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Support, funny statement!

Dear Zenimax,

I love this game, it had some bugs, you will fix them, no problem. Today i had a Problem. I clicked on the wrong Quest-Answer at the end of the Fighters-Guild. So i got the wrong Weapon. No big deal, i opened a ticket, like in other games a GM will fix this, it was my first one so it should...i thought, know help me!

The answer was:
At this time we cannot perform the trade or give you the quest again. The best suggestion would be to take the quest again with a new character.

I´m lvl 42, so 30 Days Gaming, Farming, Questing and i clicked on time wrong and you tell me i should start again?

  • Omniphonic
    well at least you weren't wasting their time with something frivolous.
  • GossiTheDog
    If this is the biggest issue you have with the game, you're having a pretty good game.
  • Auric_ESO
    It's very argue able if they should help you in this. I'm pretty torn on it. And the "other games did this" isn't a good arguement.

    Good customer service from one point of view is to help a customer no matter the circumstances. Then again you're setting a precedent that will make the amount of tickets in game huge. And basically handholding the customers when they don't like the outcome of something. If you can just have CSR fix your mistakes then do choices matter?

    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • Juponen
    If this is the quest I think it is you got a blue. You get later an upgrade to purple AND you can rechoose the weapon type at the same time.
  • Aldun
    After a second Ticket i recived the following Answer:
    Once a quest is completed on a character there is no way to reverse the questline to offer you the option again. This can have negative effects on the character and end up breaking things. If it is regarding changing the reward this may be something we can look into and grant the correct item to you.

    This is better, thank you!


  • Stefacle
    I can't believe people actually log a ticket for something like this.

    I mean, it's no bug.

    Surprised they even bothered responding.
  • SantieClaws
    I know the quest you mean I think - it's when someone forges something at the start of the quest and asks you what kind of something you want? Hope that isn't too much of a spoiler! I took that quest at level 36 only to find you can't equip the something until level 40. So I'll be waiting until then to try the quest again.
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  • Perseas
    u know why he/she told u that? because all quest awards are bind on equip... so u can add it in ur bank and loot it with ur 40s.. but till then, ur 40 will be rank10.. lol
  • Chryos
    Call it a loss, I did the same thing, but I did not report it. There are no do-overs in a consequences type response otherwise people could take advantage of that in some form or fashion. It's just a virtual item with which you can replace with another virtual item of like virtual quality.

    Then again, it also never hurts to ask...worst they can do is say no.
    Edited by Chryos on May 2, 2014 1:51PM
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Everyone grows up wanting a reset button... Some are more harshed out when life explains there is no-such-thing than others are.

    It's quite unfortunate you have the wrong weapon choice out of the matter; but rest assured you'll enjoy bringing another character to that point..

    & you likely will not make that error again.
  • Padhraigh
    I know the quest you mean I think - it's when someone forges something at the start of the quest and asks you what kind of something you want? Hope that isn't too much of a spoiler! I took that quest at level 36 only to find you can't equip the something until level 40. So I'll be waiting until then to try the quest again.

    All *blank* and no *blank* makes *blank* a *blank* *blank* ;)
    PC - EU - EP
    Relic Hunter
  • Thechemicals
    in the wise words of the girl in avatar... "Like a baby"
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Rousseaux
    Who cares about quest item awards? They're for decon only, unless it's a jewelry piece.
    You can craft much better weapon/gear at any level with traits and enchants you want.
    Big deal.
    Edited by Rousseaux on May 2, 2014 3:32PM
  • ZOS_RobinsonE
    Hello @Aldun,

    We are sorry to hear that you regret your decision, however our support cannot provide you the alternative reward as the reward is tied to the story of the quest and the decisions you made about it.

    Thank you for understanding, and see you in Tamriel!
    The Elder Scrolls Online Social Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Dita
    And we wonder, why Customer Service is swamp with tickets, and not responding to game crucial bugs quick enough . . .
    "Begun the Bot Wars has"
  • LunaRae
    You'll forget about either fighters guild reward before you know it. If you haven't already make sure you're extra careful in the mages guild reward selection :smile:
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
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  • zeuseason
    Whoops, lesson learned, move along little one.
  • Hearts
    Aldun wrote: »
    I´m lvl 42, so 30 Days Gaming, Farming, Questing and i clicked on time wrong and you tell me i should start again? Im going to have this weapon for a whooping 5 levels before a green item is better!

    Fixed it for you
    Edited by Hearts on May 2, 2014 4:21PM
  • awkwarrd

    A little Feedback on this thread.
    Slightly derail, but is genuinely about the topic/subject that the thread is talking about.

    I think the best thing people can learn from this, and hopefully ESO.
    Is that the rewards probably should be listed on the quest window before hand.
    Or... better yet..
    Given an option of multiple rewards to pick from that would best suit the:
    "play as you want".

    Not the current:
    "here take this, i found it, but you can have it", kind of rewards.
    Where you basically have no choice in what you get, and just have to deal with it as a quest progression thing that's only impact on your character it will make is the experience you gain.

    This is coming from a player who has 2 veteran characters, with 95% of the gear used, has been from drops on random mobs, not from quests.
    The only things i ever kept from Quests were the Trophies, Costumes and the Weapons, and sometimes i threw away the weapons before using them anyway because a random monster's corpse had better loot.

    I have had many rewards on my character up to level vr9 from quests, and majority of them were garbage i won't ever use when "playing how i want".

    Not to mention that completing big long quest chains will most of the time give you a piece of gear with no set stat on it, or will have a set stat on it.. that is basically for another class or spec which you are not "playing as you want".

    I have completed almost every single quest in every zone up to my current level(except the bugged or broken quests), and i can't stress enough how detached the reward system is with the quests and pretty much all reward options the game currently provides, in regards to your character.

    Here are my examples:
    The current:

    The NEW:

    But obviously they would give different stats for each one.
    Like Spell Power or Bash Damage, etc..

  • Holycannoli
    How do you know which quests have multiple rewards though? Besides googling each and every quest you take just in case.
  • awkwarrd
    How do you know which quests have multiple rewards though? Besides googling each and every quest you take just in case.
    No quest has multiple rewards or choices.
    This is a suggestion to the ZOS ppl i made in regards to this thread.
  • Reignskream
    I didn't think ZOS would allow people who clicked the wrong option of a quest to re do it. Thats an easy out for someone who saw the other reward after they chose theirs alrdy, and wants to change it. Never been in a game where if you choose the wrong option the CS team will allow you to redo or choose a different reward. Kind of silly if you ask me.
    Edited by Reignskream on May 2, 2014 6:31PM
  • Rytfield
    It sucks but you're the one that made the mistake. Tough luck, suck it up. It's not a bug.
  • AryaWythers
    I didn't think ZOS would allow people who clicked the wrong option of a quest to re do it. Thats an easy out for someone who saw the other reward after they chose theirs alrdy, and wants to change it. Never been in a game where if you choose the wrong option the CS team will allow you to redo or choose a different reward. Kind of silly if you ask me.

    I have seen it in almost every MMO I have played...even with Loot drops from dungeons. With quest rewards being specialized it would be a shame not to. The rewards are all on same level just specialized for how you choose to enjoy the game.

    I've been in so many dungeons (in other games, I only PvP here when I can) where somebody rolls on items mistakenly not for their class and within an hour or less the ticket is resolved and item problems or hassle.

    Edited by AryaWythers on May 2, 2014 6:53PM
  • nanaki90
    purple weapons at that level cost like 1k gold and it was your own fault to pick the wrong weapon (even by accident).
    If this is the biggest issue you have run into then you are extremly lucky
  • rhubbert_ESO
    LMAO "I failed an improvement chance of 10%, please reset"
    Iris Umbra// Stamina Nightblade // Aldmeri Dominion
  • AryaWythers
    This guy was looking for some help in CUSTOMER SUPPORT...but of course everyone has to come in and stick their thumb in his eye for asking a simple question, or just stating his experience with Zenimax's joke they call SUPPORT.

    If you guys have a problem with threads that are impeding progress for support go get the NEW CONTENT threads closed that really don't belong here. Or are they offering SUPPORT for un-released content before they help customers with on-going issues?
    Games only 30 days old and people want to talk about all the new stuff they are talking about but will insult people with real know where all these New Content junkies end up when you can't satisfy their need for new stuff.

    Only been a month and they just keep asking for more content before basic problems for others are fixed....happens in every MMO, and they will be onto the next one when you can't help them from them getting bored with end-game content a month in...just hope you don't blow it for the ones that would have been loyal while catering to these greedy players ;)
    Edited by AryaWythers on May 2, 2014 7:13PM
  • Thechemicals
    I accidentally chose to jump off a cliff and died, repair my stuff.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Xnemesis
    guess you just chose your second weapon skill line huh?
  • AryaWythers
    Who was that skill line comment thrown at by the way? Not sure if anyone gets it, OP says he is in the 40's and they wanted him to start over to re choose the quest option...FUNNY customer support response JUST as the TITLE suggests and having to do with support!
    Edited by AryaWythers on May 2, 2014 7:18PM
This discussion has been closed.