I personally went with a SnS Argonian DK as a Tank and love it. I am dipping into several class trees and Armor types right now I have a mix of light/medium and heavy armor.
The comments I have r not to do with holding aggro on everything as 1 of the healers that have mentioned in this topic, it is more about controlled pulls.
I realize that us tanks r not supposed to have aggro on everything as I, and my group have found out in the beta when I decided to go on a taunt fest every pull spamming out my stamina I needed to block with, only to *** everything off, and get drilled down, only to have my wife who was the healer look at me, and say u just got 1 shotted there was nothing I could do. ( Which of course from any seasoned tanks perspective is a REALLY honest mistake to make, and a nice 1 for that matter as it is nice to have new mechanics to tanking, as it gets old doin the same old stuff all the time.)
But all that aside I promise u healers that I tank from a very responsible perspective as my main healer in half the dungeons I play is sitting close to me healing, and is also my wife of which I care not to *** off with careless, brute, crap for brains, tactics.
So with all that said, the topic isnt about keeping aggro on all things. It is about, however the classes that allow for better control, which inherently make for better, less hectic trash pulls, which is 80% of a dungeon, or more, and those classes at this point r undoubtedly the dragonknight, and sorc due to there mass group cc.
And my issue with the other classes in the game is why do they not also have some sort of mass group cc to help add to a less hectic pull so that the viability of the other classes ie nightblade, and templar that dont have that mass group cc, may b just as functional as the classes that do.
But at this point in the game, it would.....I think, be foolish, and some what punishing, not only to yourself, but to the rest of the group to play any other class as a tank then a dragonknight, or sorc, which in its self goes against the philosophy of the game which is to play any class as any role.
Sure u can but exactly how viable is it skill aside.