It is great that we have this feature. It might be greaty help to some, but as a visually impaired player myself and talking with some other in the rl group wee have, its basically making it harder to get exactly what aids we need to have this mode forced on certain UI model. We need open customization and more options, not being restricted to certain ui.
Like whaty i would like to have are just simple things.. The basic UI is actually the best, but just need better scaling options and movable UI elemnts. Need bigger mnouse cursor for example and thats actually one of the biggest issues, the mouse cursor for me.
I mean as i have blurred vision on parts of m6y somewhat working eye, i also need a good resolution to make everything as sharp as possible and this mmeans 4k at least. Those who play on 4k might know how small the mouse cursor actually gets and as i cant use that resolution because of the small cursor, i am forced to use 2k instead and even on that resolution, so much time and frustration comes from searching for a mouse cursor be itr in map or in ui. It bneeds to be really big
That cursor need to be tied to eityher system sewttings, so that Windows settings dictate how large the cursor is in the game or to have mouse cursor scaling in the options.
Some other options would be to have better crosshair or targeting reticle or targting reticle or whatever you wanna call it. A scaling option for that. I remember having an addon that did it for me, but its now outdated and does not work. Maybve there is anothjer i am not aware of, but if you want to implement accessibility options, you should beging with better options to scale ui elements bigger regardless what addons there are as these options should be built in.
Also great helps would be options to change how lightning or weather works client side, so that one could turn off night, darker weather like thunder or rqain. Options to increase base ambient lightning too.
If i speak to m,yself, it felt great to see accessibility options added, but that quickly turned to disappointment when i realised it forces the use of gamepad ui instead of actualy enabling better scaling options and options to keep using basic ui with enhanced options.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 23, 2023 5:00PM >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<