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Why is the necromancer class set glow purple?

Shouldn't it be blue? The purple visual effect seems out of place and something that belongs on sorcerer.

Nightblade class set visual is red, templars is yellow, etc.

Also, buff necromancer
  • Panderbander
    Shouldn't it be blue? The purple visual effect seems out of place and something that belongs on sorcerer.

    Nightblade class set visual is red, templars is yellow, etc.

    Also, buff necromancer

    Did you mean "Buff DK"? Okay!
    Leader of Lycan Syndicate, PC NA's tri-faction werewolf guild.~~~Played since the beta, got the monkey.~~~"The blood of the pack is now yours. They are your only family, your only allegiance!"
  • Soarora
    I think it’s because of the soul gems on the armor? But yeah, can’t even argue that it’s because warden is blue because uh… sorcs. Maybe their next set will be blue?
    PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
    • CP 2000+
    • Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
    • Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
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    • All Veterans completed!

      View my builds!
  • RagnarSw
    Graven Deep had given colors awhile ago and DK was orange, Templar yellow, Sorc blue, NB red, Warden green and Necro purple. So it is pretty much the official colors.
    Edited by RagnarSw on September 20, 2023 9:54PM
  • Rageypoo
    Sorc makes so much sense being blue over purple.

    What I don't understand is why they made Arcanists skill sets green when we already had a warden.
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