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Better To Roll Back To U35?

  • Snaggel
    My dreadsail reef hardmode progression is almost impossible to even progress because tanks keep dropping their block and dying to that. Same for my DLC hardmode dungeon group where I am the tank.

    But at least overland is "fine", you loose control for a moment but its fine, the mobs hit you like a wet noodle anyway (not like you have to block them in the first place). Who cares about me and, like, the other 200 other players on EU server progressing the hardest content available? We are just minority to whom having a broken game is literally stopping us from enjoying the product we bought into. Right?

    Not to mention the game being literally unplayable because of commonly used addon completely broke with the update 36, Cyrodiil literally being unplayable and Dragonknights setting world record scores and clears due to a bug that was already reported on PTS (the two of those somehow being related because of some unfathomable connection). At least the standard bug got fixed very quick but I really wish a lot more just as serious gamebreaking bugs were addressed just as fast. If not... well, my well of hope can only hold so much before it is depleted.

    Of course, doing a full rollback now would be totally unacceptable. It is too late for that and we must bear the newly introduced, literally game breaking unintended "features" until the only being in power actually adresses that.
  • Iriidius
    OnThaLoose wrote: »
    Heck, roll it back to U34….
    Just roll it back to update 33, they havent added anything usefull to the game this year.
    The zones and dlcs are not part of tamtiel and eso lore.
    The card game is better than some people expected, but it still has balance(one card deck is meta) and trolling(players wasting their opponents time) problems and eso just didnt need a card game. Then we have oakensoul, sea serpents coil, faun lark cladding and syrabans and other unbalanced pay2win items and free but still unbalanced sets like maras balm and nocturnals ploy dominating PvP to make player buy the chapter/dlcs that have nothing else to offer. They wanted to reduce skill gap but insteat nerfed everyone and buffed manipulated dummy to hide this. For pvp balance they nerfed the right overperforming sets(savage werwolf, Ironblood, calurion, but the wrong skills like every good class spammable and made most classes less fun to play by destroying their identity.
    Skills scaling with highest offensive stat also had advantages and gave players more options for builds like vigor and sword and shield/froststaff insteat of rapid regen on my mag dk althought it made some of them too powerful. But its the reason i would keep update 33.
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    Tandor wrote: »
    ("so fundamentally broken" seems a bit overstated, though?)

    I think many players would argue that blocking is a fundamental ability in the game. It's broken. That isn't controversial.

    I don't think the fact that one skill is broken renders the whole game fundamentally broken. How fundamental blocking is to the individual player will vary in any case.

    I tried tanking a vet dungeon yesterday. It wasn't even a DLC dungeon. The block bug is real, and it's effects are extremely substantial. Substantial to the point that tanks shouldn't even be in the group until the bug is fixed.

    Blocking matters in every situation except casual overland.
  • Ragnarok0130
    OP if we’re being honest they should roll back to U34 since U35 was also bug laden in addition to the horrid combat changes.
  • rexagamemnon
    U35 needs to be rolled back also, so better to go back to U34
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