Your are right. Hope it will be enough.
I think good pvp player will manage to use it with efficiency, but average player won't.
Keep in mind you need to use your burst combo with for hard hitting with this ability. That's mean stay on offensive 6 seconds and it can feel like forever sometimes.
While every other class has "free condition" big delay burst ability(shalk, squeleton,curse,deep breath), templar is the only one with this condition. Nb has a condition with 5 light attack wich is easier and the base damage tooltip hit so much more.
But thank zos anyway. Better than nothing 😊
Nb has a condition with 5 light attack wich is easier and the base damage tooltip hit so much more.
Nb has a condition with 5 light attack wich is easier and the base damage tooltip hit so much more.
you're not allowed to say something so false man. first of all, landing 5attacks may take more time than you think AND it is not a delayed burst, it's an half-instant skill (0.4 sec delay + travel time) that can be dodged.
you can say things, but please, not that. you almost broke my heart.
anyway it's fun that you temps got one of your skill fixed horrific days coming to me as a nb but yeah, nvm.
What could be even more of fun would be to have backlash to stack until you hit some kind of a dmg treshold that makes it proc when reaching full dmg. with tons of calculations it could tke around 4/5sec of full dmg to reach in pvp and more in pve if you keep the 60% dmg needed but turn it into 30% dmg needed in pvp so that you dont spam it every 3sec in pve.
Add a time limit of 10sec for a lower proc and that'd be it..
So if I understand the post by ZoS, they are basically saying backlash was hitting for so little because of the low contribution % and then battle spirit making it impossible to ramp up the final hit?
Are we absolutely sure that the final hit isn’t being taxed again by battle spirit? Because that feels like what has been happening…