The Most Efficent Way Alchemy Discovery and Leveling

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Please be aware this is the most efficent way I have found to discover all the traits and not waste the more valuable materials ie: lady's Smock, Bugloss, Columbine, ect. If you belive you have a more efficent way of doing this Please post a comment informing me!

Now Question... Anyone have anything they would like to see added to this list or even another topic?
Edited by ZOS_Hadeostry on October 13, 2023 3:33AM
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Quote from user @Stingray_67 Thanks for helping!
    Tripped on this today. Great post and I certainly wish I'd found it sooner!

    Here is a somewhat different way of doing things that I came up with. My goal was not the least number of combines, but rather the most gold efficient means of accomplishing the goal of learning all effects up to and including dragon blood/bile on an untrained character. There are 32 combines total (though you'll have to do some filling combines between the two reagent and three reagent combines to get Alchemy Level to 15).

    The Shopping List:

    30-50 Ichor (this will vary by race, CP spending, and ESO Plus status, but 50 should be good even with no bonuses)
    30-50 Slime
    10 Gall
    (none of these are very expensive so I've been a bit loose in the amounts as you'll likely have to buy in larger chunks if you don't have them on hand already)

    Powdered Mother of Pearl 2
    Clam Gall 2
    Dragon's Blood 2
    Corn Flower 2
    Dragon's Bile 2
    Torchbug Thorax 2
    Columbine 2
    Mudcrab Chitin 2
    Beetle Scuttle 2
    Blessed Thistle 2
    Violet Coprinus 3
    Scrib Jelly 3
    Bugloss 2
    Nirnroot 3
    Namira's Rot 4
    Lady's Smock 5
    Water Hyacinth 2
    Nightshade 3
    Wormwood 3
    Mountain Flower 3
    Butterfly Wing 2
    Dragonthorn 5
    Spider Egg 4
    Stinkhorn 3
    Emetic Russula 4
    Luminous Russula 3 (Get extra for filling the gap)
    Imp Stool 3 (Get extra for filling the gap)
    Blue Entoloma 2
    White Cap 6
    Fleshfly Larva 5 (Get extra for filling the gap)

    (In September 2019 when I figured this out, this amounts to just over 26k gold according to TTC prices. It amounted to many k less than other popular methods I've seen.)

    And the combines:

    1) Beetle Scuttle / Mudcrab Chitin
    2) Blessed Thistle / Emetic Russula
    3) Bugloss / White Cap
    4) Clam Gall / Fleshfly Larva
    5) Corn Flower / Lady's Smock
    6) Dragonthorn / Stinkhorn
    7) Lady's Smock / Violet Coprinus
    8) Violet Coprinus / White Cap

    Level up to 15 and buy the Laboratory Use Skill to complete the remaining combines. (Fleshfly Larva with Emetic Luminous Russula or Imp Stool are cheapest.)

    9) Beetle Scuttle / Fleshfly Larva / Lady's Smock
    10) Blessed Thistle / Dragonthorn / Scrib Jelly
    11) Blue Entoloma / Butterfly Wing / White Cap
    12) Blue Entoloma / Lady's Smock / Namira's Rot
    13) Bugloss / Columbine / Dragonthorn
    14) Butterfly Wing / Nirnroot / Powdered Mother of Pearl
    15) Columbine / Mountain Flower / Namira's Rot
    16) Clam Gall / Mudcrab Chitin / Spider Egg
    17) Corn Flower / Violet Coprinus / Wormwood
    18) Dragon's Bile / Dragon's Blood / Spider Egg
    19) Dragon's Bile / Fleshfly Larva / Scrib Jelly
    20) Dragon's Blood / Mountain Flower / Nightshade
    21) Dragonthorn / Emetic Russula / Water Hyacinth
    22) Dragonthorn / Namira's Rot / Wormwood
    23) Emetic Russula / Fleshfly Larva / Nightshade
    24) Emetic Russula / Imp Stool / White Cap
    25) Fleshfly Larva / Torchbug Thorax / White Cap
    26) Imp Stool / Luminous Russula / Mountain Flower
    27) Imp Stool / Nirnroot / Spider Egg
    28) Lady's Smock / Luminous Russula / Water Hyacinth
    29) Luminous Russula / Stinkhorn / Wormwood
    30) Namira's Rot / Nightshade / Powdered Mother of Pearl
    31) Nirnroot / Stinkhorn / Torchbug Thorax
    32) Scrib Jelly / Spider Egg / White Cap

    I've used this on 3 characters so far without issue. I certainly hope you find it helpful as well.
    Update to include Dragon Rheum:

    33) Dragon Rheum / Dragon Bile / Namira's Rot
    34) Dragon Rheum / Imp Stool / Lady's Smock

    Some advice/ a reminder from user @Minyassa as well for those of us playing on PC!
    Minyassa wrote: »
    This is a great guide, thank you.

    A quick note on how to do this the lazy way if you are on PC: Get the Potion Maker addon, and have all of the above-mentioned ingredients in your inventory/bank/craft bag. Then open the alchemy station, and make sure that nothing is highlighted, and hit Search. A list will pop up with a bunch of lock icons in the rightmost column. Click on each potion with a lock on it and hit R to craft, and it will unlock that potion recipe and tick off that usage for the ingredients. You can go down the list creating locked recipes and it will pop up the ones with ingredients you haven't mastered, and that will actually just present each ingredient to be unlocked as you go. As you master ingredients the locks go away so all you have to look for is that lock icon. I managed to get herbs and poisons finished in just a couple of minutes doing this, it was mindboggling. Great addon.

    The most i have seen any material used in this method is 6 so i would recommend having at least that many of each flower before beginning in interest of efficiency.
    • Blessed Thistle & DragonThrorn
    • Blessed Thistle & Stinkhorn
    • Blessed Thistle & Namira's Rot
    • Blue Enteloma & Bugloss
    • Blue Enteloma & White Cap
    • Blue Enteloma & Namira's Rot
    • Bugloss & Columbine
    • Bugloss & White Cap
    • Corn Flower & lady's Smock
    • Corn Flower & Violet Caprinus
    • Corn Flower & Wormwood
    • Emetic Russula & Stinkhorn
    • Emetic Russula & Violet Coprinus
    • Emetic Russula & Water Hyacith
    • Imp Stool & Luminus Russula
    • Imp Stool & Mountain Flower
    • Imp Stool & Nirnroot
    • Wormwood & Luminous Rossula
    • Wormwood & Namira's Rot
    • Wormwood & Water Hyacith
    • Butterfly Wing & Nirnroot (edited For patch changes)
    • Torchbug Thorax & White Cap (to make up for the combine change above)
    • Water Hyacith & Lumionus Rossula
    • Water Hyacith & Namira's Rot
    • Dragonthorn & Stinkhorn
    • Dragonthorn & Wormwood
    • Lady's Smock & Namira's Rot
    • Lady's Smock & Violet Coprinus
    • Nirnroot & Namira's Rot
    • Nirnroot & Violet Coprinus
    • Mountain Flower & Lumonous Russola
    • Mountain Flower & Blessed Thistle
    • Columbine & Wormwood
    • Columbine & Blessed Thistle

    Please do these crafting combinations in order as this is part of the method being used to avoid unneeded waste of materials!

    New Ingredients assumes already have the above ones done if desired will make a new list for a "starting new" list.
    • Beetle Scuttle & Mudcrab Chitin
    • Beetle Scuttle & Butterfly Wing
    • Beetle Scuttle & Violet Coprinus
    • Butterfly Wing & Scrib Jelly
    • Butterfly Wing & Blue Enteloma OR Luminous Russula
    • Flesh-Fly Larva & Nightshade
    • Flesh-fly Larva & Torchbug Thorax
    • Flesh-fly Larva & Scrib Jelly
    • Flesh-fly Larva & Stinkhorn
    • Mudcrab Chitin & Spider Egg
    • Mudcrab Chitin & White Cap
    • Nightshade & Mudcrab Chitin
    • Nightshade & Stinkhorn
    • Scrib Jelly & White Cap
    • Scrib Jelly & Blessed Thistle
    • Spider Egg & Wormwood
    • Spider Egg & Nirnroot
    • Spider Egg & Butterfly Wing
    • Torchbug Thorax & Stinkhorn
    • Torchbug Thorax & Nirnroot

    Quotes :)
    Here are the possible substitutions to reduce the number of Narima's Rot with much cheaper reagents
    • Blue Entoloma & Namira’s Rot (Invisibility)
      (could substitute Nirnroot for Namira’s Rot)
    • Lady’s Smock & Namira’s Rot (Spell Critical)
      (could substitute Water Hyacinth for Namira’s Rot)

    Also This is the Shopping list he compiled for us :)

    The resulting shopping list
    • Blessed Thistle (5)
    • Columbine (3)
    • Dragonthorn (3)
    • Blue Entoloma (3)
    • Bugloss (3)
    • Corn Flower (3)
    • Emetic Russula (3)
    • Imp Stool (3)
    • Lady’s Smock (3)
    • Luminous Russula (4)
    • Mountain Flower (3)
    • Namira’s Rot (6) or (4)*
    • Nirnoot (4) or (5)*
    • Stinkhorn (4)
    • White Cap (3)
    • Violet Coprinus (3)
    • Water Hyacinth (4) or (5)*
    • Wormwood (6)

    Due to Request's Here Is a list of combines For Someone Just Starting Out In Alchemy :)

    • Beetle Scutle & Mudcrab Chitin
    • Beetle Scutle & Butterfly Wing
    • Beetle Scutle & Violet Coprinus
    • Blessed Thistle & Namira's Rot
    • Blue Entoloma & White Cap
    • Blue Entoloma & Butterfly Wing
    • Blue Entoloma & Nirnroot
    • Bugloss & White Cap
    • Columbine & Bugloss
    • Columbine & Wormwood
    • Columbine & Blessed Thistle
    • Corn Flower & White Cap
    • Corn Flower & Blessed Thistle
    • Dragonthorn & Stinkhorn
    • Dragonthorn & Blessed Thistle
    • Dragonthorn & Water Hyacinth
    • Emetic Russula & Water Hyacinth
    • Emetic Russula & Violet Coprinus
    • Emetic Russula & Luminous Russula
    • Fleshfly Larva & Torchbug Thorax
    • Fleshfly Larva & Scrib Jelly
    • Fleshfly Larva & Imp Stool
    • Fleshfly Larva & Nightshade
    • Imp Stool & Mountain Flower
    • Imp Stool & Nirnroot
    • Lady's Smock & Violet Coprinus
    • Lady's Smock & Corn Flower
    • Lady's Smock & Water Hyacinth
    • Luminous Russula & Mountain Flower
    • Luminous Russula & Spider Egg
    • Mountain Flower & Blessed Thistle
    • Mudcrab Chitin & Nightshade
    • Mudcrab Chitin & White Cap
    • Namira's Rot & Wormwood
    • Namira's Rot & Water Hyacinth
    • Nightshade & Nirnroot
    • Nirnroot & Butterfly Wing
    • Scrib Jelly & Spider Egg
    • Scrib Jelly & Blessed Thistle
    • Scrib Jelly & White Cap
    • Wormwood & Spider Egg
    • Spider Egg & Mudcrab Chitin
    • Stinkhorn & Emetic Russula
    • Torchbug Thorax & Wormwood
    • Torchbug Thorax & Nirnroot
    • Torchbug Thorax & Stinkhorn
    • Water Hyacinth & Luminous Russula
    • Wormwood & Water Hyacinth
      • Butterfly Wing & Spider Egg
      • Nightshade & Nirnroot
      • Spider Egg & Nirnroot

      THE SHOPPING LIST (for new players)
      • Beetle Scuttle - 3
      • Blessed Thistle- 5
      • Blue Entoloma- 3
      • Bugloss- 2
      • Butterfly Wing- 3
      • Columbine- 3
      • Corn Flower- 3
      • Dragonthorn- 3
      • Emetic Russula- 4
      • Fleshfly Larva - 4
      • Imp Stool- 3
      • Lady's Smock- 3
      • Luminous Russula- 4
      • Mountain Flower- 3
      • Mudcrab Chitin- 4
      • Namira's Rot- 3
      • Nightshade- 2
      • Nirnroot- 7
      • Scrib Jelly- 4
      • Spider Egg- 5
      • Stinkhorn- 3
      • Torchbug Thorax- 3
      • Violet Coprinus- 3
      • Water Hyacinth- 5
      • White Cap- 4
      • Wormwood- 4
      Tevalaur wrote: »
      For those that find this thread and otherwise are unaware of the resource, there's also a guide to leveling alchemy and learning traits within Sunshine Daydream's Guide to Alchemy.[/quote
      nimo70 wrote: »
      Thanks for the guide Royal_Kitsune. Think I did everything in the first 2 lists in post #2 (not in order, I'd done some before finding the list), but had to do three more to complete:

      Dragonthorn & Torchbug Thorax
      Lady's Smock & Beetle Scuttle
      Torchbug Thorax & Imp Stool
      i do think this might be because the order is important on this one due to most combines trying for at least two traits learned where i can but if someone else has this issue please let me know so i can fix!
    Edited by Royal_Kitsune on May 12, 2020 2:42PM
  • Royal_Kitsune
    These are some of the most Material Efficient crafting recipes i can think of without using some of the (in my opinion) rarer or more useful at max level ie: the ones used in tripots.

    Stinkhorn & Violet Caprinus
    Blue Entoloma & White Cap
    Emetic Russula & Violet Caprinus
    Blue Entoloma & Emetic Russula
    Emetic Russula & White Cap
    Blue Enteloma & Violet Caprinus
    Emetic Russula & Stinkhorn
    Imp Stool & Luminous Russula
    Emetic Russula & Imp Stool
    Imp Stool & Stinkhorn

    Added for New Ingredients Combines

    Fleshfly Larva (these drop like candy from zombies)with Butterfly Wings OR Torchbug Thorax

    These combinations are based on effects of the materials as well as general ease and quanity of avalibility.
    Tips To Help Level Faster
    • Have enough skill point avalible to use for maxing the skill line at start.
    • Have a decent stash of all the tiers of waters available as well as the mats[ approx 600 mats total 300 per) you will be using to level with.
    • Remember crafting with 3 flowers rewards the same amount of exp as 2 don't waste your mats!
      Have more/better combinations? Let Us Know!
    calia1120 wrote: »
    I put something similar together for the Dark Brotherhood release - - it went along with an article I had done on Tamriel Foundry. The poison list isn't quite current since I got busy with addons and other stuff.
    Edited by Royal_Kitsune on April 17, 2017 7:02PM
  • leepalmer95
    Ty this is actually quite useful.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • BenevolentBowd
    Great post!

    I executed the research list in post #2 on a new alchemist and I ended up missing the "Restore Stamina" for Columbine. Making one more potion with Blessed Thistle and Columbine did the trick and I unlocked the Botanist Achievement.
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Panacea
    Very nice post, will try cracking on with this later tonight
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Ah thank you bow adding that now :)
  • omegabiscuit
    great post! I will definitely be using this
  • Merlin13KAGL
    For learning all effects, sure this is correct.

    For raw leveling of the skill, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and the highest level water you can use at a given time.

    Since they all have a "Negative Effect" of some sort, they're generally not used in functional potions right now, and poisons are not yet a feature of the game.

    As such, with all the alchemy nodes out the, the poor little 'shrooms are usually left completely untouched or purchased on the cheap!

    Here's an awesome link that is great for quick reference, too.
    Edited by Merlin13KAGL on September 4, 2015 4:35PM
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Atricios
    Just in case no one has told you lately...

    You are awesome.

    Thank you BIGTIME Royal_Kitsune.
  • CGPsaint
    I used this guide this evening to begin leveling Alchemy for my new toon. Worked like a charm! Thanks!
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Glad everyone likes this :)


    [Edited for Bump]
    Edited by ZOS_JohanaB on November 16, 2016 4:25PM
  • M3mn0ch_1987
    [SNIP] Real good guide here.

    [Edited for Bump]
    Edited by ZOS_JohanaB on November 16, 2016 4:26PM
  • Uneed2Stop
    Actually guys there is an app on iphone called esoalchemist. It literally made me discover everything in like 5 minutes
  • i3ig_Gun
    Great post man, very well done, did the ESO community a favor with this.
    GT: i3ig Gun
    Legion of Many - Daggerfall Covenant
  • BenevolentBowd
    With the new crafting node scaling in the game, I decided to level alchemy on another character. Also, I thought it would be useful to have a shopping list of mats need for this list. While creating the list, I noticed that one reagent Namira's Rot was used 6 times. In my experience, this reagent is rare and expensive (NA PC).

    Here are the possible substitutions to reduce the number of Narima's Rot with much cheaper reagents
    • Blue Entoloma & Namira’s Rot (Invisibility)
      (could substitute Nirnroot for Namira’s Rot)
    • Lady’s Smock & Namira’s Rot (Spell Critical)
      (could substitute Water Hyacinth for Namira’s Rot)

    The resulting shopping list
    • Blessed Thistle (5)
    • Columbine (3)
    • Dragonthorn (3)
    • Blue Entoloma (3)
    • Bugloss (3)
    • Corn Flower (3)
    • Emetic Russula (3)
    • Imp Stool (3)
    • Lady’s Smock (3)
    • Luminous Russula (4)
    • Mountain Flower (3)
    • Namira’s Rot (6) or (4)*
    • Nirnoot (4) or (5)*
    • Stinkhorn (4)
    • White Cap (3)
    • Violet Coprinus (3)
    • Water Hyacinth (4) or (5)*
    • Wormwood (6)
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Bnec
    [Snip] very useful

    [Bump Removed]
    Edited by ZOS_JohanaB on November 16, 2016 4:26PM
  • Royal_Kitsune
    [Snip] Bow thank you for the shopping list ;)

    [Bump Removed]
    Edited by ZOS_JohanaB on November 16, 2016 4:27PM
  • DannyLV702
    Sweeeeet. Very useful on new characters!
  • MissBizz
    Awesome! Have a character I need to do this on so considered recording it to make a quick youtube video. Do you mind? I plan on linking back to this thread in the description :)
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Thyco2501
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you for posting the guide! Unlocking reagent traits on my alts is going to be a breeze with it :) Got a question.
    Butterfly Thorax & Nirnroot (edited For patch changes)
    Did you mean Butterfly Wing or Torchbug Thorax in this combination? Or both?

    Edited by Thyco2501 on October 17, 2016 1:40PM
  • Royal_Kitsune
    MissBizz wrote: »
    Awesome! Have a character I need to do this on so considered recording it to make a quick youtube video. Do you mind? I plan on linking back to this thread in the description :)

    go ahead it was made to help people :P

    @Thyco2501 wing thanks for asking so i notice XD

  • ZOS_JohanaB
    Several bumps have been removed from this thread. It is fine if anyone would like to post their opinions of this list but bumping and only putting bump as a comment is not acceptable. Please be aware that bumping is strictly against the community rules.
    Staff Post
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Several bumps have been removed from this thread. It is fine if anyone would like to post their opinions of this list but bumping and only putting bump as a comment is not acceptable. Please be aware that bumping is strictly against the community rules.

    the last bumb was more a way for me to find the thread a little easier as i was about to do a update to it but thank you for informing me i was not aware/forgot about the no bump policy.

    Sorry :)
  • Nestor
    the last bumb was more a way for me to find the thread a little easier as i was about to do a update to it but thank you for informing me i was not aware/forgot about the no bump policy.

    Sorry :)

    If you go to your Profile, by clicking on your Avatar on top of the page right under the word Forums, you can then click on the list of Discussions. Those are the threads you have started. Unless your like me and have started more than 140 threads, it is pretty easy, or at least easier to find a thread you have started this way.

    You can also Bookmark a thread here by using the Star near your name. This will not bookmark it in your browser, but in your account here, so no matter how you log to the forums, you can find the thread. Come to think of it, Bookmarking might be better to do this with.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Royal_Kitsune
    ah thank you :)
  • Tevalaur
    Looks like they removed more than bumps as well. I got a note this thread had additional comments but my earlier comment that acted to pseudo-bookmark the thread without actually bookmarking it was removed... hmm... For those that find this thread and otherwise are unaware of the resource, there's also a guide to leveling alchemy and learning traits within Sunshine Daydream's Guide to Alchemy.
    Is Uncle John's band calling you? Do you daydream about Sugar Magnolias? Is your favorite sunflower a China Cat? Tired of Truckin' alone to Terrapin Station? If so, share some Space with other hippies & deadheads in the guild Sunshine Daydream! Send a message in game (PC-NA) to Kaibeth for your invitation.
  • Kyye
    Lol at the mod for snippin year old comments... Ot thanks for this list will check it out v soon
    XBL GT: CWB Hempire
    Bright moons guide your steps.
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Tevalaur wrote: »
    Looks like they removed more than bumps as well. I got a note this thread had additional comments but my earlier comment that acted to pseudo-bookmark the thread without actually bookmarking it was removed... hmm... For those that find this thread and otherwise are unaware of the resource, there's also a guide to leveling alchemy and learning traits within Sunshine Daydream's Guide to Alchemy.

    Ah thanks I couldent remeber I will quote this into the top info sheet for safekeeping to prevent its loss again :)
  • Royal_Kitsune
    Now Question... Anyone have anything they would like to see added to this list or even another topic?
  • nimo70
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the guide Royal_Kitsune. Think I did everything in the first 2 lists in post #2 (not in order, I'd done some before finding the list), but had to do three more to complete:

    Dragonthorn & Torchbug Thorax
    Lady's Smock & Beetle Scuttle
    Torchbug Thorax & Imp Stool
This discussion has been closed.