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Black Fredas' kinda weak

Where are the discounts? Where are the returning items? Few years ago there was much more stuff than just the mount bundle. And the mount isn't even black.
"I bear the cruel weight of certainty. Total, absolute, relentless certainty. People rarely comprehend the luxury of doubt... the freedom that comes with indecision. I envy you."
Sotha Sil

@Michae PC/EU
  • Katheriah
    Somehow I expected them to give us some extra nice deals to make up for the performance issues the game has been having and the horrible go live of the latest DLC, of which many bugs are still there.

    I expected fancy mounts and houses (which are massively overpriced) to be available for normal prices or something.
  • axi
    It's weak every year.
  • FluffyBird
    axi wrote: »
    It's weak every year.

    There were nice ones with lots of discounted shinies and returning crown store items. Some years ago.
    This year's is just one more "ZOS doesn't care about bringing joy to the players". Weird that it's gotten to the crown store as well. For some reason them being apathetic even with the monetization makes me particularly sad. Or maybe I'm just hungry.

    Or maybe they want you to hunt those 5-year-old dresses in crown crates instead.
    Edited by FluffyBird on November 24, 2022 1:31PM
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Unless you're a new player leveling characters, this years stuff isn't worth it. The Black Fredas package this year, looks like the leftovers from a church rummage sale :( .
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • jad11mumbler
    Black Fredas?
    Are we sure ZoS didn't mix it up with the April Fools bundle?

    cause this bundle is the funniest thing ZoS have ever released.
    A total value of 8,100
    2x as much as a chapter.
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • Jaimeh
    The most bizarre thing was the bundle with three crafting stations being sold for 3600 crowns, when you can get them in-game via writ vouchers or from the traders for 50-60k each. They shouldn't advertise 'deals' like that, especially during Black Friday when people expect discounts, and new players who might not know any better get hooked.
  • Stinkyremy
    1900 for trash and a mount that pretty much looks worse than the indrik.

    I think they have been smoking something funny.
  • vsrs_au
    I think their main mistake here was bundling it all together. I looked through the list and I'd only use about half of it, so regardless of its overall value, for me the bundle isn't worth it.
    PC(Steam) / EU / play from Melbourne, Australia / avg ping 390
  • derkaiserliche
    The bundle wouldnt be that bad for beginners, but there is no use for experienced players at all (maybe besides the scrolls).

    Its a package that contains maybe 1-2 weeks of daily rewards.
  • daim
    Follows this years Black Friday policy pretty accurately. Black Friday is not what it used to be. These days its more like a scam fest everywhere, sales are an illusion.
    ""I am that which grips the heart in fright, hearkens night and silences the light." It was written on my sword, long…long ago." ―Ajunta Pall
  • SammyKhajit
    Black Fredas?
    Are we sure ZoS didn't mix it up with the April Fools bundle?

    cause this bundle is the funniest thing ZoS have ever released.
    A total value of 8,100
    2x as much as a chapter.

    This one thinks they rolled some dices and came up with the 8100 figure :D

    Elk mounts are nice, but that one in the bundle has an odd colouring.
  • Lebkuchen
    Get rid of the useless and worthless stuff you can buy with gold, triple the riding lessons, add a new pet that increases your inventory capacity by 5 slots on all characters account wide, add a few armory slots, an alliance change token, a name and race change token, an assistant of my choice, maybe a few crown crates and i would buy it. Specials should feel special.
  • CMz
    CAUTION - these items are CHARACTER bound, not account bound, upon pick up. You pick this up on your main with riding fully leveled and the scrolls are lost - wasted - they cannot be moved to an alt character to be used. Hopefully this is just poorly thought out and not just cynical marketing
  • meekmiko
    CMz wrote: »
    CAUTION - these items are CHARACTER bound, not account bound, upon pick up. You pick this up on your main with riding fully leveled and the scrolls are lost - wasted - they cannot be moved to an alt character to be used. Hopefully this is just poorly thought out and not just cynical marketing

    Open the bundle and then you can bank the stuff.
    🌟PC/NA CP2025+ [Been playing since 2016]
    JUSTICE FOR APEX CAMELS 🐪✨ Bring 'em back!
    vMA / vVH / vDSA / vBRP / vAA HM / vSO HM / vHRC HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS+1 & +1 / vCR+2 / vSS / vKA/ vRG
    • 🌩️ 🏹 EP - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer / Bosmer StamSorc (DPS) -Main DPS-
    • ☀️ 🛡️ EP - Mihi'Mai-Ra, Plague of Peryite / Khajiit StamPlar (Tank) -Main Tank-
    • ☀️ ✨ EP - Lady Lapa'au, The Magnanimous / Khajiit MagPlar (Healer) -Main Healer-
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Ra'venk, Style Master / Khajiit MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ EP - Bird gra-Shuzgub, Forge Breaker / Orc StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ✨ EP - Blades-at-the-Ready, Witch / Argonian MagBlade (Healer)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Lady Fortuna the Blessed, Grand Champion / Imperial StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🔥 🛡️ EP - Plays-in Volcanoes, Mystic / Argonian StamDK (Tank)
    • 💀 ☄️ EP - Ko'shamari the Doomweaver, Dovahkriid / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 🌱 ✨ EP - Sorvete, Countess / Khajiit StamDen (Healer)
    • 🔥 🏹 EP - Falora Veloth, The Merciless / Dunmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 🌩️ 🛡️ AD - Shimmers-with-Static, Spark of Vengeance / Argonian StamSorc (Tank)
    • ☀️ ⚔️ EP - Amarri-do the Magnificent, Clan Mother / Khajiit StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Z'majii-dar the Quick, Battlegrounds Butcher / Khajiit StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ EP - Habasi the Glamorous, Seeker of Artifacts / Khajiit StamDK (DPS)
    • 🗡️ 🛡️ EP - Yana-la the Iron Lotus, Silver Knight / Khajiit StamBlade (Tank)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Mog gra-Ushug the Scholar, Master Historian / Orc MagCanist (DPS)
    • 👁️ 🛡️ EP - Mamaea the Sledgehammer, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamCanist (Tank)
    • 👁️ 🏹 EP - Elsyiir Lichenhollow, Lady / Bosmer StamCanist (DPS)
    • 💀 🛡️ EP - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamNecro (Tank)
    • & I only dabble on the PC/EU server sometimes:
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun / Bosmer StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ⚔️ EP - Sings-a-Song-of-Storms / Argonian StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ☄️ DC - Helainie the Shadebringer / Breton MagBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩️ ☄️ EP - Steals-Many-Hearts / Argonian MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡️ ⚔️ AD - Pashet the Nimble / Khajiit StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🔥 🏹☄️ EP - Furoni the Ember / Dunmer HybridDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ EP - Am-Kesh / Argonian MagCanist (DPS)
    • 🔥 ⚔️ AD - Eldrinthr the Flame-Heart / Bosmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 👁️ ☄️ AD - Bajaa the Blackened Beast / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 💀 ⚔️ AD - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt / Khajiit StamNecro (DPS)
  • SickleCider
    I actually do like the elk but the lack of discounts certainly is a head scratcher.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
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