What is your DPs reduction from Live to PTS latest patch ?

If you have some numbers please, would be welcomed
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What is your DPs reduction from Live to PTS latest patch ? 30 votes

0% to 5%
Artim_X 1 vote
5% to 10%
ssewallb14_ESOPr0SkygonMudcrabAttackFreeMaN_A 4 votes
10% to 15%
spacefracking 1 vote
15% to 20%
xXTomahawkXx 1 vote
20% to 25%
dhoward5b14_ESORimskjeggfizl101smdlvirtus753JaimehmpicklessterSiantarwillymancer69Rugby_hookGhaleb 11 votes
25% to 30%
JaiaVZorrinmerpinsWrathOfInnosAriordinZastrixNorbertKustomontage36 9 votes
30% to 35%
Mace1994francesinhalover 2 votes
35% to 40%
40% to 45%
50% +
Dragonlord573 1 vote
  • Necrotech_Master
    i dont have pts downloaded so dont know for sure, but estimating at least 20%-40% depending on the toon
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • Ghaleb
    20% to 25%
    Parse on live: ~105k DPS with MagCro and 100k DPS StamCro
    Parse on PTS: 100k DPS with MagCro and 90k DPS StamCro

    Due to buffs of the dummy (now including Catalyst, considering that 70% of my dmg comes from Crits), I estimate around 20%-25% DPS-loss

    The additional loss with the StamCro seemingly revolves around a more clunky feeling with the rota and a weird loss when using Stampede
  • MidniteOwl1913
    I'm on the console, so I'll have to wait to see. I've been told that as I lower-tier player I won't notice the U35 changes. So maybe the people who respond should mention their general skill level?

    It might be useful to know if there actually is a difference.

  • MudcrabAttack
    5% to 10%
    It depends, here's the non-trial dummy parses of the two builds I play to get a more realistic damage comparison

    Nightblade Archer Gained 13% - ish (Weaving with a bow is more responsive on PTS)
    Live - 42820
    PTS- 48480

    Warden Melee lost 18%-25% (This comparison would be worse with armor debuffs on the target, the new animal passive is just more penetration that goes to waste in trials)
    Live - 51580
    PTS- 42400
    Edited by MudcrabAttack on August 12, 2022 11:36PM
  • mpicklesster
    20% to 25%
    Given that the 21mil dummy was buffed on the PTS, I had to parse on the 6mil dummy to ensure that a live vs. PTS comparison wasn't confounded. Parsing on the 6mil naturally meant that my overall DPS would be substantially lower than a fully buffed 21mil parse. However, the 6mil dummy is unadulterated by any buffs, so this at least allowed for an apples-to-apples comparison. (I deliberately chose the 6mil over the 3mil because the execute phase on the 3mil tends to be absurdly short--and therefore doesn't represent the potential of your execute damage. Not to mention, a 6mil parse gives literally twice as much data as a 3mil parse.)

    I only tested my DK because I know it like the back of my hand (it's the class I use for most of my trifecta achievements). Despite knowing it so well, I still saw about a 20% drop on the PTS. I did 4 parses each on the live and PTS servers, and then averaged them to filter out the effect of crit RNG from individual parses. (My unbuffed crit on my DK is about 49%. At that level, under- or over-critting can have a large effect on the results of one parse. Hence why I did multiple parses and took an average.) My average on the live server parses was 41k; on the PTS it was 33k. The difference is technically 19.6%, but I rounded up to 20% for the sake of brevity when answering the poll.

    Edited for typos.
    Edited by mpicklesster on August 12, 2022 11:47PM
  • Dragonlord573
    50% +
    Console player here, but as a 50k DPS and seeing other parses on here it looks like I'll be hitting 20k-30k next patch with my current set up :(
  • merpins
    25% to 30%
    Console player here, but as a 50k DPS and seeing other parses on here it looks like I'll be hitting 20k-30k next patch with my current set up :(

    Yeah if it's an oakensoul setup, 50% dps loss isn't unexpected with other nerfs. Otherwise 50% is pretty high.
  • Dragonlord573
    50% +
    merpins wrote: »
    Console player here, but as a 50k DPS and seeing other parses on here it looks like I'll be hitting 20k-30k next patch with my current set up :(

    Yeah if it's an oakensoul setup, 50% dps loss isn't unexpected with other nerfs. Otherwise 50% is pretty high.

    It's not with Oakensoul. Using a magdk with elf bane, burning spell weave, and gronthaar. My DPS already took a hit when Zaan got nerfed and the dot changes is going to really mess with my rotation and damage. Cause I was layering on like 8 total dots and this is... Demoralizing.
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