Classes should be able to do any role and duty, but have an identity and a fundamental way of playing, and this doesn't mean that the power budget of their abilities shouldn't be adjusted.
Templar plays like an oppressive brawler, either melee or ranged, able to support the team, from a housing perspective. This feels mostly correct, as a templar main over the years.
But over time and especially recently, their power budget seems either insufficient or in the wrong direction. Below i will list all their abilities, and try to explain why and how and if they're bad.
As a general rule class abilities have a specific amount of power, passives not included, mitigation abilities (heal or absorb) and cc abilities (stun, fear) have less total power budget, will only discuss morphs since base is not used unmorphed anyway. Tooltips, costs, durations, etc, are taken as general from
ESO-hub when comparing with other abilities, tldr at end.
1.0a. crescent sweep - damage, aoe
since it comes with a condition like having enemies "in your path" (whatever this means, better tooltip description needed) it should have this damage extra as default to reach proper power budget.
1.0b. everlasting sweep - damage, aoe
this one has good damage potential with extra duration, but with so low cost user could overlap the effect, cost and damage should be increased to make better use of the increased duration.
1.1a. biting jabs - damage, aoe, slow, buff
the damage has been too much lowered. Three hits are better, four was too cluttery and two would be too few, but damage should have been compensated for this, it should be put back.
the major sorcery buff makes no sense on this ability, should have another better effect.
1.1b. puncturing sweep - damage, aoe, slow, mitigation
as above said, damage should be put back to compensate lost hit. And since it heals it should drop the slow, in which case should heal for more.
1.2a. aurora javelin - damage, cc
ignoring resistances, and potential damage for being at longer range. Both these effects are not full power as they have conditions, you already have some pen and targets may not have much armor left after pen to benefit from the effect. This ability however is the best ranged cc being unblockable knockback, it almost needs a nerf, even though it could use better effects or another one added, it should remain as it is for now.
1.2b. binding javelin - damage, cc
could use better effect or another one added, the longer cc duration is irrelevant for any content and under any relevant circumstances.
1.3a. explosive charge - damage, movement, aoe, potential cc
this one should at least guarantee off balance on your target (still by target cooldown ofcourse), and only aoe damage the others. Still continue to stun any casting enemy in radius, but if target is not casting it should at least set off balance the main target not aoe, and drop the extra damage from morph for this.
1.3b. toppling charge - damage, movement, cc
this one could use either a cost reduction or a small increase in damage
1.4a. blazing spear - damage, aoe, synergy
the synergy is inferior to undaunted orb as it affects just one target, and spamming spear in a group to give it to everyone is unrealistic.
1.4b. luminous shards - damage, aoe, synergy, utility
this one could use something added or buffed, the "double" synergy counting as both resources is not a valid reason to have a full unit, and the utility of reduced cost is not enough.
1.5a. blazing shield - mitigation, aoe, damage, utility
the numbers should be raised a bit, the amount of absorb is lower than other abilities and damage is not threatening.
1.5b. radiant ward - mitigation, aoe, damage, utility
as above said, numbers should be raised a bit, should drop the damage and the cost reduction and instead just have it grant more absorb.
2.0a. solar disturbance - damage, aoe, debuff, utility, synergy
looks good on paper having many effects, but numbers should be raised a bit. Major Maim is not as strong, cost is high enough for the smaller damage to not have the utility of reduced cost worth it. The utility of lowered cost should be removed and increased the damage instead, and either duration of debuff increased or added one more debuff.
2.0b. solar prison - damage, aoe, debuff, synergy
should have better debuff if not one more added, synergy should be the same for both morphs.
2.1a. reflective light - damage, potential aoe, buff, slow
should be an actual aoe spell at the cost of reduced range.
2.1b. vampire's bane - damage, buff
this one is missing power, should have something added. Also should have more upfront damage.
2.2a. dark flare - damage, debuff, buff
this one is missing power, should have something added. Also the buffs and debuffs are insufficient considering the spell is slow and interruptible since it has a cast time.
2.2b. solar barrage - damage, aoe, buff
this one is missing power, should have something added. Not only that but the buff is too niche and hence insufficient.
2.3a. power of the light - damage, debuff
this one is missing power, should have something added. Also it has the negative of just one target active at a time, maybe should compensate with a unique penetration buff instead of the named one.
2.3b. purifying light - damage, potential mitigation, potential aoe
it has the negative of just one target active at a time but understandable because you don't want the healing aoe stacking up, but should compensate with something here too since that healing aoe also has the negative of control since it depends on the enemy and may not even target anyone.
2.4a. living dark - mitigation, aoe, slow
healing is "potential" but amount is high enough to compensate, it could have it once per second to tick and also get a minor buff, otherwise should remain as it is with maybe the utility of a reduced cost, or get slowing aoe rather than only the attacker.
2.4b. unstable core - damage, aoe, cc
since it has the negative of just one target active at a time, could benefit of an increased damage or radius.
2.5a. radiant glory - damage, potential mitigation
the healing is very small, understandable for an execute ability, could use some other effect but it is fine for now.
2.5b. radiant oppression - damage
good ability overall, it almost needs a nerf, but is fine as it is and should remain as it is for now.
3.0a. practiced incantation - mitigation, aoe, utility
numbers should be raised a bit, the utility of moving and being immune to cc are not enough for an ultimate, could use one more effect.
3.0b. remembrance - mitigation, aoe, buff, utility
numbers should be raised a bit, could use one more effect, major protection buff currently has a value that should be worth a longer duration.
3.1a. breath of life - mitigation
it doesn't have any effect or utility, should drop the reduced healing on another target and fully heal two targets.
3.1b. honor the dead - mitigation, utility
considering that you can heal other players, and hence casting the ability more often than once 6 seconds, the utility should be increased, rather than 18% x3 in 6 seconds it should be 27% x2 in 4 seconds.
3.2a. hasty prayer - mitigation, buff, aoe
comparing with other abilities, this has less heal, bigger cost, and fewer buffs. Should have increased radius, and either cost reduced or healing amount increased.
3.2b. ritual of rebirth - mitigation, utility, aoe
as above said, should have increased radius, and either cost reduced or healing amount increased.
3.3a. radiant aura - utility, aoe
even since base ability it should grant the major buffs to the user while slotted, and this morph could use one more effect since the minor recovery buffs are insufficient.
3.3b. repentance - potential mitigation, utility
as said above, even since base ability it should grant the major buffs to the user while slotted. And insignificantly, change the "consume corpses" phrasing.
3.4a. extended ritual - mitigation, aoe
the synergy should be usable by the caster.
3.4b. ritual of retribution - damage, aoe
maybe could use another effect instead of self cleanse two debuffs once, also could use the aoe slow.
3.5a. channeled focus - mitigation, utility
could use a slightly bigger radius
3.5b. restoring focus - mitigation, utility
as above said, could use a slightly bigger radius
Obviously i may have some things got wrong so do correct me. They rarely consider suggestions, so rather let's pinpoint the problem properly. Kevin, not tagging, recommended (or something like this) a more insightful approach over the templar class kit. But first what do you think over these observations? remember to characterize everything from an objective point of view, to avoid bias or specific niche scenarios.
tldr: templar is missing a bit of damage and most of the abilities are lackluster in healing and utility. Help by objectively pinpointing what is wrong.