Hello all!
The reason for this question really boils down to inventory space. You see, I don't have time to run alts. I'm playing as a Sorcerer (mostly dps) who wears 5 Light Armor and 2 Heavy Armor with a Destruction Staff. I'm trying to do Provisioning, Enchanting, Woodworking, Clothing and Blacksmithing in order to keep myself in appropriately leveled gear. The problem is that my backpack and inventory is maxed, mostly with crafting materials. I set up a packmule character that I can mail excess inventory to, but it's just becoming so tedious! What I want to do is cut back on these crafting skills. As you look this over, what do you think I could skip?
Is provisioning really that useful in the long run? Is Enchanting worth the effort?
Please advise!