I'm all for content both at low level and end game.
I can see the design team aim at end game content because what ever they add in will be a destination for any and all players at or below its V10 (or whatever lvl) rank.
If the Dev team were to invest time into a new region that hosted content for lvl 25-30 players, awesome.... but they'd cut out a good section of the player base and that decision would be made by the Dev team ( you can imagine the forums rage.....), where as not ever seeing added in/expansion Endgame content because you do not plan to ever get to endgame is your choice (much less of a public outcry lol).
I think it would be cool if they made some new regions that scaled so no matter what level, everyone could go take a look and enjoy the new region. If you ran the new region at lvl 20...you could maybe reset it and run it again at 30, 50, V6, V10..or set it up so it resets via a game mechanic like once at lvl 30 and once at V10...
Yes the random Tavern/Inn with repeatable slash-n-bash quests would be a fun go to from time to time.
I dunno, I really don't want anyone no matter the level to be cut out of the games content in anyway shape or form, maybe they'll implement some forms of scaling/instancing in the future.