It's Craft Day! Again...

Hello all!

The reason for this question really boils down to inventory space. You see, I don't have time to run alts. I'm playing as a Sorcerer (mostly dps) who wears 5 Light Armor and 2 Heavy Armor with a Destruction Staff. I'm trying to do Provisioning, Enchanting, Woodworking, Clothing and Blacksmithing in order to keep myself in appropriately leveled gear. The problem is that my backpack and inventory is maxed, mostly with crafting materials. I set up a packmule character that I can mail excess inventory to, but it's just becoming so tedious! What I want to do is cut back on these crafting skills. As you look this over, what do you think I could skip?

Is provisioning really that useful in the long run? Is Enchanting worth the effort?

Please advise!
  • Khandi
    Provisioning is easy to level up. I found that the increased magika I get from the soup recipes is very worth it.

    Oddly though I haven't found any new recipes yet at level 35ish in Alik’r Desert. I don't know if it's just my bad luck or what :(
    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • dolmen

    Is provisioning really that useful in the long run? Is Enchanting worth the effort?

    Please advise!

    I ask that about Enchanting every time I load her and extract/create the days collection of runes/enchantments. I have yet to decide for myself if the rewards are worth the effort and continued bank space. Normally I just buy the best enchantments I can for any new armor/weapons I make. But... I did once make are really nice enchantment for a piece of jewelry and I am still wearing it.

    In the mean time I have to ask, like many others have, just what is it with this tiny bit of xp I get on Enchantment for extraction/creation?

    Right now my Provision character is just collecting and learning recipes or selling them as other characters collect them. No one is collecting food. My Provision character is stuck on newbie island because I don't have time to play her. I'm avoiding the bag glut of collecting any food mats for now.

    So far, I've been able to get by on drops of food and drinks on my main character.
    The Sidekick Order
  • Eats-the-Cheddar
    Edited by Eats-the-Cheddar on May 7, 2014 5:52PM
  • fenweeneb18_ESO

    Warning Wall of text Incoming ;)

    As someone who does all the craft on one character , here is what i do it's a 10mins log-in/off everyday but pretty effective:

    -Create 1 Alt bank each time you need it.. if you play only one character it's not a problem, for example here is my set up:
    -1Alt for BS/enchanting
    -1 Alt for Clothing/Armor-weapon Trait
    -1 Alt for Woodworking/Alchemy
    -1 Alt for Provisionning
    -1 Alt as a Research bank: On this one i keep equipement that i will use to research later. I am mostly researching light armor but in some time i'll be done with it and can move on the medium ones that i keep on this guy
    -1 Alt as a Misc bank where i keep Cosmetics, Motif and just general stuff i want to keep.

    This leaves you with 1 Character slot to use as you wish.

    Now how to play with all this so it doesn't become a chore, easy park them all at the banker (skip the tutorial) and use this wonderful add-on:

    Set it up so that you Main character deposit every crafting component, and each Alt to only take what they were designed for.. it's a matter of ten clicks to set it up.

    After that you just connect you alts as needed, the add on transfer everything in mere seconds and you can log off.

    As you increase your bank/bag space the whole process becomes trivial. I understand not everyone want to log in and out 7 times , but that takes me about 10 min and my Main is running around with a nice 25/140 inventory when i go to quest.

    As for the crafts, they all look somewhat useful.. Improving gear quality is great, Food is awesome, Enchanting looks good though i haven't raised it enough to judge, Alchemy is pretty cool but feels like a luxury and requires quite a bit of gathering.
  • Ravawynn
    For the question of the first comment:

    I had the same problem.

    Then i made 2 alts just for inventory space. One alt holds runes and the other has alchemy stuff, random questreward stuff i dont want to delete and crafting stuff i want to hold for max rank or use very little.

    I just level atm enchanting by dissing the runes i loot. It takes FOREVER, but i keep on it. Sometimes when i have enough spared time i put the stuff from the bank on my char, and put the enchanting stuff in the bank and enchant the "classic" way to get very little lvl up. But i guess i did this since release 2 times or so.

    Provisioning i was 50 when i was about lvl 35, and since that i took it on ice. The stuff you cook is worth if you want to take out everything of your charakter, but atm i dont have enough space to keep all the stuff. I COULD make a 3rd alt for cooking stuff, but atm i dont bother about it. So when you hit 50 you CAN skip it and wait for it when you have more money to max the inventory of your alts to 110. Or you just make a 3rd alt.
    And you also find here and there food and drinks in the world you can use. They are far not that great you can cook, but they also help a little.

    So when i quest and play and see my inventory is full, i diss everythink i want to diss, and put every mat (except cooking mats, those i sell or delete in shop) in my bank. When the day is done or my bank happens to be overloaded, i relog 2 times, take the stuff on my alts and keep on playing or quit. This takes about 2 Minutes. It is in my opinion the best method to keep stuff, keep my inventory empty (only 4 slots are taken when i made the stuff just said) and dont have trouble with bank slots (about 70/110 is used when all stuff are on my alts).

    So you can do every "job" in this game and dont have to skip it for later. Its just about which alt has what, dont mix stuff to not confuse yourself. Better make one alt for one crafting skill materials.

    I hope i could help you a little bit.

    For the question of the comment above me:

    You can craft in EVERY STYLE as long as you have learnd the motif. These are the blue books some ppl sell or you find in chests etc... So you can use then every bone, obsidian you find, and this helps you to safe money, since you dont have to check for the same style material. When you can the motifs 1-9, you should never be out of style materials as long as you keep them and not sell them.

    Edited by Ravawynn on May 7, 2014 6:08PM
  • evildemonic
    Soul Shriven
    I'm also 35 and in Alik'r Desert...haven't found a single recipe for this tier yet! I loot EVERYTHING.
    Khandi wrote: »
    Provisioning is easy to level up. I found that the increased magika I get from the soup recipes is very worth it.

    Oddly though I haven't found any new recipes yet at level 35ish in Alik’r Desert. I don't know if it's just my bad luck or what :(

  • Khandi
    I'm also 35 and in Alik'r Desert...haven't found a single recipe for this tier yet! I loot EVERYTHING.

    That's great! LOL....JK.....I'm happy to know it's not just me :)

    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • Ravawynn
    Yeah, i am now 49 and have found 4 of them, 2x nord (i am a nord....) so i could just sell them. It was always a feeling like i would find a legendary. :)
    Just keep on praying to Zenithar to be faster rich. :)
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