I am the slowest leveler ever

  • Rastafariel
    Well said.
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Korereactor
    Don't even worry about it. Just have fun. ;)
  • Chryos
    @‌Salacious You are playing this game exactly has it was meant to be played. A month in, I am lvl 35 and in Eastmarch.

    Here's what I did one time when I was struggling to get out of level 11, for example:

    I got on my horse and went exploring on every major road I could iin every zone I could go. I just went around collecting wayshrine points. Stopping into new town, checking stuff out.

    Yeah it's easy to get distracted by everything when you first start the game and not get any leveling accomplished. Which for me is great.

    I suggest anyone of a lower level to go zone exploring in areas they are waaay too low to be in, it's fun, exciting, and dangerous! Before you do that thought, Gear up with equipment that has exploration xp as a trait before you travel. It's a fun way to get through a tough level.

    (Main roads arent always safe, but you can sneak around in the tough parts, if you stay mostly on them, youll do fine)
    Edited by Chryos on May 3, 2014 6:41PM
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
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