What is your favorite zone? Why?

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  • bellablithely
    As others have said, Elsweyr is just gorgeous. The landscape and architecture are amazing. I love that Rimmen and Senchal aren't walled because all the DLCs after Northern and Southern Elsweyr have walled cities (with a door you need to travel through) which makes navigating for dailies a nightmare.

    Though I do catch myself travelling to The Reach just so I can listen to the soundtrack every now and again.

    And fishing in Artaeum is very soothing (well, it was, before Antiquities anyway).
    Edited by bellablithely on August 13, 2022 11:03AM
  • Shihp00
    Also Rivenspire(not the 'grim' part). I wish every zone looked like Fell's Run.
  • WiseSky
    Currently Grathwood as its amazing with darker nights addon

  • GBllt
    I havnt yet explored everything in Tamriel but for the moment I loved Glenumbra and Bankoraï, Grahtwood is very soothing, I made West skyrim for the quests of antiquities and I would put it at number one with city of solitude and frozen lake. I really like Auridia, a medieval and elvish architecture, with colorful forests and beaches. I don't really understand why many hate Auridia.

    Edit: forgot Elsweyr (north) with the city of Stiches 😭 one of best region I visited in games !
    Edited by GBllt on October 9, 2022 12:30PM
  • ESO_Nightingale
    i like blackwood, western skyrim and high isle as my zones of choice. funny that they're the newest chapter zones. i have been disappointed with the direction combat as a whole is going in, but man, the zone, dungeon and trial creation teams have just gotten better and better. as an entry level designer, stuff is just eye candy. artists man, they really enable us to make some great levels.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on October 8, 2022 8:04AM
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  • Khenarthi
    I absolutely love Hew's Bane, it's pretty, easy to navigate, has a good amount of nodes and enemies to fight (unlike Murkmire, for example, which is beautiful but ends up feeling empty of stuff to interact with). And the best story, and the most likeable characters...

    Northern and Southern Elsworth are also favourites but only after I learned my ways across the terrain.
  • anadandy
    Another vote for Cyrodiil. It's really lovely, and there are so many interesting hidden sites you encounter when taking that long horse ride/run. :)

    Visually Imperial City and the sewers are great too. My favorite POI is the Aliki'r Alcove.
  • francesinhalover
    ken artis rooth, stros, cuz there's sand, boats, pirates.
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  • Loves_guars
    It is almost impossible to choose, every zone has something extraordinarily beautiful and special... but there's still one undisputed zone in my heart, I still remember my first time in Beta when I started all this ash was falling and that cracking noise in the distance of rocks being broken and re-done. And then I saw the volcano!! Now every time I reinstall the game I first go visit old Ash Mountain because is my favorite place in Tamriel! <3
    Also pretty astonishing how all these elves live their lives like ash was air, and lava rain. Fire resistance indeed. :D:o

    Edited by Loves_guars on October 8, 2022 4:25PM
  • AzuraFan
    Vvardenfell and Western Skyrim because of TES3 and TES5.

    I also like the Reach. Just love the rugged landscape, rivers, and lakes.

    The Gold Coast is a quiet place to hang out.

    Summerset and Auridon for the scenery and greenery.

  • moleculardrugs
    TheGent wrote: »
    I really like Rivenspire right now because of its dark and spooky theme. Same with Western Skyrim. I think it's the Vampires and Blood fiends...

    Dude, I was going to say! I love Rivenspire. That was the zone where I went to Shornhelm for the first time and got killed by a giant spider. I thought it was so dark and gloomy when I walked through this zone that I seriously avoided it for months before actually doing the zone story. Then when you start it, the deadness of the place is liven up by the personalities of Darien and Count Ravenwatch, Tamarth, Doyle (I think that's his name), etc. It was a really nice zone and zone story imo!
  • moleculardrugs
    Auldwulfe wrote: »

    You make me feel old....LOL - I was already done with 8 years Army when Arena was still a thing, and Daggerfall didn't exist yet......

    As for region, it is the Alik'r ...... I wish it was bigger - I like the vast open
    Now, if you enlarged it, added more lost ruins and places, yeah, I'd probably not leave

    geonsocal wrote: »

    open world, no timer, player versus player gameplay...

    The Delves here have unique and interesting stories to them as well! They're much larger than the other delves in non-pvp zones and the two bosses per delve concept adds to their mysteries :D
  • BretonMage
    Favourite would be Summerset for its landscape, colours and architecture.

    I also love Wrothgar for its music, quest and people. Greenshade because of that one song in its soundtrack that incorporates TES IV music. Grahtwood because of its greenery. The beautiful north coast of Rivenspire. Northern Elsweyr because Rimmen's layout is great, and it has dragons. Stormhaven because of the Undaunted enclave and because it just feels comfortable.
  • Auldwulfe

    The Delves here have unique and interesting stories to them as well! They're much larger than the other delves in non-pvp zones and the two bosses per delve concept adds to their mysteries :D

    I've been in a LOT of those, too ...... I tend to wander all over the place

  • MjolnirVilkas
    Sick liaisons raised this monumental mark
    The sun sets forever over Blackwater Park
  • ghastley
    The more of these answers I read, the more I understand that it’s the variety of zones that I like. Vvardenfell would not be special if all the other zones were like that. That makes it progressively harder to come up with something new, so ZOS are stuck in diminishing returns land, where any new zone is “too similar to …”

    And of course, the “no underwater swimming” rule has removed a large proportion of possibilities.
  • robwolf666
    TheGent wrote: »
    I really like Rivenspire right now because of its dark and spooky theme. Same with Western Skyrim. I think it's the Vampires and Blood fiends...

    I honestly couldn't choose a favourite, they all have things I like and/or dislike about them. I tend to like the more aesthetic areas above others, Summerset for example. If ZOS makes a new area look beautiful, odds are I'll like it more than usual.
  • emilyhyoyeon
    Murkmire and Hew's Bane are my favorites based mostly on my personal tastes, and Northern Elsweyr I think is one of the best in an objective design sense in terms of how well the Elsweyr and Khajiit lore was portrayed and fleshed out. Also I do think Abah's Landing is objectively one of the best designed cities in the game.
    IGN @ emilypumpkin, imperial pumpkin seller
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher
  • Ghanima_Atreides
    Rivenspire for the story and atmosphere, for sure.
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    Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you someone who's covering mistakes. Real boats rock.
  • redlink1979
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    You make me feel old....LOL - I was already done with 8 years Army when Arena was still a thing, and Daggerfall didn't exist yet...... (...)

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  • ice34697
    Vvardenfell #1, followed by Northen Elsweyr and Deshaan.
  • Shihp00
    Southern Elsweyr . Prettiest Landscapes .
  • Auldwulfe


    Same to you, as well .....
  • Jaraal
    Cyrodiil, because it's more fun to play against thinking players than scripted AI.
  • maboleth
    Both Western Skyrim and Markarth - it seems a bit underappreciated, it's a great zone with detailed BlackReach and unique Reachmen npcs.

    Then, High Isle - it's a great zone with great atmosphere in the jungles! I was so pleasantly surprised. Imperial City, Deadlands DLC, Elsweyr, DC zones, Darkelf grounds. Honestly, I like them all and cannot separate. Each offer something unique for that place.
  • kynesgrove
    Markarth, Murkmire and Fargrave.

    I am obsessed with the Argonians and the Reach.
    Fargrave reminds me of one of my favorite games, Planescape: Torment.

    It's a given that the existential themes (and heart-crushing side quests) in the story of those DLCs appeal to me. Weird fiction is the best.

    But largely the music and environments is spectacular, ... and really the whole mix is fantastic in my eyes.

    (Morrowind is amazing, but I don't quite feel the same about it as I feel about TES:3. Elsweyr is in its own category of stunning.)
    "The shrine is breathtaking, sitting upon a rise and dominated by many standing stones carved with holy runes. The place truly seems to have been kissed by Kyne's icy breath."
    - Urig the Wanderer
  • DreamyLu
    Summerset and High Isle. I also like several little zones inside other areas, that get discovered around a corner by luck, and that are like pieces of paradise. Unfortunately, no specific one comes to my mind right now.

    Generally, I like daylight, changing climate, green landscape with waterfalls, lake, mountains, flowers, trees and snow. <3
    I'm out of my mind, feel free to leave a message... PC/NA
  • L_Nici
    From the looks and the story, and one sidequest especially, its Summerset to me. I just love that pretty island.
  • Urzigurumash
    Malabal Tor, land of our birth, faith, and pride


    (ok maybe that's Grahtwood, but you get the point)
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
  • whitecrow
    Summerset, Auridon, Greenshade, The Rift
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