoy the extra days of the New Life Festival!

    Can you extend the time on the things in the crown store as well? I have 15,975 Endeavors I want to get the Celestial Ram. After today I would have enough.
  • Danikat
    I missed this announcement until now, partially because I've been away, but I just wanted to say I really appreciate the extension.

    Like many people I suspect December is a busy month for me. This year, among other things, I left home to go to my parents on the morning of the 22nd December, came home late on the 28th and was out again from the 29th to the 1st then back at work on the 2nd, so with the original schedule I had 3 evenings to play the event, and had to fit that around other things I needed to do.

    With the extension I'll actually be able to play the event properly, not just rushing a quest for a few event tickets but actually taking the time to play through all of them, which I like to do at least once a year since it's one of the few events with it's own activities.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Karivaa
    Someday I would love changes in the rewards.
  • CoronHR
    that's great. however, what am i gonna spend all these tickets on lol??

    fine, i'll buy repair kits
    PC - EU - Steam client
  • centime
    A bit late, didn't see this until now as my focus has been on the game, not the forum (though I am aware you can do both).

    Anyway, just wanted to add my thanks for the extension. Makes sense that it would be in line with past festivals.

    Thank you, ZOS, and Happy New Year!
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Bumping this for the Dev Tracker since the in-game image isn't updated, but the New Life Festival has been extended to Jan. 9th. Original update quoted below.
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! We wanted to give you a heads up that due to a scheduled maintenance for all megaservers on Wednesday, January 3rd, we are extending the New Life Festival. Normally, we would extend the event by one day to account for the maintenance, however we have also seen player requests asking for a longer event, inline with past New Life Festivals, so we have decided to extend the event by six days.

    This will change the end date from Wednesday, January 3 at 10:00am ET to Tuesday, January 9 at 10:00am ET. Additionally, this increases the amount of earnable tickets from 42 to 60. These changes are now reflected in the New Life Festival blog post. Thanks so much and enjoy the extra days of the New Life Festival!

    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
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