2 months without ticket result, asking in behalf of guildmate

Hello, 26th January my guildmate was banned (ticket 230125-004677) with reason

"This account was caught cheating and has been temporarily suspended pending investigation. Please be patient as these types of investigations can take several days or even weeks as we sort through all the data."

he waited patiently and then asked again about results, in a month (ticket 230301-002134) but received the same copypasted answer like in first ticket
he again answered to the ticket but received answer
"Please be advised that you have contacted an unmonitored email inbox. Bethesda Support will NOT review this inquiry and no replies will be sent."
(ticket 230320-002243)

so since he cannot post on the forum, and cannot contact Zenimax support either, i am asking in behalf of him, can someone check whats going on? and what is the eta of investigation? because several weeks it is not several months
Edited by ZOS_Bill on March 22, 2023 12:55PM
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