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Best role for each companion?

  • FlopsyPrince
    Ember is a mage but wears medium armor I just discovered today (?)

    In Companion world Light armour is Only for healing builds, Medium is for all Damage builds, Heavy is for .."Tank" or more likely someone to buff/mild heal you who won't die in 5 seconds.

    My healing Isobel in light gear often lasts longer in some WB or similar content than my tank Bastion.

    Could be my skill and gear trait choices though. It does seem she dodges and avoids the bad better though....
  • SilverBride
    I was wondering. I will also not pay the price purple gear is selling for now. I have a few pieces I have personally picked up, but those are very limited.

    This is the tanking build I am using for Bastian at the moment.

    All the gear is Bolstered.

    Purple quality: Neck, ring, ring, dagger, shield, gauntlets

    Blue quality: Helm, cuirass, girdle, sabatons, pauldrons, greaves

    Skills: Provoke, Drake's Blood, Basalt Barrier, Crimson Font, Kindle

    Ultimate: Unleashed Rage

    I plan to keep looking for purple quality pieces to replace the blue, but it's a slow process. I am also going to move these over to Isobel and see how she does. Her skill lineup will be different so I hope she does a good job, too.
  • Holycannoli
    Isobel: Tank, Heals
    Ember: DPS
    Bastian: Staying unsummoned
    Mirri: Standing around in Nordic Bather's Towel
  • ZOS_Hadeostry

    After further review we have decided to move this thread to a category we think is more appropriate for this topic.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    Staff Post
  • phaneub17_ESO
    I decided to work on making all the companions equally valid and split evenly between all my characters that it's become a little sexist, but it is what it is. So I have 6 male and 12 female characters, fortunately they are also split evenly between builds so that made it easier. There are 2 males and 4 females for each of the Hybrid, Magicka, and Stamina build characters. I am using Isobel with my Hybrid females, Ember with my Magicka females, Mirri with my Stamina females, and Bastian with my dudes. I also wanted their builds to be different enough that it fits.

    Bastian: Two-Handed, 7 Medium, 12 Quickened. Drake's Blood, Crushing Claws, Sunder, Fiery Flail, Scorching Strike. He's a little slow to action without a gap closer, but he does two AOE attacks followed by two single target attacks.

    Isobel: One-hand and shield, 7 Light, 12 Quickened. Blessed Sacrament, Solar Ward, Beam of Reproach, Sun Brand, Holy Ground. A little bit of everything, she doesn't taunt but does draw a bit of attention with all the healing that she outputs with Beam of Reproach and Holy Ground. Sun Brand and Beam for her single target damage and Solar Ward to keep her alive.

    Mirri: Dual-Wield, 7 Medium, 7 Shattered, 5 Aggressive. Warp Strike, Masque of Torment, Razor Cape, Life Siphon, Spinning Steel. Suicide bomber, teleports into melee then strikes fear in the hearts of her enemies before tearing them to shreds with AOE attacks. Should anything survive she deals with it on her own.

    Ember: Ice Staff, 7 Medium, 12 Focused. Starfall, Crystal Blast, Sniping Silver, Shocking Burst, Second Wind. A chain salvo striker, mostly single target with maximum critical strike chance. This lets her hit fast and hit hard!
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