Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Better To Roll Back To U35?

If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.
  • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
  • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
  • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
  • I make music:
  • Necrotech_Master
    ive been playing since launch in april 2014 and i dont think ive ever seen them do a full rollback of a release on the live servers

    i do however expect that once stadia is gone they will be able to push smaller more frequent patches to fix things instead of having to wait 2 weeks on them
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Jaraal
    They typically don't do rollbacks unless there's a financial bug involved.

    A certain level of dysfunction should be expected with new content. It's backed by years of proven examples. It is easier to lower expectations than to expect positive changes, so follow the path of least resistance.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • SaintJohnHM
    i do however expect that once stadia is gone they will be able to push smaller more frequent patches to fix things instead of having to wait 2 weeks on them

    Interesting, I didn't know they had to wait to make fixes even when the bugs are this bad. They'll lose a lot of players in two weeks with a broken product.
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • Jaraal
    They'll lose a lot of players in two weeks with a broken product.

    Steamcharts (the only data available to us) shows a pretty hefty drop in ESO play the past few days, which is unusual for a new zone release. There was a slight uptick in population last month, likely due to nonstop events, but the downward trend continues.

    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Necrotech_Master
    i do however expect that once stadia is gone they will be able to push smaller more frequent patches to fix things instead of having to wait 2 weeks on them

    Interesting, I didn't know they had to wait to make fixes even when the bugs are this bad. They'll lose a lot of players in two weeks with a broken product.

    stadia requires the clientside updates to be "stadia certified" which takes like 2 weeks

    so like before the stadia stuff, the crashing bugs they would have probably pushed those out as soon as they were available doing an extra patch maintenance during the week for a small patch, which i think actually overall felt like more stability because they were able to expedite fixes (such as for crashing issues)

    stadia goes away in jan 2023, so maybe they will start trying to push out smaller bugfix patches more often while still keeping their new content cycles as is
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Sarannah
    ZOS should not do a rollback. Yes there are issues, but the major gamebreaking ones have been fixed with the second and third maintenance. Many players have made quite some progress since the update. For me, I completed almost entire The Rift, and over half of Coldharbour, just in the past two days alone. Not to mention all the exp, gear, and crown items players would lose. ZOS can't do this, even if they wanted to.

    That said, the update really didn't go that terribly bad, atleast not for MMO standards. ZOS was also quite quick to intervene and do emergency maintenance twice, to fix the gamebreaking bugs. The game really is very very playable, even though some players with issues do not like to hear that. Yet I know how terrible it feels when a game is giving you issues when most other players can play normally, which is why I've been trying to help in some of the crash threads on the forums.

    My own experience has been flawless, and I've been online for many many hours. Even non-stop playing sessions. Haven't been to the new zone yet, but I've been playing almost non-stop since U36, and have no issues at all. And yes there are some bugs like the blockbug, but nothing gamebreaking anymore. And a selection of players are experiencing crash bugs, for a variety of reasons. Which could be caused by bad computer maintenance, add-on issues, third party programs(process hacker, etc), differing hardware, and ofcourse the U36 itself. If you are having issues, stay calm and try to find a solution.

    When reading the forums it will seem most players are having issues, but it is only a tiny portion. Who are posting to try and get their issues resolved. Hopefully their issues will be solved soon. But a complete rollback is WAY too much of an overreaction, as most players are happily playing in-game.

    PS: The steam player drop is likely caused by the servers being down three times in a few days, which means there were 0 players for quite a many hours.
    Edited by Sarannah on November 4, 2022 7:35PM
  • SaintJohnHM
    Sarannah wrote: »
    ZOS should not do a rollback. Yes there are issues, but the major gamebreaking ones have been fixed with the second and third maintenance.

    It's too late to do a rollback now, but they could have done it at the beginning. The game might be playable for overland questers, but folks who like to do vet HM trials and dungeons are super bummed about fundamental bugs like blocking being eratic still.
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • Necrotech_Master
    Sarannah wrote: »
    ZOS should not do a rollback. Yes there are issues, but the major gamebreaking ones have been fixed with the second and third maintenance.

    It's too late to do a rollback now, but they could have done it at the beginning. The game might be playable for overland questers, but folks who like to do vet HM trials and dungeons are super bummed about fundamental bugs like blocking being eratic still.

    the group i run trials with did 2 vet kynes aegis (not HM) trials on launch day for the new patch lol, we could tell there were issues with blocking but it wasnt enough hinderance to prevent us from completing, more of like a minor annoyance

    we only had a slightly late start cause we had a few people still dealing with addon related issues
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Kingsindarkness
    If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.

    Or you know you could be patient until they work the issues out... :|
    That's what I'm doing.
  • Cadbury
    Rollback??? Nope!

    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Tandor
    Sarannah wrote: »
    ZOS should not do a rollback. Yes there are issues, but the major gamebreaking ones have been fixed with the second and third maintenance.

    It's too late to do a rollback now, but they could have done it at the beginning. The game might be playable for overland questers, but folks who like to do vet HM trials and dungeons are super bummed about fundamental bugs like blocking being eratic still.

    You're not just suggesting a rollback which on its own would have served no purpose. You're also suggesting by implication the indefinite holding back of the DLC until such time as the blocking and other bugs had been fixed. That was never going to be practical.
    Edited by Tandor on November 4, 2022 11:15PM
  • Kiralyn2000
    As if rolling a patch back wouldn't cause more/bigger problems.

    ("so fundamentally broken" seems a bit overstated, though?)
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.

    Or you know you could be patient until they work the issues out... :|
    That's what I'm doing.

    ZOS has been telling PvP players "We're working on it" when it comes to fixing Cyrodiil since 2017. Now pop caps are lower, group sizes are lower, and most PvP players have left the game because you can only use that excuse for so long before people quit believing it. Performance and bugs are still a problem, such as the stuck in combat bug, lag and disconnecting during big fights etc., not to mention so many balance issues.
    Edited by SaffronCitrusflower on November 5, 2022 1:52AM
  • Kingsindarkness
    If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.

    Or you know you could be patient until they work the issues out... :|
    That's what I'm doing.

    ZOS has been telling PvP players "We're working on it" when it comes to fixing Cyrodiil since 2017. Now pop caps are lower, group sizes are lower, and most PvP players have left the game because you can only use that excuse for so long before people quit believing it. Performance and bugs are still a problem, such as the stuck in combat bug, lag and disconnecting during big fights etc., not to mention so many balance issues.

    So do you have a suggestion other than being patient?

    The OP basically posting the same thread over and over again does nothing...passive-aggressive insults and speculation doesn't really really the only mature thing one can do is be patient.

    I don't believe the devs are sitting around saying "let's see how much we can *** off the customers." :|

    So it's a waiting game.
  • edward_frigidhands
    It would be the right call in terms of customer service.

    Never going to happen.
  • SeaGtGruff
    Jaraal wrote: »
    They typically don't do rollbacks unless there's a financial bug involved.

    A certain level of dysfunction should be expected with new content. It's backed by years of proven examples. It is easier to lower expectations than to expect positive changes, so follow the path of least resistance.

    Temporarily disabling a new feature or item because of an exploit is one thing, or rolling back the server by several minutes or even an hour, but I don't think I've ever seen a rollback of an entire update. I seriously doubt that would ever happen, either with ZOS or any other software company, except in the most dire of circumstances.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
  • OnThaLoose
    Heck, roll it back to U34….
  • SaintJohnHM
    OnThaLoose wrote: »
    Heck, roll it back to U34….

    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • SaintJohnHM

    I don't believe the devs are sitting around saying "let's see how much we can *** off the customers." :|

    So it's a waiting game.

    Nobody ever said they were giving us an inferior and fundamentally broken product on purpose, there are plenty of other reasons.
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • Skullstachio
    To answer the question in a way that was 3 years ago, TAKE IT AWAY CHALKEATER!"]
    Edited by Skullstachio on November 5, 2022 7:31AM
    I know what you di-Iddly did... (you would be wise not to do that again during a time when Suspicion in the gaming space is at an all time high.)
    by not actually revealing real drop tables in the game for all items, you only prove what has been proven with proof of concept that you can/will manipulate item drop chances based on certain elements performed by the player.
  • SaintJohnHM
    ("so fundamentally broken" seems a bit overstated, though?)

    I think many players would argue that blocking is a fundamental ability in the game. It's broken. That isn't controversial.
    Edited by SaintJohnHM on November 5, 2022 8:05AM
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • UnabashedlyHonest
    To answer the question in a way that was 3 years ago, TAKE IT AWAY CHALKEATER!"]

    Thank you. This is hilarious and accurate.

    I think we should roll back to U32, to before Account Wide Achievements. (I think U33 was the AWA update)
    Edited by UnabashedlyHonest on November 5, 2022 5:15PM
  • Tandor
    ("so fundamentally broken" seems a bit overstated, though?)

    I think many players would argue that blocking is a fundamental ability in the game. It's broken. That isn't controversial.

    I don't think the fact that one skill is broken renders the whole game fundamentally broken. How fundamental blocking is to the individual player will vary in any case.
  • SaintJohnHM
    Tandor wrote: »
    I don't think the fact that one skill is broken renders the whole game fundamentally broken. How fundamental blocking is to the individual player will vary in any case.

    Broken skills can be replaced by other skills from the class skillset, block however is a fundamental ability used in combat by all classes which can't be replaced by other skills, not even dodgeroll. Blocking is one of the first combat abilities a player learns and is one of the most often used, it is fundamental.
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • mocap
    that new block bug is so frustrating after update. Jesus Christ...

    It's nearly impossible to tank anything right now other than Fungal Freaking Grotto 1
    Edited by mocap on November 5, 2022 6:51PM
  • Tandor
    Tandor wrote: »
    I don't think the fact that one skill is broken renders the whole game fundamentally broken. How fundamental blocking is to the individual player will vary in any case.

    Broken skills can be replaced by other skills from the class skillset, block however is a fundamental ability used in combat by all classes which can't be replaced by other skills, not even dodgeroll. Blocking is one of the first combat abilities a player learns and is one of the most often used, it is fundamental.

    It is for tanks, certainly. I wouldn't doubt that for a moment.
  • deleted221205-002626
    If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.

    Or you know you could be patient until they work the issues out... :|
    That's what I'm doing.

    ZOS has been telling PvP players "We're working on it" when it comes to fixing Cyrodiil since 2017. Now pop caps are lower, group sizes are lower, and most PvP players have left the game because you can only use that excuse for so long before people quit believing it. Performance and bugs are still a problem, such as the stuck in combat bug, lag and disconnecting during big fights etc., not to mention so many balance issues.

    stuck in combat is not a bug its a mechanic.. if you engage or otherwise attack or heal someone that is in combat then YOU are as well until both or all parties are out of combat. Just because your not with them to see it doesn't mean its not happening.

    This scenario applies to ball groups youve attacked and left but theyre still in combat all the way to dragons in overland and you throw a heal after its dead and that person runs through trash to wayshrine, all keep you in combat!
    Edited by deleted221205-002626 on November 5, 2022 7:36PM
  • Agenericname
    Tandor wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    I don't think the fact that one skill is broken renders the whole game fundamentally broken. How fundamental blocking is to the individual player will vary in any case.

    Broken skills can be replaced by other skills from the class skillset, block however is a fundamental ability used in combat by all classes which can't be replaced by other skills, not even dodgeroll. Blocking is one of the first combat abilities a player learns and is one of the most often used, it is fundamental.

    It is for tanks, certainly. I wouldn't doubt that for a moment.

    Its a core ability and applies universally across all races and classes. Tanks certainly use it the most, but its not exclusive to them. Even if it were, all of the group members in said group are affected by it. Its also useful in PvP and solo arenas as well as any content where an unblocked hit/s could kill or cause the player to die. World bosses for example.

    I dont see them rolling anything back. If they find a fix soon enough it will be patched before the 14 Nov patch. I do hope that its soon.
  • Dr_Con
    rollback to u35 would also mean rolling back all of galen release and progress people have made.

    i don't think people signed up to be live pts so i'll be a hard pass.
  • SaffronCitrusflower
    sinnereso wrote: »
    If U36 is so fundamentally broken with block bugs etc, why didn't they just roll back to U35 right away until they figured out all the problems? Wouldn't it have been better to wait until it was fixed rather than make us live with a broken game until they resolve all the issues. I know it's too late now because so many people have made a lot of progress in the new area, but many of us can't play until these bugs are fixed.

    Or you know you could be patient until they work the issues out... :|
    That's what I'm doing.

    ZOS has been telling PvP players "We're working on it" when it comes to fixing Cyrodiil since 2017. Now pop caps are lower, group sizes are lower, and most PvP players have left the game because you can only use that excuse for so long before people quit believing it. Performance and bugs are still a problem, such as the stuck in combat bug, lag and disconnecting during big fights etc., not to mention so many balance issues.

    stuck in combat is not a bug its a mechanic.. if you engage or otherwise attack or heal someone that is in combat then YOU are as well until both or all parties are out of combat. Just because your not with them to see it doesn't mean its not happening.

    This scenario applies to ball groups youve attacked and left but theyre still in combat all the way to dragons in overland and you throw a heal after its dead and that person runs through trash to wayshrine, all keep you in combat!

    You're obviously not familiar with the stuck in combat bug. You're talking about just being in regular combat. I must assume you only very rarely if ever PvP.
    Edited by SaffronCitrusflower on November 5, 2022 11:20PM
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