Ever since I have been testing LSAO and LSAO+(SSGI) in ESO there has been a bug with the implementation. The bug is awkward shading between two points of an object or objects. It is extremely noticeable when those objects are moving, such as your character and a staff. Here is a screenshot comparison between LSAO and SSAO (the only working AO in ESO).
As you can see there is dark shading between the staff and the body or between the legs of the character further ahead. You can imagine how noticeable this is when you are moving and the staff is bouncing around. Same thing with other objects as well. SSAO/HBAO is the only one this is not noticeable on...but HBAO is not noticeable because it just doesnt have shading at all...its why the grass looks so bright when you use it...no shading. HBAO has been broken for years making SSAO the only working AO for ESO.