Unfair Advantage - "BROAKENSOUL" on NOCP/NOPROC Campaign

Major Courage Buff

How do you get this buff on this campaign without this ring? Sets that give this buff are disabled.

Why is this ring not disabled on the campaign?

So this campaign got a Pay2Win item. Why?
  • deleted221205-002626
    Major Courage Buff

    How do you get this buff on this campaign without this ring? Sets that give this buff are disabled.

    Why is this ring not disabled on the campaign?

    So this campaign got a Pay2Win item. Why?

    because its not a proc and on all the time like rattlecage etc.
  • MajorSnakeFox
    But I can only have this buff if I buy this DLC and farm the item. Otherwise not.

    For me, this is the definition of Pay2Win!
  • deleted221205-002626
    also on.... Vestment of Olorime, Spell Power Cure, Sea-Serpent's Coil.
    Edited by deleted221205-002626 on June 27, 2022 10:11AM
  • MajorSnakeFox
    These sets do not work on the campaign.
  • deleted221205-002626
    These sets do not work on the campaign.

    ya true they are procs.. sorry not used to thinking in terms of a no proc campagn.
    Edited by deleted221205-002626 on June 27, 2022 10:13AM
  • dmvab
    ESO has been walking in the path of the P2W strategy for a long time but now it's ridiculous
    I'd never recommend this game to a friend anymore
    Absolutely pay-to-win game right now

    edit reason:

    suggestion: "this item does not work while Battle Spirit buff is active"
    Edited by dmvab on June 27, 2022 10:19AM
  • deleted221205-002626
    dmvab wrote: »
    ESO has been walking in the path of the P2W strategy for a long time but now it's ridiculous
    I'd never recommend this game to a friend anymore
    Absolutely pay-to-win game right now

    Well thats how games go.. Up and up and up! Better and better and better.. If you dont go UP or get the BETTER your left in the dust!
  • Lephrel
    You're right, unfortunately, forcing PvP players to buy a chapter (even though there is absolutely no pvp content included) is something they've been doing for years now. Simply introduce a couple of sets that will dominate the PvP meta and players have no choice but to buy the expansion. It's deplorable, but there isn't anything we can do about it.
  • Digiman
    Whats wrong with buying a chapter? I don't see why you play a game a refuse to support it finacially with all the hours you give.... We are talking about a sister company that invented DLC horse armor so its not a stretch to see them play this way, unless I am missing something?

    If you are truthful then the ring won't be crippled till the next chapter then,
  • Snamyap
    If they would release expansion with nothing but horizontal progression they would be out of business pretty fast I think.

  • Stanx
    It's not pay to win, it's new content, which you should 100% be expected to pay for. The entitlement is unbelievable.
  • Kiralyn2000
    But I can only have this buff if I buy this DLC and farm the item. Otherwise not.

    For me, this is the definition of Pay2Win!

    The problem with this is... if expansions count as "p2w", then has every game that's ever had an expansion been p2w?

    Expansions have to add new content & features, otherwise people say they're terrible. But if they have new features that are "paywalled" by the fact you have to buy the expansion... catch 22.

    More standard MMOs like WoW include level cap increases with expansions. So the new features might not be used against people who don't buy the expansion... but people who don't buy the expansion get locked out of the main PvP anyway, because they're now lower level and can't compete anymore. Is that also being "forced" to buy the expansion if you want to continue competing?
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 27, 2022 12:49PM
  • barney2525
    So.... because some players enjoy using only one bar - which is rather restrictive in PvP - Zos isn't allowed to come up with something that will balance things and get more one bar players into PvP ?

    And as for the dlc purchase aspect - all you gotta do is wait. the Next addition will add this one to ESO+ group and you can pick up ESO+ for one month and get your uber toy.

  • DigiAngel
    But I can only have this buff if I buy this DLC and farm the item. Otherwise not.

    For me, this is the definition of Pay2Win!

    ESO PVP has always been Pay2Win....most of the "best" sets are in DLC's.
  • WrathOfInnos
    If it gave a generic 430 Weapon and Spell Damage would that be better? Seems arbitrary to hate on it just because the buff is named Major Courage and previously available only with procs.
  • DigiAngel
    Honestly I wouldn't worry about it much. The usual pattern:
    • Release paid content with OP sets
    • ZOS sees way too many people using said OP sets
    • ZOS nerfs them next patch

    It's been this cycle forever. The folks using it...good for them...enjoy it while it lasts. I didn't buy High Isle...I'm sure I will at some point in time as I do enjoy the PvE environments. But...not yet....let's see where/when the nerf hammer falls first ;)
  • Kalitas
    As much as I dislike Oakensoul for PVP, this isn't pay to win. It's included as new content that's part of a chapter. You can't expect the oldest content in the base game to remain meta in PVP forever. If they were selling Oakensoul on it's own in the crown store, that would be a different story.
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • TylerDurden
    Just make the buffs work on npc instead of players and it’s fixed. No reason to nerf something just because people don’t want to adapt to a new playstyle
  • DigiAngel
    Kalitas wrote: »
    As much as I dislike Oakensoul for PVP, this isn't pay to win. It's included as new content that's part of a chapter. You can't expect the oldest content in the base game to remain meta in PVP forever. If they were selling Oakensoul on it's own in the crown store, that would be a different story.

    I disagree, although I get where you're coming from. It's either:

    "the DLC you bought contains great new content, but it also includes an OP item"


    "the DLC you bought contains an OP item, but it also includes great new content"

    You either bought the DLC for the content, or the item. In either case, money was exchanged for an OP item. Whether that's why or person bought it or not, doesn't seem relevant.
  • Remathilis
    How about ZoS has a "Classic" Cyrodiil campaign that only allows Base game sets. Everything past Craglorn is banned. Also, no Wardens, Necros, or Psjiics.

    Perfectly balanced
  • EF321
    I don't get it... it is a rather weak set OP is ranting about?
  • Kalitas
    DigiAngel wrote: »
    Kalitas wrote: »
    As much as I dislike Oakensoul for PVP, this isn't pay to win. It's included as new content that's part of a chapter. You can't expect the oldest content in the base game to remain meta in PVP forever. If they were selling Oakensoul on it's own in the crown store, that would be a different story.

    I disagree, although I get where you're coming from. It's either:

    "the DLC you bought contains great new content, but it also includes an OP item"


    "the DLC you bought contains an OP item, but it also includes great new content"

    You either bought the DLC for the content, or the item. In either case, money was exchanged for an OP item. Whether that's why or person bought it or not, doesn't seem relevant.

    Everyone is buying a new DLC for something. An item is content. I've been excited for new sets that drop from trials. Those aren't pay to win even though they boost my DPS. Oakensoul is a new mythic that you have to farm the leads for and then hunt them down. New content being stronger than old content isn't anything new in any game. I strongly agree it needs to be balanced but I definitely don't consider it pay to win.
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • Kalitas
    Remathilis wrote: »
    How about ZoS has a "Classic" Cyrodiil campaign that only allows Base game sets. Everything past Craglorn is banned. Also, no Wardens, Necros, or Psjiics.

    Perfectly balanced

    I agree. Bring back DKs unclipped wings. Get rid of casting times on Incap and Dawnbreaker and any other way they've botched animation cancelling. Bring back perma bat ult DKs! /s I want keep leaps and chaining/ambushing into keeps as well. Buff Viper/Tremorscale to be comparable to where they were!
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I'm going to sidestep the whole p2w part and proceed to asking if the item seems like an obvious outlier compared to the sets that are allowed in that campaign. 🤔

    Is no proc an environment where you need to do more, and your armor does less for you? I see oakensoul as opposed to what I thought the raison d'etre of the no cp no proc campaign is/was.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • TaSheen
    EF321 wrote: »
    I don't get it... it is a rather weak set OP is ranting about?

    Eh, no. He's ranting about the Oakensoul ring, misnaming it for "effect".

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Kalitas
    I'm going to sidestep the whole p2w part and proceed to asking if the item seems like an obvious outlier compared to the sets that are allowed in that campaign. 🤔

    Is no proc an environment where you need to do more, and your armor does less for you? I see oakensoul as opposed to what I thought the raison d'etre of the no cp no proc campaign is/was.

    This is the correct way to approach it.
    @Kevin-G | Ajani | Wü-Tang Clan
  • MajorSnakeFox
    Only this item allows you to get a very strong buff on a campaign on which you can't get this buff with other items.

    This is a big problem in my opinion.
  • Remathilis
    I'm fine with adding Oakensoul to the no procc ban list. Problem solved.
  • Katlefiya
    Remathilis wrote: »
    I'm fine with adding Oakensoul to the no procc ban list. Problem solved.

    Problem: no procs on Oakensoul.
  • Remathilis
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Remathilis wrote: »
    I'm fine with adding Oakensoul to the no procc ban list. Problem solved.

    Problem: no procs on Oakensoul.

    Make a special exception. I'd rather that than nerfing the item..
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