I'm old myself - I was in my early 40s when Arena released, and at that point I'd been playing CRPGs since the mid 80s....
Fav zones: High Isle, equal with Elsweyr (N and S) and Blackwood - because High Isle is somewhere we've never been before in Tamriel over all the games, it's beautiful, and if I can get past Jakarn I'll probably really enjoy the quest line; Elsweyr because I've always loved the Khajiit and seeing the other fur-stocks was so cool; Blackwood because I've loved Leyawiin since Oblivion (I just wished they'd written in Mazoga's many times great-grandma!)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles to get past his "Hey, good looking".
I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles to get past his "Hey, good looking".
Want to feel even older, I think I was like 12 or 13 when I played Morrowind for the first time. And that was like with the first 6 months of it's release. LOL
And thank you for your service!
Carcamongus wrote: »
Jeesh, thanks for making me feel even older, I was 17 or 18 when Morrowind came out. I guess I should next firmly request people to vacate my lawn!
Vvardenfell is probably my favorite zone. It feels cozy and interesting, homely yet exotic. My biggest criticism of it is that there's not more to explore, because the zone is just that wonderful. Honorable mentions to Artaeum, which is where my main is moving when he retires, Murkmire, which feels strange and dangerous as Black Marsh should be, and Blackreach Greymoor Caverns, which are even more breathtaking than the caves from TES5.
Love this thread. Thanks for spinning it up. Mine is Morrowind. But that's definitely nostalgia based as my first Elder Scrolls game was TES III. Revisiting the zone in ESO was a treat for me.