Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Accessibility - Why forced gamepad UI?

It is great that we have this feature. It might be greaty help to some, but as a visually impaired player myself and talking with some other in the rl group wee have, its basically making it harder to get exactly what aids we need to have this mode forced on certain UI model. We need open customization and more options, not being restricted to certain ui.

Like whaty i would like to have are just simple things.. The basic UI is actually the best, but just need better scaling options and movable UI elemnts. Need bigger mnouse cursor for example and thats actually one of the biggest issues, the mouse cursor for me.

I mean as i have blurred vision on parts of m6y somewhat working eye, i also need a good resolution to make everything as sharp as possible and this mmeans 4k at least. Those who play on 4k might know how small the mouse cursor actually gets and as i cant use that resolution because of the small cursor, i am forced to use 2k instead and even on that resolution, so much time and frustration comes from searching for a mouse cursor be itr in map or in ui. It bneeds to be really big

That cursor need to be tied to eityher system sewttings, so that Windows settings dictate how large the cursor is in the game or to have mouse cursor scaling in the options.

Some other options would be to have better crosshair or targeting reticle or targting reticle or whatever you wanna call it. A scaling option for that. I remember having an addon that did it for me, but its now outdated and does not work. Maybve there is anothjer i am not aware of, but if you want to implement accessibility options, you should beging with better options to scale ui elements bigger regardless what addons there are as these options should be built in.

Also great helps would be options to change how lightning or weather works client side, so that one could turn off night, darker weather like thunder or rqain. Options to increase base ambient lightning too.

If i speak to m,yself, it felt great to see accessibility options added, but that quickly turned to disappointment when i realised it forces the use of gamepad ui instead of actualy enabling better scaling options and options to keep using basic ui with enhanced options.
Edited by ZOS_Icy on September 23, 2023 5:00PM
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • CameraBeardThePirate
    I would love if ESO enabled simultaneous input (which is in part what youre asking for). I use a special keypad with an analogue stick but am forced to configure it to emulate WASD instead of actually being an analogue stick for the reasons you stated.

    The game won't allow you to use an analogue stick if you're in PC UI - you have to be in Auto or Gamepad. Beyond the clunky UI that Gamepad Mode enables, it completely changes certain controls like making the Quickslot wheel and Sprint toggles (seriously, why??).

    @ZOS_Kevin Can you pass along to the dev team that simultaneous input (i.e., allowing players to use both an analogue stick AND mouse without forcing control/ui changes) and a bit more customization of UI elements would be a huge win for accessibility? There's been a number of awesome accessibility changes and I think this would be a welcome addition for disabled players, players like me that prefer using custom peripherals for movement, and players like OP that have issues with the UI's readability.
    Edited by CameraBeardThePirate on September 21, 2023 3:21PM
  • belial5221_ESO
    I think some things like weather,night,etc might not be togglable for a reason.The game needs to keep an even playing field in PVP,so maybe adjustable in PVE only would be ok.On PC there are addons that can fix UI things,like Bandit and Combat Recticle.I'm sure there's others,but those are ones I know of.
  • katanagirl1
    I agree with OP about the targeting cursor/reticle.

    I require thick glasses in order to see clearly and I can’t see the darn thing when grouped in a trial and fighting. It’s tiny and it’s white, and gets lost in the shower of particle effects.

    Can we make it larger? Can we make it bright red? Something like that.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • Amottica
    As someone who was legally blind due to a brief health condition that thankfully was mostly corrected I can relate to what it is like to it is like to play with extremely limited vision. I had to play with a large monitor and be fairly close to it to be able to play.

    So I do agree with gaming companies needing to create some accessibility tools for players with some special needs, there are already options available for what is being discussed for the UI. Granted, it is not the base UI that OP seems to prefer but that is a lesser issue.

    As for the mouse, there is a mouse setting that puts a ring around the mouse and changes size from large to small when CTRL is pressed for a moment and then released. That is a free option to finding the mouse and should work find since we already know exactly where the mouse is when we are in combat.

    Another mouse option is YOLO Mouse. Since I have it for another game I used to play I tested it's use with ESO for the purpose of this post.

    IIRC, it is free to use, at least for a trial but there was a paid unlock that I chose. I mention this app as it is designed to work with games and ESO is a supported game. It works amazingly well as we can choose different pointers, sizes, and colors. With ESO, we can also customize the target reticle in the same manner.

    This is far superior to anything any gaming company would ever add to the game. For anyone who plays ESO and has a serious visual impairment, this is a must. Since it does nothing to help someone actually play the game other than make their pointer and target reticle more visible there would not be an issue to use.

  • katanagirl1
    Amottica wrote: »
    As someone who was legally blind due to a brief health condition that thankfully was mostly corrected I can relate to what it is like to it is like to play with extremely limited vision. I had to play with a large monitor and be fairly close to it to be able to play.

    So I do agree with gaming companies needing to create some accessibility tools for players with some special needs, there are already options available for what is being discussed for the UI. Granted, it is not the base UI that OP seems to prefer but that is a lesser issue.

    As for the mouse, there is a mouse setting that puts a ring around the mouse and changes size from large to small when CTRL is pressed for a moment and then released. That is a free option to finding the mouse and should work find since we already know exactly where the mouse is when we are in combat.

    Another mouse option is YOLO Mouse. Since I have it for another game I used to play I tested it's use with ESO for the purpose of this post.

    IIRC, it is free to use, at least for a trial but there was a paid unlock that I chose. I mention this app as it is designed to work with games and ESO is a supported game. It works amazingly well as we can choose different pointers, sizes, and colors. With ESO, we can also customize the target reticle in the same manner.

    This is far superior to anything any gaming company would ever add to the game. For anyone who plays ESO and has a serious visual impairment, this is a must. Since it does nothing to help someone actually play the game other than make their pointer and target reticle more visible there would not be an issue to use.

    There is no mouse or add-ons for console.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    As someone who was legally blind due to a brief health condition that thankfully was mostly corrected I can relate to what it is like to it is like to play with extremely limited vision. I had to play with a large monitor and be fairly close to it to be able to play.

    So I do agree with gaming companies needing to create some accessibility tools for players with some special needs, there are already options available for what is being discussed for the UI. Granted, it is not the base UI that OP seems to prefer but that is a lesser issue.

    As for the mouse, there is a mouse setting that puts a ring around the mouse and changes size from large to small when CTRL is pressed for a moment and then released. That is a free option to finding the mouse and should work find since we already know exactly where the mouse is when we are in combat.

    Another mouse option is YOLO Mouse. Since I have it for another game I used to play I tested it's use with ESO for the purpose of this post.

    IIRC, it is free to use, at least for a trial but there was a paid unlock that I chose. I mention this app as it is designed to work with games and ESO is a supported game. It works amazingly well as we can choose different pointers, sizes, and colors. With ESO, we can also customize the target reticle in the same manner.

    This is far superior to anything any gaming company would ever add to the game. For anyone who plays ESO and has a serious visual impairment, this is a must. Since it does nothing to help someone actually play the game other than make their pointer and target reticle more visible there would not be an issue to use.

    There is no mouse or add-ons for console.

    Of course, as that is obvious. However, OP is on PC and my comments are 100% relevant and accurate to their needs.

  • katanagirl1
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    As someone who was legally blind due to a brief health condition that thankfully was mostly corrected I can relate to what it is like to it is like to play with extremely limited vision. I had to play with a large monitor and be fairly close to it to be able to play.

    So I do agree with gaming companies needing to create some accessibility tools for players with some special needs, there are already options available for what is being discussed for the UI. Granted, it is not the base UI that OP seems to prefer but that is a lesser issue.

    As for the mouse, there is a mouse setting that puts a ring around the mouse and changes size from large to small when CTRL is pressed for a moment and then released. That is a free option to finding the mouse and should work find since we already know exactly where the mouse is when we are in combat.

    Another mouse option is YOLO Mouse. Since I have it for another game I used to play I tested it's use with ESO for the purpose of this post.

    IIRC, it is free to use, at least for a trial but there was a paid unlock that I chose. I mention this app as it is designed to work with games and ESO is a supported game. It works amazingly well as we can choose different pointers, sizes, and colors. With ESO, we can also customize the target reticle in the same manner.

    This is far superior to anything any gaming company would ever add to the game. For anyone who plays ESO and has a serious visual impairment, this is a must. Since it does nothing to help someone actually play the game other than make their pointer and target reticle more visible there would not be an issue to use.

    There is no mouse or add-ons for console.

    Of course, as that is obvious. However, OP is on PC and my comments are 100% relevant and accurate to their needs.

    True, but workarounds just like this tend to draw attention away from a very real need. Your comment might help OP but there are surely others who have the same problem but are not on PC.

    Add-ons are thought to be the single solution for every problem here. It’s like the old saying - if all you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.
    Khajiit Stamblade main
    Dark Elf Magsorc
    Redguard Stamina Dragonknight
    Orc Stamplar PVP
    Breton Magsorc PVP
    Dark Elf Magden
    Khajiit Stamblade
    Khajiit Stamina Arcanist

    PS5 NA
  • Amottica
    Amottica wrote: »
    Amottica wrote: »
    As someone who was legally blind due to a brief health condition that thankfully was mostly corrected I can relate to what it is like to it is like to play with extremely limited vision. I had to play with a large monitor and be fairly close to it to be able to play.

    So I do agree with gaming companies needing to create some accessibility tools for players with some special needs, there are already options available for what is being discussed for the UI. Granted, it is not the base UI that OP seems to prefer but that is a lesser issue.

    As for the mouse, there is a mouse setting that puts a ring around the mouse and changes size from large to small when CTRL is pressed for a moment and then released. That is a free option to finding the mouse and should work find since we already know exactly where the mouse is when we are in combat.

    Another mouse option is YOLO Mouse. Since I have it for another game I used to play I tested it's use with ESO for the purpose of this post.

    IIRC, it is free to use, at least for a trial but there was a paid unlock that I chose. I mention this app as it is designed to work with games and ESO is a supported game. It works amazingly well as we can choose different pointers, sizes, and colors. With ESO, we can also customize the target reticle in the same manner.

    This is far superior to anything any gaming company would ever add to the game. For anyone who plays ESO and has a serious visual impairment, this is a must. Since it does nothing to help someone actually play the game other than make their pointer and target reticle more visible there would not be an issue to use.

    There is no mouse or add-ons for console.

    Of course, as that is obvious. However, OP is on PC and my comments are 100% relevant and accurate to their needs.

    True, but workarounds just like this tend to draw attention away from a very real need. Your comment might help OP but there are surely others who have the same problem but are not on PC.

    Add-ons are thought to be the single solution for every problem here. It’s like the old saying - if all you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.

    I expect I am one of the few people who has palyed ESO legally blind I am very aware of what works. That was a challenge that is probably beyond what we are even speaking of here.

    I am also fully aware that consoles only have access to one solution I spoke of and that one solution is a necessity for everyone who is truly heavily vision impaired and Zenimax cannot provide that solution. It is in the hands of the person to solve that.

    Being able to adjust the UI is a nice QOL, but it is very much secondary to getting everything large enough to see to begin with. Doing that is what solved my ability to play and did not require any changes on the part of Zenimax or any addon.

    Again, I speak from real experience.

  • ZOS_Icy

    This thread has been moved to the Add-Ons & UI Mods section, as it is better suited there.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • Baertram
    @Amottica I had created an addon to help with Accessibility: FCO Accessibility

    It might be a help for you, providing sounds and text to speech for some enemies, compass pins, group members, etc.

    At the addon description you'll find other addons which, in combination, help too. For example WaypointIt.

    I also created unofficial patches for the addon settings menu LibAddonMenu-2.0 which supports text to speech for the settings menu. I can link it the version here later if you are interested.

    My visibly impaired player friend is using bot then and said it's a game changer for him. No more external tools needed that try to read onscreen text of ESO at fixed positions.

    He is often paying in a group with a friend who is able to see normal, so that's making it easier for him as my addons tells him where the group leader is and directs him towards his position etc.
    So it's nothing for pure solo play, but that's for sure something that is always hard in video games, if you got problems with the eyes :-(
    Edited by Baertram on September 23, 2023 6:54PM
  • Baertram
    @Tapio75 simple answer to your question: it's a technical decision.
    Gamepad ui uses other controls and technics, compared to keyboard ui.
    And the screen reader is not fully compatible with the current keyboard ui,at least not dynamically as the gamepad Ui got the features.
    As gamepad ui was added later its newer, more dynamically and supports such features.

    Keyboard ui though would need some extra love to keep it visually as it is but add such features. Or ZOs would have to manually add screen reader etc to "eachc single keyboard menu, one after another. And this would take too much time and money.
    Edited by Baertram on September 23, 2023 6:59PM
  • Amottica
    Baertram wrote: »
    @Amottica I had created an addon to help with Accessibility: FCO Accessibility

    It might be a help for you, providing sounds and text to speech for some enemies, compass pins, group members, etc.

    At the addon description you'll find other addons which, in combination, help too. For example WaypointIt.

    I also created unofficial patches for the addon settings menu LibAddonMenu-2.0 which supports text to speech for the settings menu. I can link it the version here later if you are interested.

    My visibly impaired player friend is using bot then and said it's a game changer for him. No more external tools needed that try to read onscreen text of ESO at fixed positions.

    He is often paying in a group with a friend who is able to see normal, so that's making it easier for him as my addons tells him where the group leader is and directs him towards his position etc.
    So it's nothing for pure solo play, but that's for sure something that is always hard in video games, if you got problems with the eyes :-(

    Thx. My issue was due to a quick onset of an issue that was rectified. While it took some scary months to go through the process of diagnosis to the surgeries, I have full vision now. I was just sharing things I found to help as I had to adjust for that period of time and I doubt many have played ESO with as little vision as I had before the surgeries.

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