Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

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Soul Shriven
I have been playing ESO off and on for awhile now with my wife and daughter. We started with morrowind and have enjoyed the game. And I'm the one that is usually looking up builds and trying things out. And we are not endgame players we are the middle of the road players. That like doing the Vet 4 mans from time to time but not trials. Most of my time was spent seeing how I can us non meta builds to do the content we like doing. When the Oakensoul came out I grinded for it. Got it. Used it on my builds then did the same for my wife and daughter. Once we were set up I felt like my brain storming days were done until new gear came out to try. it was a relief. Saying to myself that finally me and my girls could just go do content we have been wanting to do comfortably. I could go do all the content I wanted to do for awhile. while I'm seeing my wife and daughter just have a blast. Then came U35. We all logged in and my first though before we did anything was it cant be that bad right. With the dot nerf and heal nerf together it was dishearten because my wife was a healer. Me and my daughter main werewolf and just notice right away our dps was cut in half if not more.

And I just don't understand why nerf so many things all together and make it seem like the freedom that was give just got ripped away. And saying your doing this to help the lower to mid players reach the same level as the elite players is silly. The reason why you have casual to elite players is skill ,technique and Knowledge. These are things that cant be given. But can be taught. This is by no means a post about me and my family leaving. It's really about how we feel that you gave us the tools to make the game fun again and let us do all these wild builds and have them work and not be stuck with meta cookie cutter builds. And gave us the freedom to see parts of the game we we're holding off on. And then just pull the rug from under us and say no start over again. We just feel like your heart was in the right place but the execution was off.
  • joaotextor
    Pretty nice you and your family playing altogether.

    About the changes, since U35 didn't came out yet, maybe there's still hope for the changes not coming live as it is now.
    I still have hope that they will make further adjustments and reduce the impact on combat.

    I hope all they did was put to practice the "contrast principle", announcing a big change with the goal to pass a minor change. So people would complain about the big change, but the minor change is what they aimed from the start, and people will be happy with it.

    If they just announce the minor change at first, people would still complain about it. But with the "contrast principle", they'll embrace with joy.

    It's a nasty move, I know, but I hope this is the case. Otherwise we'll be seeing major changes that can impact my motivation to play the game (and to think I just renewed my ESO+ for 12 more months...crap!)
  • Melzo
    joaotextor wrote: »
    Pretty nice you and your family playing altogether.

    It's a nasty move, I know, but I hope this is the case. Otherwise we'll be seeing major changes that can impact my motivation to play the game (and to think I just renewed my ESO+ for 12 more months...crap!)

    Hahahahaha I have nothing to say...
  • Auldwulfe
    My fiance' and I play together - and mind you, we are also grandparents -- we are not great, but since we got to a stage in life where the bills were all paid, and things caught up, we decided "why not?" and bought a pair of computers that could run this, and subscribed (yeah, thinking that second was a serious mistake, at this point).

    I have played Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, and Oblivion ... didn't have a PC to play Skyrim until recently, and went ESO instead, as both my fiance' and I still play Daggerfall, and wanted the opportunity to do it together.
    And yes, we have noticed that ESO isn't exactly the same - but we are enjoying things.

    I cannot get to the PTS server, but have joined a guild where one of the guys was streaming it via discord for us ... and yes, I am somewhat concerned. I am NOT a top tier player, and due to my lack of technical expertise, can't get minion to work for me, but my guildmate says I do about the 50K level. However, due to arthritis, and a few other issues, my fiance's doesn't hit that --- which, for what we enjoy together, is just fine... but if it gets too hard for us, we will probably just let our subscription run to the end, and go back to other online games that we can play together.

    We don't play this for trial awards, we play it for fun..... and there is a LOT of evidence building up that the fun part of this is the part that is going to go away..... not too sure I am happy on that front.

    In addition, I was just starting to work on the idea of builds for more group content. I was starting to learn to tank ... the idea being that I would run more with my guildmates ..... now, I probably won't be good enough to get in......

  • Necrotech_Master
    Auldwulfe wrote: »
    My fiance' and I play together - and mind you, we are also grandparents -- we are not great, but since we got to a stage in life where the bills were all paid, and things caught up, we decided "why not?" and bought a pair of computers that could run this, and subscribed (yeah, thinking that second was a serious mistake, at this point).

    I have played Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Redguard, Morrowind, and Oblivion ... didn't have a PC to play Skyrim until recently, and went ESO instead, as both my fiance' and I still play Daggerfall, and wanted the opportunity to do it together.
    And yes, we have noticed that ESO isn't exactly the same - but we are enjoying things.

    I cannot get to the PTS server, but have joined a guild where one of the guys was streaming it via discord for us ... and yes, I am somewhat concerned. I am NOT a top tier player, and due to my lack of technical expertise, can't get minion to work for me, but my guildmate says I do about the 50K level. However, due to arthritis, and a few other issues, my fiance's doesn't hit that --- which, for what we enjoy together, is just fine... but if it gets too hard for us, we will probably just let our subscription run to the end, and go back to other online games that we can play together.

    We don't play this for trial awards, we play it for fun..... and there is a LOT of evidence building up that the fun part of this is the part that is going to go away..... not too sure I am happy on that front.

    In addition, I was just starting to work on the idea of builds for more group content. I was starting to learn to tank ... the idea being that I would run more with my guildmates ..... now, I probably won't be good enough to get in......


    to be fair, tanking is actually the thing getting hit the least with this patch lol

    you might not be able to run as many "group support" type sets, but raw tanking with tank sets like leeching plate or hatchling shell and you should still be fine
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014

    i have my main house (grand topal hideaway) listed in the housing tours, it has multiple target dummies, scribing altar, and grandmaster stations (in progress being filled out), as well as almost every antiquity furnishing on display to preview them

    feel free to stop by and use the facilities
    Venom1138 wrote: »
    And saying your doing this to help the lower to mid players reach the same level as the elite players is silly.

    This is spot on, with the exception that they are doing this to bring elite players down to the level of more humbly performing players, not the other way round.

    If they wanted to make endgame content more accessible, massive DPS nerfs seem like a funny way to achieve it.
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