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why cant tanks surive a single rotation of a sorc

full heavy armor, 1700+ spell resist 2200 def 2500 hp and a sorc can still burst you like your naked glass cannon build in 0.5 seconds flat
~House Indoril~
Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Soban
    full heavy armor, 1700+ spell resist 2200 def 2500 hp and a sorc can still burst you like your naked glass cannon build in 0.5 seconds flat

    Because most tanks forget about mouse 2.
  • Zargorius
    You must be a very poor tank. Ever heard of blocking or Defensive Posture? Relfective Scale? Immovable? Anything?
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • NordJitsu
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Asava
    Maybe because a full light armor sorc can bypass 56% of your resists and have a huge bonus to crit??
  • LadyChaos
    Asava wrote: »
    Maybe because a full light armor sorc can bypass 56% of your resists and have a huge bonus to crit??

    +56% bypass with 7 piece light armor
    +10% bypass with destro staff abilities...

    and if you don't block situation can get real.. but an even lvl fight tank vs sorc equal skill caliber etc will not "burst you like your naked glass cannon build in 0.5 seconds flat ", but we can hit hard, if we live long enough to hit lol.
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • lao
    that once happened to me too. i was at 3.2k hp at the time and died in knockdown duration. i was like wtf just happened. then i figured out that it was my own fault for not blocking or use one of the gazilliion spells that give u huge spell resist. just didnt expect the dmg to be like that but owell we all learn from our mistakes. next inc i killed him without even dropping below 70% hp.

    bottom line: every class can potentially do a crapton of dmg if they build for it. instead of instantly qqing on the forums try using ur brain first and come up with a possible strategy to counter that. hint: dont give him a chance to get that many spells off and u wont have to deal with the dmg :> if ur just gonna get into a ranged fight with a sorc without any preperation ur supposed to get instakilled.
  • Vlas
    NordJitsu wrote: »

    Aint nobody got time for that!

    P.S. Level more noob.
  • Eris
    Tanks are designed around the concept that they absorb the damage for the party so that a healer can centralize their healing on the tank and not have to spend so much time healing the rest of the party. Thus, a tank without a healer is a coffin waiting for the last nail.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Adalich
    I nailed a tank once, she was a beautician.

    NB do not kill threads, you'll get haggled.
  • Kronosphere
    LOL block thats a good one i forgot to mention they have a knock down and they kill u in the timespan of the knockdown. i bet u are all sorcs who replied lol. but tif they dont get the jump on u i wasnt really sure if blocking blocked magickal damage or just wep skills and basic so thats handy
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Kronosphere
    Zargorius wrote: »
    You must be a very poor tank. Ever heard of blocking or Defensive Posture? Relfective Scale? Immovable? Anything?

    immovable is rubbish unless they fixed it its borken as hell and doesnt block *** all cc when i used it a few weeks ago.
    and despite you and most other peoples *** attitudes thanks for the tip those other 2 skills seem like a pretty good idea=)

    but despite whay u say im not giving in that sorcs are broken and offer too much as a class.
    Edited by Kronosphere on May 4, 2014 6:08AM
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • Vodkaphile
    LOL block thats a good one i forgot to mention they have a knock down and they kill u in the timespan of the knockdown. i bet u are all sorcs who replied lol. but tif they dont get the jump on u i wasnt really sure if blocking blocked magickal damage or just wep skills and basic so thats handy

    If you didn't know about blocking spells, I also assume you didn't know about breaking out of stuns with Right+left mouse button or snares by roll dodging.
  • Amulrei
    Perhaps try to post a more rational assessment of which of the Sorcerer skills you have issue with and why rather then several rants that don't really tell us anything.

    Other than a Sorcerer killed you and that you are upset about it, that is.
    Edited by Amulrei on May 4, 2014 7:23AM
  • Kronosphere
    yeah i did know about the breakout. but wasnt sure about snares so cheers.

    to further my "sorcs op" rant (lol) they have no use for staminia which also frees them up for using stam as 100% cc breaking abilities.
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • LadyChaos
    yeah i did know about the breakout. but wasnt sure about snares so cheers.

    to further my "sorcs op" rant (lol) they have no use for staminia which also frees them up for using stam as 100% cc breaking abilities.

    I don't know if I ever lol'ed so hard...
    1. for starters as mentioned several posts up, the skills that make us hit like a truck are open to all light armor, destro staff.
    2. second block stops our knockdown completely, and it is telegraphed like no other spell in the game. It is only useful IMO vs new players, when you get the jump on them, or when they are not really looking at you.
    3. third, we need STA just like anyone else to CC break, dodge and block, since we have less HP (this type of sorce in light armor), than the other armor types but spec for Mag (so we can hit hard), we often find life and death based on not having the STA to do any of these more than once.

    this is kinda l2p IMO, and about a 1/10 on the sorcerer OP rant scale for the fact it's light armor/destro staff rant in it's core not sorcerer.
    Edited by LadyChaos on May 4, 2014 2:12PM
    VR2 Ataxia - [NA] Veteran Dominion Sorcerer [Auriel's Bow]
    PvP, PvE, Crafting, and General Shenanigans
    >:) Sorcery and Mayhem online since 1999 >:)
    Current PvP Class/Supernatural Census
  • Hessen
    Dear devs,

    Please nerf rock. Paper is fine as is.

  • Dudis
    Playing actively and reacting quickly and correctly to everything that's going on around you does a lot more for your survivability than any stat ever will.
  • Asava
    So we sorcs should cry that DK's shield charge, talons, and then bash bash bash is op'd because we get killed before we can get on our feet? Oh that's right, if casters get caught they're supposed to die because we weren't paying attention to our surroundings. I forgot that dk's should be able to run around everywhere without a care or a worry in Cyrodiil....
  • Tandara
    Asava wrote: »
    So we sorcs should cry that DK's shield charge, talons, and then bash bash bash is op'd because we get killed before we can get on our feet? Oh that's right, if casters get caught they're supposed to die because we weren't paying attention to our surroundings. I forgot that dk's should be able to run around everywhere without a care or a worry in Cyrodiil....

    1. Against invasion you have a (way to) cheap cc immunity
    2. Talons will be nerfed with this patch
    3. Bash will be nerfed with 1.1(which makes tanks useless in pvp, because they will also nerf the base value for sure not only the glyph boni)

    Any sorc who complain about anything is just out of his/her mind or just don't wan't to put in any effort. To be honest atm sorc is way more op than dk's.

    Bolt escape sync with vamp > dk 30%(est) heal after ulti if you play it right.

    If you don't want to be killed as sorc..than there a good news! atm it's just impossible to catch up. The only reason you can die is talons but even with them only as long as the sorc don't know how invasion/talons work. If they know there is just now single way to catch a sorc.

    If you really invest some time you could kill any non sorc player just with kiting and your left click attack without they hitting you a single time..

  • Asava
    I'm not the one crying in here. I'm just stating what I see in PvP. I also never joined the fotm vamp club like the vast majority of DK's did.
  • Kronosphere
    Asava wrote: »
    I'm not the one crying in here. I'm just stating what I see in PvP. I also never joined the fotm vamp club like the vast majority of DK's did.

    yes me neither. i aint gonna play my character a way i dont want just to look like a feg and get op abilities. +1 to this guy. also im not saying sorcs are unkillable, they are i think more powerful and versatile however. and ofc u gotta use stam to block role dodge. so do every other class AND they have to use that stam to damage and use utility. and your light armor argument is my point. "if we miss a block we die" he says. well im saying its the exact same for a tank with heavy SR and armor and hp pool. u just made a point in favor of my side @Asava

    but on another point ive decided to pick up reflective scales. seems like a really fun skill im keen to use it in pvp =)
    Edited by Kronosphere on May 5, 2014 1:57AM
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

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