Lydawobbles wrote: »Will we get more character slots? Or do we have to delete a character to be able to be an Arcanist?
Lydawobbles wrote: »Will we get more character slots? Or do we have to delete a character to be able to be an Arcanist?
Lydawobbles wrote: »Will we get more character slots? Or do we have to delete a character to be able to be an Arcanist?
free character slot with chapter purchase
free character slot with chapter purchase
Holycannoli wrote: »
This is the #1 issue right now. We need two more slots or this new class isn't worth it. An awful lot of players have all slots used and will not be willing to delete characters, and shouldn't have to.
Seraphayel wrote: »
Not coming and not something they’re working on supposedly.
Araneae6537 wrote: »Necrom and Apocrypha look awesome! I hope we’ll be getting some properties there — I could be HM’s librarian!
The stream cut out for me during the discussion of the new Arcanist class and it took me a while to get it started again. Are we getting additional character slots with the addition of a new class? And what are the details on the new companions?
Araneae6537 wrote: »
Just as well — that’s not something that would attract new players nor returning, really. And as has been gone into at length in other threads, to really make it engaging, you’d have to rework enemy combat AI, not just boost HP or damage, and that sounds like it would be a LOT of work! I’m not against types or areas of more challenging foes, but I can understand why that would not be a priority or even on the table really.
Why is this the Telvanni Peninsula though? There is nothing Telvanni, nor Peninsular, about this region.Spoiler
This is an Indoril/Temple region in lore, the Telvanni Peninsula is the bit to the north of where this zone ends.
If we're naming this region [House] [Geography] it would be Indoril Highlands.
Even noticed they made a new fancy map of the game world that's still not the fixed Lore accurate one made by a player. I kinda got interested when someone here suggested we may be going to Blacklight.