The Most Efficent Way Alchemy Discovery and Leveling

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  • Stingray_67
    Tripped on this today. Great post and I certainly wish I'd found it sooner!

    Here is a somewhat different way of doing things that I came up with. My goal was not the least number of combines, but rather the most gold efficient means of accomplishing the goal of learning all effects up to and including dragon blood/bile on an untrained character. There are 32 combines total (though you'll have to do some filling combines between the two reagent and three reagent combines to get Alchemy Level to 15).

    The Shopping List:

    30-50 Ichor (this will vary by race, CP spending, and ESO Plus status, but 50 should be good even with no bonuses)
    30-50 Slime
    10 Gall
    (none of these are very expensive so I've been a bit loose in the amounts as you'll likely have to buy in larger chunks if you don't have them on hand already)

    Powdered Mother of Pearl 2
    Clam Gall 2
    Dragon's Blood 2
    Corn Flower 2
    Dragon's Bile 2
    Torchbug Thorax 2
    Columbine 2
    Mudcrab Chitin 2
    Beetle Scuttle 2
    Blessed Thistle 2
    Violet Coprinus 3
    Scrib Jelly 3
    Bugloss 2
    Nirnroot 3
    Namira's Rot 4
    Lady's Smock 5
    Water Hyacinth 2
    Nightshade 3
    Wormwood 3
    Mountain Flower 3
    Butterfly Wing 2
    Dragonthorn 5
    Spider Egg 4
    Stinkhorn 3
    Emetic Russula 4
    Luminous Russula 3 (Get extra for filling the gap)
    Imp Stool 3 (Get extra for filling the gap)
    Blue Entoloma 2
    White Cap 6
    Fleshfly Larva 5 (Get extra for filling the gap)

    (In September 2019 when I figured this out, this amounts to just over 26k gold according to TTC prices. It amounted to many k less than other popular methods I've seen.)

    And the combines:

    1) Beetle Scuttle / Mudcrab Chitin
    2) Blessed Thistle / Emetic Russula
    3) Bugloss / White Cap
    4) Clam Gall / Fleshfly Larva
    5) Corn Flower / Lady's Smock
    6) Dragonthorn / Stinkhorn
    7) Lady's Smock / Violet Coprinus
    8) Violet Coprinus / White Cap

    Level up to 15 and buy the Laboratory Use Skill to complete the remaining combines. (Fleshfly Larva with Emetic Luminous Russula or Imp Stool are cheapest.)

    9) Beetle Scuttle / Fleshfly Larva / Lady's Smock
    10) Blessed Thistle / Dragonthorn / Scrib Jelly
    11) Blue Entoloma / Butterfly Wing / White Cap
    12) Blue Entoloma / Lady's Smock / Namira's Rot
    13) Bugloss / Columbine / Dragonthorn
    14) Butterfly Wing / Nirnroot / Powdered Mother of Pearl
    15) Columbine / Mountain Flower / Namira's Rot
    16) Clam Gall / Mudcrab Chitin / Spider Egg
    17) Corn Flower / Violet Coprinus / Wormwood
    18) Dragon's Bile / Dragon's Blood / Spider Egg
    19) Dragon's Bile / Fleshfly Larva / Scrib Jelly
    20) Dragon's Blood / Mountain Flower / Nightshade
    21) Dragonthorn / Emetic Russula / Water Hyacinth
    22) Dragonthorn / Namira's Rot / Wormwood
    23) Emetic Russula / Fleshfly Larva / Nightshade
    24) Emetic Russula / Imp Stool / White Cap
    25) Fleshfly Larva / Torchbug Thorax / White Cap
    26) Imp Stool / Luminous Russula / Mountain Flower
    27) Imp Stool / Nirnroot / Spider Egg
    28) Lady's Smock / Luminous Russula / Water Hyacinth
    29) Luminous Russula / Stinkhorn / Wormwood
    30) Namira's Rot / Nightshade / Powdered Mother of Pearl
    31) Nirnroot / Stinkhorn / Torchbug Thorax
    32) Scrib Jelly / Spider Egg / White Cap

    I've used this on 3 characters so far without issue. I certainly hope you find it helpful as well.
    Edited by Stingray_67 on December 7, 2019 4:07AM
  • TigressCreed
    This is amazing thank you!!
    Xbox NA TigressCreed
  • Stingray_67
    Update to include Dragon Rheum:

    33) Dragon Rheum / Dragon Bile / Namira's Rot
    34) Dragon Rheum / Imp Stool / Lady's Smock
  • Minyassa
    This is a great guide, thank you.

    A quick note on how to do this the lazy way if you are on PC: Get the Potion Maker addon, and have all of the above-mentioned ingredients in your inventory/bank/craft bag. Then open the alchemy station, and make sure that nothing is highlighted, and hit Search. A list will pop up with a bunch of lock icons in the rightmost column. Click on each potion with a lock on it and hit R to craft, and it will unlock that potion recipe and tick off that usage for the ingredients. You can go down the list creating locked recipes and it will pop up the ones with ingredients you haven't mastered, and that will actually just present each ingredient to be unlocked as you go. As you master ingredients the locks go away so all you have to look for is that lock icon. I managed to get herbs and poisons finished in just a couple of minutes doing this, it was mindboggling. Great addon.
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Will be moving stingrays post to a top section as a Quote, thank you all for helping to keep this forum running and up to date while i was unable!
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Moving @Minyassa up as well :)

  • NavalOffisah
    This guide has been an excellent resource for learning alchemy traits on all my characters, thank you!!
  • Tevalaur
    If you have already achieved Alchemy level 15 & have the Laboratory Use skill, then you can proceed with our fastest and cheapest method to learn all alchemical traits available, including those new with Greymoor!

    What you need:
    • 3 Beetle Scuttle
    • 3 Blessed Thistle
    • 3 Blue Entoloma
    • 2 Bugloss
    • 4 Butterfly Wings
    • 3 Chaurus Eggs
    • 2 Clam Gall
    • 3 Columbine
    • 2 Corn Flower
    • 2 Crimson Nirnroot
    • 2 Dragon's Bile
    • 3 Dragon's Blood
    • 3 Dragon Rheum
    • 5 Dragonthorn
    • 2 Emetic Russula
    • 4 Fleshfly Larva
    • 3 Imp Stool
    • 3 Lady's Smock
    • 2 Luminous Russula
    • 1 Mountain Flower
    • 2 Mudcrab Chitin
    • 4 Namira's Rot
    • 3 Nightshade
    • 3 Nirnroot
    • 3 Powdered Mother of Pearl
    • 3 Scrib Jelly
    • 3 Spider Egg
    • 1 Stinkhorn
    • 2 Torchbug Thorax
    • 3 Vile Coagulant
    • 3 Violet Coprinus
    • 2 Water Hyacinth
    • 2 White Cap
    • 5 Wormwood
    Which is 21,618 gold worth of mats according to average PC-NA TTC prices excluding the new mats to farm (3 Chaurus Egg, 2 Crimson Nirnroot, 3 Vile Coagulant).

    Then, make the following 32 combinations at any Alchemy Station:
    1. Fleshfly Larva + Nightshade
    2. Lady's Smock + Namira's Rot
    3. Beetle Scuttle + Butterfly Wing + Mudcrab Chitin
    4. Beetle Scuttle + Butterfly Wing + Nirnroot
    5. Beetle Scuttle + Lady's Smock + Violet Coprinus
    6. Blessed Thistle + Dragonthorn + Stinkhorn
    7. Blessed Thistle + Dragonthorn + Wormwood
    8. Blessed Thistle + Namira's Rot + Scrib Jelly
    9. Blue Entoloma + Bugloss + White Cap
    10. Blue Entoloma + Clam Gall + Scrib Jelly
    11. Blue Entoloma + Nirnroot + Spider Egg
    12. Bugloss + Clam Gall + Spider Egg
    13. Butterfly Wing + Columbine + Dragonthorn
    14. Butterfly Wing + Scrib Jelly + Spider Egg
    15. Chaurus Egg + Crimson Nirnroot + Vile Coagulant
    16. Chaurus Egg + Dragon's Blood + Powdered Mother of Pearl
    17. Chaurus Egg + Mudcrab Chitin + White Cap
    18. Columbine + Corn Flower + Lady's Smock
    19. Columbine + Namira's Rot + Wormwood
    20. Corn Flower + Violet Coprinus + Wormwood
    21. Crimson Nirnroot + Fleshfly Larva + Water Hyacinth
    22. Dragon's Bile + Dragon's Blood + Dragon Rheum
    23. Dragon's Bile + Fleshfly Larva + Namira's Rot
    24. Dragon's Blood + Nightshade + Vile Coagulant
    25. Dragon Rheum + Powdered Mother of Pearl + Torchbug Thorax
    26. Dragon Rheum + Powdered Mother of Pearl + Vile Coagulant
    27. Dragonthorn + Emetic Russula + Water Hyacinth
    28. Dragtonthorn + Torchbug Thorax + Wormwood
    29. Emetic Russula + Fleshfly Larva + Violet Coprinus
    30. Imp Stool + Nightshade + Nirnroot
    31. Imp Stool + Luminous Russula + Mountain Flower
    32. Imp Stool + Luminous Russula + Wormwood
    Please attribute this as "solution provided by Tevalaur of" if you share this on your website or anywhere else!

    Sunshine Daydream's Guide to Alchemy also has a new addendum section for if you've earned all the reagent achievements but now need to learn the newer reagents' traits (and still has the original primer for if you're just getting started with Alchemy).
    Edited by Tevalaur on May 20, 2020 12:03AM
    Is Uncle John's band calling you? Do you daydream about Sugar Magnolias? Is your favorite sunflower a China Cat? Tired of Truckin' alone to Terrapin Station? If so, share some Space with other hippies & deadheads in the guild Sunshine Daydream! Send a message in game (PC-NA) to Kaibeth for your invitation.
  • molyforest
    This part with the potion maker addon is some of the worst advice i have ever received in this game. This is not a lazy method. I had to click through 135 pages looking for locks before it seemed that all locks had been resolved. This took around 250 steps, I'm not completely sure how many. That is shockingly economically wasteful. I can't imagine how someone thought this was a good way to do things, scrutinising for locks rather than just performing an efficient list. That advice is very bogus, I wish I could remove it.
    Quote from user @Stingray_67 Thanks for helping!
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

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