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Suggestions for Zenimax as regards PvP

I think by now everyone knows that balancing the Vampiric abilities and passives insofar as how they work in Cyrodiil needs to be top priority. There are, however, other issues that need looking at:

1. Guesting/Switching Campaigns. I'm putting these two in the same category because they are leading to similar problems, namely the zerg-fest where a large group guests on a campaign, rolls the map, and then promptly vanishes. I know you've got a fix coming for the campaign switching by making the price tag higher, and the sooner you do this, the better. But that's not going to stop the guesting issue. I can see a couple of ways of dealing with the guesting issue: 1) guesting should also have a price tag (albeit I don't believe it needs to be as expensive as actually switching campaigns) or 2) put a hard cap on the number of guesters that can be in a campaign at any given time and base that hard cap on the total population in the campaign - thus, guesters logged in should never outnumber those for whom the campaign is their home (so if there are 20 Dominion players logged into a particular home campaign, then the number of Dominion guesters can not be more than 20, etc.)

2. The Emperorship. I cannot believe you intended the Emperorship to be farmed. This has got to stop. A very quick and easy solution to this is to simply make the past-Emperor bonuses ONLY viable in the campaign in which the player achieved Emperor status. This one simple fix would solve the "temp switching campaigns to earn Emperor so you can have the past-Emperor bonuses and then leaving" problem we've got right now. Thus, if someone became Emperor in Auriel's Bow, the only time they receive the bonuses is when their home campaign is Auriel's Bow AND only when they are logged into Auriel's Bow and playing.

3. Home Territory Bonuses. Right now, there simply aren't enough benefits for players to want to hold onto their home territory (I'm not talking about the entire map here; rather, specifically referring to each factions "home" territory on the map). The solitary bonus for holding all keeps just isn't cutting it. I suggest that each faction's players should receive bonuses when fighting in their own territory and for holding onto the keeps and resources in that territory. Note that these would exist in addition to the bonuses already in existence.

First, add in some bonuses that are present when a player is somewhere within the boundaries of their character's faction's territory - simple offense and defense bonuses should be fairly easy to implement. The minute the player goes into enemy territory, those bonuses vanish. Some of these bonuses could be tied to how many resources and keeps the faction is holding in their home territory, and some bonuses I think should be independent of that (meaning that even if a faction has lost control of their territory, they should still have some bonus for being in that territory)

Second, give additional bonuses to players who are inside one of their faction's keep's territory. So perhaps the home territory offense/defense bonus is simply an extra 2-3 percentage points on top of whatever the current home territory bonus is when fighting anywhere on the walls or inside keep territory.

Third, these bonuses should increase the longer a faction holds onto its territory (up to a set max, of course). So, as a quick example, A Covenant character has a flat 5% bonus to offense/defense any time they are in the Covenant's home territory. If they control all of the keeps and resources in the territory, then perhaps they have an additional 5% (and this percentage could fluctuate based on how much of the territory is in the faction's hands - lose one keep, and perhaps you lose 1% of the bonus). This gives them a potential 10% bonus for being in home territory and controlling said territory. Then, if they are fighting on the walls of their keep, perhaps they get an additional 3% on top of whatever other home territory bonuses are currently in place. Thus, a potential 13% if the faction holds all of its territory, or a minimum of 8% if they hold none of their territory.

The idea is to encourage players to push harder to defend their home territory - and provide real, tangible benefits to doing so.

4. Siege Weapons and NPCs. First, please stop having siege weapons degrade simply for being deployed - I grok that you want them to be a money sink for AP. I've got no issues with weapons degrading when they are in use. But it should be possible to set a siege weapon up and leave it there, and not have it slowly degrade until it is gone. This would allow folks defending keeps to put siege weapons in place and have them ready to go for when they are needed. And second - right now the Siege NPCs are simply useless - they are a waste of AP. They don't live long enough to actually be of use. So please give them a buff of some kind so that people don't feel they've wasted their AP on the purchase. Siege NPCs should also not degrade - meaning it should be possible for them to be placed and left there indefinitely until they are killed by an enemy.
  • Oblongship
    *sigh* do people really expect everyone to read a book?

    SOOOO many people write novels on here with their gets old.
  • Thevenin
    Get the hell out if you don't want to read.
    Go chat on twitter if you can't bear seeing more than 30 words put together.

    @OP good suggestions, especially emperorship is really becoming a problem.
  • Oblongship
    Thevenin wrote: »
    Get the hell out if you don't want to read.
    Go chat on twitter if you can't bear seeing more than 30 words put together.

    @OP good suggestions, especially emperorship is really becoming a problem.

    lol when you pay for my sub you can tell me where to go...

    i was more of giving feedback to the op to condense.
  • Starshadw
    To be honest, if the Emperorship bonuses are supposed to persist (meaning that all those who were Emperor in this first campaign will still have access to the past-Emperor bonuses and skills in future campaigns), they probably need to do an Emperor wipe once they deal with the current PvP imbalances so that everyone starts off on equal footing again. Otherwise, we're going to have a lot of past-Emperors that we really shouldn't have.
  • SwampRaider
    We had a crappy AD ZERG guild 300 man guest into our home campaign where only 20 DC were on at the time. needless to say. we just sat there as this guesting zerg fest came into our campaign and ruined our progress we had made. They Turned the whole map yellow.

    *** like that needs to be fixed. Even the new AD emperor didn't like them guesting in, because he gained his titled through a zerg fest, rather than hardwork.

    fix guesting please. make it cost a lot or make it so that large groups cannto guest in together
    Edited by SwampRaider on May 5, 2014 3:45PM
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Starshadw
    More thoughts, after last night's dethroning on Goldbrand and re-throning of the AD Emperor:

    Please take a look at the amount of AP given for various tasks (such as firing siege weapons and doing damage, repairing walls, taking keeps, etc). I started the night with close to 40,000 AP, and ended it with 17,000. This was primarily due to having to buy a LOT of repair kits as we re-took keeps (unfortunately, not as many of my fellows were helping out with this, to help spread out the cost), and not getting much AP back for taking keeps and repairing walls. Because there wasn't a lot of fighting where my particular group was, we weren't getting AP for fighting the enemy, either. I grok that those actively fighting the enemy should get more AP - but the support roles (such as taking resources and keeps while others are keeping the enemy busy) are also important in a war, and these tasks should be receiving at least decent rewards.

    I'd also like to see a good amount of AP awarded to all faction players when an Emperor is crowned who belongs to their faction.

    Remember, AP is our "currency" out there, and the quests we can do really don't reward enough to provide us with enough funding to continue to make purchases. We certainly don't earn enough gold out there to make up the difference.

    Frankly, the quest rewards for all of the PvP quests need looking at - the amount of AP they give is far too low. Especially the Scouting quests, which can't be shared, and which often require traveling long distances. I'd rather see the quests reset every 24 hours (like the kill enemies one) and give several thousand AP as a reward, than have them be constantly repeatable (which makes them open to be exploited - such as when a faction has complete control of the map and they leave 1 or 2 resources in enemy hands just so they can spam the scouting quests to those two locations over and over).

    Also, please look at making the quest bestowal system in Cyrodiil smarter. If my faction has lost all of its territory, the quests I can pick up at the boards should be focused on my own territory before sending me into enemy territory. Right now, the quests you get often make zero sense. Why would I be going to Dragonclaw as an AD if we don't even hold Black Boot and Bloodmayne?
  • Gisgo
    Point 3 would get fixed with public guild stores available only inside claimed keeps.
    That would give everyone (guilds and customers) a reason to defend a keep to death, and to attack it too if your guild wants to open a public shop.
    An xp bonus on top of that would be nice too.
    Edited by Gisgo on May 6, 2014 2:51PM
  • Yusuf
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O
  • LadyChaos
    Yusuf wrote: »
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O

    I'm not sure what mechanic you mean or I am misunderstanding your info... only spent AP counts? I keep around 100k or so in AP because I'm farming a set... I change from 150 - 200 in alliance rank, and I watch it drop as I kill people, not as I buy a piece. It goes up (I drop in rank) when I'm off Cyrodiil... I'm very confused how this mechanic works?
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Yusuf
    Every point you ever get increases your rating. Doesn't matter whether you spend it or not. Between the 150 and 200 ranks and anything below top 50 in general it's just not that obvious. I'm 19th on my campaign and kinda observe my "rivals" :P
  • LadyChaos
    Yusuf wrote: »
    Every point you ever get increases your rating. Doesn't matter whether you spend it or not. Between the 150 and 200 ranks and anything below top 50 in general it's just not that obvious. I'm 19th on my campaign and kinda observe my "rivals" :P

    wasn't tryin brag about my ranking lol srry if came off that way... just that I see it drop and rise based on my activity not my purchases.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Niffo
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Yusuf wrote: »
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O

    I'm not sure what mechanic you mean or I am misunderstanding your info... only spent AP counts? I keep around 100k or so in AP because I'm farming a set... I change from 150 - 200 in alliance rank, and I watch it drop as I kill people, not as I buy a piece. It goes up (I drop in rank) when I'm off Cyrodiil... I'm very confused how this mechanic works?

    Any AP gained goes towards your overrall ranking, whether you spend points or not. Your rank is changing because other people are getting AP and increasing their total AP earned. If people with a higher rank leave, you also move up. Its basically a scoreboard that is based off of your total AP earned, using points doesn't change your ranking, although some actions that need points like repair kits for walls and doors can give you more AP.
  • LadyChaos
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Yusuf wrote: »
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O

    I'm not sure what mechanic you mean or I am misunderstanding your info... only spent AP counts? I keep around 100k or so in AP because I'm farming a set... I change from 150 - 200 in alliance rank, and I watch it drop as I kill people, not as I buy a piece. It goes up (I drop in rank) when I'm off Cyrodiil... I'm very confused how this mechanic works?

    Any AP gained goes towards your overrall ranking, whether you spend points or not. Your rank is changing because other people are getting AP and increasing their total AP earned. If people with a higher rank leave, you also move up. Its basically a scoreboard that is based off of your total AP earned, using points doesn't change your ranking, although some actions that need points like repair kits for walls and doors can give you more AP.

    so... saying what I said I observed is accurate, what you-spend makes no difference to you ranking?

    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Niffo
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    Yusuf wrote: »
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O

    I'm not sure what mechanic you mean or I am misunderstanding your info... only spent AP counts? I keep around 100k or so in AP because I'm farming a set... I change from 150 - 200 in alliance rank, and I watch it drop as I kill people, not as I buy a piece. It goes up (I drop in rank) when I'm off Cyrodiil... I'm very confused how this mechanic works?

    Any AP gained goes towards your overrall ranking, whether you spend points or not. Your rank is changing because other people are getting AP and increasing their total AP earned. If people with a higher rank leave, you also move up. Its basically a scoreboard that is based off of your total AP earned, using points doesn't change your ranking, although some actions that need points like repair kits for walls and doors can give you more AP.

    so... saying what I said I observed is accurate, what you-spend makes no difference to you ranking?

    Right, its just based off of the total AP you have earned on that character.

  • Yusuf
    LadyChaos wrote: »
    wasn't tryin brag about my ranking lol srry if came off that way... just that I see it drop and rise based on my activity not my purchases.

    now i feel like i am bragging:(
  • Starshadw
    Yusuf wrote: »
    UUHHHHM you guys know if you spend your AP your ranking won't decrease, right?o.O

    Indeed. That's why I don't have much. :) I'm always spending it.
  • Thechemicals
    You had some good points but i couldnt finish the read. The emperor thing is a good idea and should be implemented.

    Maybe you should publish your findings in the Elder Scrolls Archives.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

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