Active Dutch guild?

I'm looking for a active dutch guild. Im playing eso since launch first on ps4 but the last year on pc. Ive been playing pvp and pve.

Ik zou graag een guild joinen. Zijn er nog Nederlanders actief ?

  • fearsnoshadows
    Soul Shriven
    Hoi, je kan opzoek naar Dutch Guardian Angels. Heel fijne NL guild op de Europese pc server. Veel hulp en genoeg events voor iedereen zijn manier van spelen
  • Tinus_92
    I'll send you the discord links of 3 larger individual dutch guilds in PM
    Ingame ID: @Suni_92
  • green_grapebird
    Hello Tinus_92,

    Is it possible to sent me those links too?
    I'm also dutch but so far unable to find the right guild for playing (dungeons/bosses) tried 6 or 7 guilds, everyone is running and killing like mad in the dungeon but there is no time to loot or explore, i got kicked out last week because i fell 10sec behind.
    why run at max speed to sometimes beautifull dungeons and not loot everything?
    That's how I like to play, but it's my first mmorpg and i'm 46 so maybe i expect to much, but my gameplay now is avoiding dungeons and just playing overland, avoiding bosses too, cause I can't handle these on my own.
    got killed in 1 shot the last time.
    and I'm level 50 cp 600

    Thanks in advance,
    Marcel Steentjes
    I'm a dutchie, an introvert person, but I do like to get in contact ingame, just are quickly overwhelmed when too many people are asking or saying things at once.I'm a very sensitive en emphatic person. Eso is my first mmorpg.I used to play only single player like the witcher series, skyrim, assassin's creed, tombraider and such.but after 5 skyrim playthroughs and a successor years away I thought to give Eso a try.You can always message me, I don't always respond very quick, but DO respond when I see I have a message, I'm just not that active on the forum or discord, only when playing with others.
  • Kieft91
    Soul Shriven
    Hebben jullie een leuke NL guild gevonden? Ik denk erover om op PC te beginnen na een aantal jaar terug het op ps4 gespeeld te hebben. Discord: Kieft#3721
  • Aelorin
    i ll sent a pm through discord
    And so the Elder Scrolls foretold.You will be shy, and I will be bold.
  • Calastir
    Het Lotgenootschap

    Is mijn favoriet. Een zeer actief gilde met een mix van Belgen en Nederlanders, altijd behulpzaam en vriendelijk met humor.

    (translation: Is my favorite. A very active guild with a mix of Belgians and Dutch, always ready to help and friendly with humor.)
    Chaszmyr Do'Benrae (Dunmer Magsorc Vampire Infinity) ~ Dusk Doublespeak (Breton Magplar Werewolf) ~ Stan of Rimari (Nord Dragonknight Tank) ~ Bunto Kim Alhambra (Redguard Magplar Paladin) ~ Alicyankali (Argonian Magicka Necromancer Draugr Kin) ~ Gruuman Odinfan (Orsimer Magplar) ~ Boymans van Beuningen (Khajiit Stam Warden Bowzerker) ~ Flannelflail (Imperial Stamina Nightblade Brawler PVP) ~ Calastir (Altmer Stamina Dragonknight) ~ Sallystir (Bosmer Stam Warden Frostbite PVP) ~ Zalastir (Altmer Magicka Warden Ice Storm) ~ Capt Peach (Nord Stamcanist Crux Cannon) ~ PC EU ~ Flynt Westwood (Bosmer Magicka Dragonknight) ~ Chandu the Conjurer (Redguard Magcanist Rune Walker) ~ PC NA ~ since May 26th, 2021.
  • Armanie
    Calastir wrote: »
    Het Lotgenootschap

    Where's your guild trader? TTC says "TraderLocationundefined"
  • Calastir
    We used to have a guild trader in The Brass Fortress in Clockwork City earlier this year, but currently none hired.
    Chaszmyr Do'Benrae (Dunmer Magsorc Vampire Infinity) ~ Dusk Doublespeak (Breton Magplar Werewolf) ~ Stan of Rimari (Nord Dragonknight Tank) ~ Bunto Kim Alhambra (Redguard Magplar Paladin) ~ Alicyankali (Argonian Magicka Necromancer Draugr Kin) ~ Gruuman Odinfan (Orsimer Magplar) ~ Boymans van Beuningen (Khajiit Stam Warden Bowzerker) ~ Flannelflail (Imperial Stamina Nightblade Brawler PVP) ~ Calastir (Altmer Stamina Dragonknight) ~ Sallystir (Bosmer Stam Warden Frostbite PVP) ~ Zalastir (Altmer Magicka Warden Ice Storm) ~ Capt Peach (Nord Stamcanist Crux Cannon) ~ PC EU ~ Flynt Westwood (Bosmer Magicka Dragonknight) ~ Chandu the Conjurer (Redguard Magcanist Rune Walker) ~ PC NA ~ since May 26th, 2021.
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