Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Main Templar what do you do after u35?

  • Jarl_Ironheart
    mzprx wrote: »
    Jesus people. I get being unhappy about the animation change and the damage nerf but the skill was way too strong prior. A AOE spammable that costed next to nothing, healed you and had a long reach. Also to the people who are saying the class is unplayable... just stop it. You're clearly exaggerating, the class still kicks butt and is still good.

    I still use it and actually enjoying the new jabs. I'm playing a High Elf Stamplar and he is shredding and melting people and mobs.


    Clearly satire. His jabs were hitting for 734 damage. He must have had like no weapon or spell damage and no points into CP. Like I'm not saying you cannot be unhappy about the update. You're free too and allowed to give your opinion and valid criticism. But what I'm saying is worthless are the comments saying templar is dead or this is the end of the game or things similar. It's not and these people who say it are not.
    Push Posh Applesauce, Pocket Full of Marmalade.
  • KlauthWarthog
    Playing warden, at least until the sub expires, then I´ll play another game.
    Using jabs on my templar makes me want to go play Shovel Knight instead, for some mysterious reason.
  • Jordan.nick11b14_ESO
    I hate they pushed this deeply divisive and unpopular 'update' down our throats. I haven't logged in for a week and my interest dies a little more each day...update 35 ruined more than just the Templar, sadly.
  • Captain_Devildog
    mzprx wrote: »
    Jesus people. I get being unhappy about the animation change and the damage nerf but the skill was way too strong prior. A AOE spammable that costed next to nothing, healed you and had a long reach. Also to the people who are saying the class is unplayable... just stop it. You're clearly exaggerating, the class still kicks butt and is still good.

    I still use it and actually enjoying the new jabs. I'm playing a High Elf Stamplar and he is shredding and melting people and mobs.


    Clearly satire. His jabs were hitting for 734 damage. He must have had like no weapon or spell damage and no points into CP. Like I'm not saying you cannot be unhappy about the update. You're free too and allowed to give your opinion and valid criticism. But what I'm saying is worthless are the comments saying templar is dead or this is the end of the game or things similar. It's not and these people who say it are not.

    People left the game because of the new animation on Templar, if you can't understand that.
    It means you don't know anything about the Templar fans, and if you don't know anything about a subject it is not very wise to be judgemental about it.
  • UnassumingNoob
    Not PVE dpsing right now. I still tank and heal on it but dps just feels crap. Not interested in it. Hate the rotation and MOST importantly I just don’t have the time to learn something for them too change stuff in two months. I don’t play any other class. And I’m not playing nearly as much anymore.
  • KingExecration
    Long time magplar main here. Was hoping if they’d toned cresent or purifying down to balance peoples problems with it. But man the jabs thing is a gut punch.

    I had more fun with the nerfed magplar of right before cp 2.0. It’s a shame to see people spamming shards to parse with it now.

    Overhauls never work out until patches later it seems
  • spartaxoxo
    Tales of Tribute, Housing, Overland. Gonna skip the hardest content for now.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on September 11, 2022 2:04AM
  • jcasini222ub17_ESO
    Forum double post hours later cause forum magic
    Edited by jcasini222ub17_ESO on September 11, 2022 4:13AM
  • Arato
    I'm wondering what Templars are doin after they got hit by u35, still play the game? And what do you spam?

    Not a main but I mostly just use my templar for lazy tanking in 4 mans.
  • FluffyReachWitch
    Well, I’m not a Templar main. I’m in the process of dusting off my Templar characters to get them their skill points while doing Undaunted farming things.

    Right now I’m still using Biting Jabs to proc buffs from that and the Aedric Spear passives, while using a weapon skill as my spam instead. It feels weird after jabbing everything to death before, but I’ve had to change my spam several times on my Sorc over the years too. The rest is Power of the Light and some ground DOTS, until I actually unlock the rest of the Fighter's Guild tree.
  • xthrshx
    I'm wondering what Templars are doin after they got hit by u35, still play the game? And what do you spam?

    Templar main. Was progging VDSR hard mode when these patch notes released. I canceled my subscription and haven’t logged in for weeks.

    I refuse to play this class as it is, and I refuse to play this game if I can’t enjoy my main class.
  • ForumBully
    Not a "main", but for PvP it's either shelve my Templars or start beaming everyone to death.
    Edited by ForumBully on September 11, 2022 3:54AM
  • DocFrost72
    Swapped over to tank, running an oakensoul 2h build for the solo content I enjoy. Puncturing strikes animation change was great, damage nerf wasn't.

    Tankplar is pretty fun so far, some unique and fun support skills on top of a decent platform (changes to rune and its health scaling are fantastic).

    Not thrilled, but they won't leave puncturing strikes (and morphs) like this for long.
  • Ariordin
    I decided this would be a good time to take a break from ESO to wait and see how U36 changes things.

    Jabs is life... so until they fix it....
  • fiender66
    More or less same as before.
    Casual, overland, wearing fancy sets (like those which proc pets).
    I'm in no guild currently and I have no patience for PUG vet content (tons of monster sets in my bank already, anyways).
    This when I want to stay logged, and this seldom happens, lately.
  • Danikat
    I don't do vet dungeons or trials, so the update doesn't really affect me. I do notice jabs doing less damage than it used to, but not to the point where it's unusable.

    At some point I might look up new build ideas, because I never actually liked jabs, I was just told it was a 'must have' for templars so I put it into my group build.

    Also for what it's worth I've seen several other templars in dungeons this week, so clearly a lot of people are still playing it.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Tanis-Stormbinder
    Blazing Spear, Stamplede, Carve, Ritual, Purify light, Puncturing Sweeps till 40% then Blazing Spear and Beam for the kill
  • freespirit
    Still maining my magplar, using a one bar oakensoul build with a lightning staff.

    Jabs is still on my bar and I no longer notice the new animation, I've added a couple of dots, jesus beam and during current event I have BoL as 5th skill. Solo-ing dungeons using Bastian as my tank it works just fine and is actually quite amusing!

    If I'm honest even on the Vet dungeons that I can solo, dropping the dots, standing at range spamming heavy attacks(so my magicka is always full), using BoL to keep Bastian alive and finishing with the beam works nicely on many bosses and still using jabs for the mobs!! 🤣
    When people say to me........
    "You're going to regret that in the morning"
    I sleep until midday cos I'm a problem solver!
  • Ragnarok0130
    I'm exclusively healing vet content now on my Templar now whereas under U34 I was DPSing once in a while in normal trials to expand my repertoire. DPSing is now an unfun chore on my beloved Templar after U35, and the erasure of progress by ZoS' "anti-fun department" has been the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of people in my guilds. We're seriously tired of the dramatic swings regarding balancing - especially after the combat team said they were going to scalpels instead of sledgehammers in the future. They were right, they didn't use sledgehammers this time, they used a wrecking ball crane instead.
  • jerj6925
    Could the development team just issue a templar statement on how they want players to play the templar? Clearly they don't want diversity in playing styles, or just remove the class. I have never been more sure of anything in this game than his, developers hate this class.
  • tim77
    Waiting for snow for the animation to actually make sense

  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Jesus people. I get being unhappy about the animation change and the damage nerf but the skill was way too strong prior. A AOE spammable that costed next to nothing, healed you and had a long reach. Also to the people who are saying the class is unplayable... just stop it. You're clearly exaggerating, the class still kicks butt and is still good.

    I still use it and actually enjoying the new jabs. I'm playing a High Elf Stamplar and he is shredding and melting people and mobs.

    Yeah, I'm not feeling the change much either. My high Elf stamplar is still going strong. If anything I'm enjoying the excuse to explore other skills when jabs isn't doing it for me and have discovered quite a bit of potential in the class I otherwise wouldn't have explored in multiple different builds. I'm enjoying him just as much as I did before, if not more.

    ETA: which isn't to say I don't sympathize with the complaints of others, I do- I see where they're coming from. I'm just not finding the update personally upsetting, but that doesn't mean it hasn't impacted people.
    Edited by ArchangelIsraphel on September 11, 2022 11:37PM
    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
  • WrathOfInnos
    Shards until 43%, then beam.

    You spam those shards all the time?

    Just 57% of the time :D
  • WrathOfInnos
    xthrshx wrote: »
    I'm wondering what Templars are doin after they got hit by u35, still play the game? And what do you spam?

    Templar main. Was progging VDSR hard mode when these patch notes released. I canceled my subscription and haven’t logged in for weeks.

    I refuse to play this class as it is, and I refuse to play this game if I can’t enjoy my main class.

    @xthrshx If it helps, Templar is actually pretty good in vDSR. I just got Swashbuckler on it last week. Jabs is kinda dead, but Blazing spam and beam are strong. I usually main a Sorc or Warden, but raid lead suggested I try Templar and it was a massive improvement. DK is probably slightly better single target, and Necro has more cleave, but Templar is a solid option.
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding
    Staff Post
  • xthrshx

    @xthrshx If it helps, Templar is actually pretty good in vDSR. I just got Swashbuckler on it last week. Jabs is kinda dead, but Blazing spam and beam are strong. I usually main a Sorc or Warden, but raid lead suggested I try Templar and it was a massive improvement. DK is probably slightly better single target, and Necro has more cleave, but Templar is a solid option.

    Congrats. That’s an awesome achievement. And it warms my heart a little hearing a templar DPS got it.

    For me, personally, I’m just not interested in spamming shards. Every cast would just be a reminder that the devs didn’t think through the consequences of their heavy-handed nerfs. Like, clearly shards as a spammable was an oversight. And playing something so broken like that just isn’t fun to me. I liked my character the way it was, and I don’t think I’ll be coming back if that’s gone.
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