It is a bit much, but far from the most OP skill out there. I kinda miss it when Overload had a third bar, that was awesome.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »Overload doesn't desync any more or any less than any other skill in the game. To claim otherwise is pretty silly. Also Overload travels so slowly that you can quite literally outrun it.
MagSorc's toolkit is barely functional compared to most other classes. If you have all your proper buffs rolling, and with the proper skill, you should be able to shrug it off no problem. One suggestion is to integrate more rolling into your defenses, it is highly effective at avoiding sorc bursts.
HidesInPlainSight wrote: »Against a proper Overload desync build you can't roll away, because they streak, and all the damage registers at point of stun, then you watch as all the animations finish on your dead body.
That's not desync, that's lining up a burst. Overload has travel time. At a precise distance, you can cast overload and then streak with timing such that the overload hits right after, and cast another overload light attack right on top of the target so they land at the same time. It's a slow moving skill and you really have to streak an enemy or be right on top of them to hit most of the time (assuming that enemy is experienced enough to dodge). Note that overload is applied to light attacks, not a skill so you cast it in the same GCD as a skill (in this case, streak).
If you're dying to that combo on its' own and not as an execute, you need to build more tanky for PvP. A nightblade will be able to take you down far quicker and easier with much less warning. Pariah is a good set if you're just starting out.
HidesInPlainSight wrote: »
Again, it is desync, not lag, not burst damage. It is intentionally activating Overload in a manner to cause a desync between their client, the server, and the opponents client.
The majority of time you experience it with Overload, its not Overload that is actually killing you, but other skills activated at the same time as Overload to desync clients, like eating 8 Dizzy Swings in 1 GCD. Overload is the just means to desync the client, not necessary the actual damage received.
There are plenty of skills in the game that can be abused, and are abused to create desync on demand. A very simple desync that small scale groups do, is activating AoE or CC skills from stealth via crouch or potting and dumping at the same time. That causes the servers extra stress and desyncs opponents clients, so all they see is a death screen with the skills going off after you are already dead. If you want to experience desync consistently fight more DK's, they have had numerous desyncs that have been around for years. They currently have a fairly major positional desync on Petrify, Chains to Petrify, and Leap.
I am not new to pvp, Ive won Legends Dueling Tournaments, Ive won them on a under 300 cp account as a meme, and my personal builds have been the reason game mechanics have been changed multiple times over the years. From permanent immobilize from frost staff in Morrowind, Befoul overhaul, Merciless Charge meta, bowsorcs, and more are all my personal builds leaked from the dueling community.
Every skill/ultimate in the game seems to have desync capability recently. Seems like ever since Scribes of fate patch, the desync has gotten 100x worse than it has ever been. I've been desynced by too many Dragon leaps this patch from players I've literally never seen on my screen.
seventh_daydreamer wrote: »Zerglings making a post .0001 seconds after getting killed by a decent player :
Proofs plox?
It sure would be, IF it had substantial proof of it. Otherwise I can't just accept this at face value, cause to me it sounds like he just died to a sorc 1 too many times.
HidesInPlainSight wrote: »The majority of time you experience it with Overload, its not Overload that is actually killing you, but other skills activated at the same time as Overload to desync clients, like eating 8 Dizzy Swings in 1 GCD. Overload is the just means to desync the client, not necessary the actual damage received.
HidesInPlainSight wrote: »
The last build I shared with few friends in the dueling community, prior to the Hrothgar / Dark Convergence update. We released the Hrothgar builds after the update, because they pushed the patch live without disabling the set due to the bugs. I took about a year and a half break few months after.
acastanza_ESO wrote: »If you're going to make these claims, you're going to need to provide evidence. Sorc's offensive toolkit is designed to build a delayed burst. Lining up several skills with countdowns and travel times to deal their damage simultaneously is just literally how the class works, Its not desync.
They would be banned for naming and shaming. You cannot post proof here without using a program to blur out the names. [snip]
acastanza_ESO wrote: »
Nonsense. You absolutely can show evidence of desync occurring in a reasonable video recording. Blurring names is trivial, and its also totally reasonable to show combat bugs in the context of an intentional duel. To call it inherently baiting to ask for proof is absolutely ridiculous.
[edited to remove quote]