By now many of us have heard about the latests eso live where they wanted to "lower the ceiling, while leaving the floor alone" concept for combat changes.
And/or we may have seen the combat preview article that mentions something similar:
"Currently, to be truly effective in ESO’s combat, you need to learn to manipulate something that is known as “weaving,” which refers to the act of squeezing multiple actions into the global cooldown window. Doing so drastically increases your agency and output, and it is a staple of the game that we’ve come to embrace, as it helps our combat feel different and exciting to participate in once you learn the ins and outs. However, the impact of weaving leads to a massive gap in performance where players who cannot interact with it as effectively are left miles behind those who can. While this is partially unavoidable and an important part of what makes the mastery of ESO or any activity utilizing a similar system particularly satisfying, we want to do what we can to shorten that delta. The closer the gap between the low and high end, the easier it is to create content that can accommodate a wider audience, while making more natural progression points for those looking to improve."
Now with the ceiling it's pretty obvious who they are talking about, the 125k+ dps crowd.
But maybe the "low end" they are referring to is
NOT the 10k dps crowd.
We have been struggling to find a reason why Zos seems determined to lower the dps of the low end (10k-20k dps) group while stating they did not want to. But maybe the low end group they are referring to is
the low end of regular vet content players.
Perhaps the "delta" they want to lower is between say the 125k dps groups and t
he 60-70k dps groups. Maybe these changes are not at all aimed at what we in the the community would refer to as the "floor" at all.
Knowing that lower end dps usually heavily relies upon light and heavy attacks, why nerf it? Maybe because that group is not actually being considered at all for these changes.
Just a thought.
Edited by BlueRaven on July 25, 2022 1:50PM