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Unfair Advantage - "BROAKENSOUL" on NOCP/NOPROC Campaign

  • Bealeb319
    Lephrel wrote: »
    You're right, unfortunately, forcing PvP players to buy a chapter (even though there is absolutely no pvp content included) is something they've been doing for years now. Simply introduce a couple of sets that will dominate the PvP meta and players have no choice but to buy the expansion. It's deplorable, but there isn't anything we can do about it.

    What is their insensitive to cater to players who don't buy their chapters? It costs money to run their servers so if players are not supporting their game more than just the initial base purchase are going to drain them, they have to cater to the players who are willing to pay as that is who allows the rest the ability to play their game for free.
  • Ratzkifal
    I think the expectation of "no proc campaign = no DLC campaign" is already a flawed one.
    That being said, this is a rather unfortunate side-effect of Oakensoul being the way it is. I don't think Oakensoul should be disabled for noproc, but maybe ZOS can add a noproc source for permanent Major Courage to the game. Now that Camouflaged Hunter and Mage Light both do pretty much the same thing and Camouflaged Hunter does a little bit more (Fighter's Guild ultimate generation, extra weapon damage, minor berserk; compared to a little bit max magicka and magicka regeneration), maybe Mage Light could grant Major Courage instead of prophecy and savagery? Or they just add a new set that does.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Ratzkifal
    Bealeb319 wrote: »
    Lephrel wrote: »
    You're right, unfortunately, forcing PvP players to buy a chapter (even though there is absolutely no pvp content included) is something they've been doing for years now. Simply introduce a couple of sets that will dominate the PvP meta and players have no choice but to buy the expansion. It's deplorable, but there isn't anything we can do about it.

    What is their insensitive to cater to players who don't buy their chapters? It costs money to run their servers so if players are not supporting their game more than just the initial base purchase are going to drain them, they have to cater to the players who are willing to pay as that is who allows the rest the ability to play their game for free.

    Oh this is an easy question, even if a lot of companies don't seem to realize it. If they only ever cater to the players that buy up all of their content, and the nonpaying players leave, the game will become very empty. They made Battlegrounds and IC open to all because the paying players alone couldn't support that system. Paying players only keep paying if they feel the game is worth the investment. If the nonpaying players jump ship and the world goes empty (especially in areas like massive open world PvP) the paying players won't feel like the game is worth spending money on anymore. It's in everyone's interest to maintain a healthy mix of whales, dolphins and fish and keep as many of them as happy as possible.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • EdmondDontes
    barney2525 wrote: »
    So.... because some players enjoy using only one bar - which is rather restrictive in PvP - Zos isn't allowed to come up with something that will balance things and get more one bar players into PvP ?

    And as for the dlc purchase aspect - all you gotta do is wait. the Next addition will add this one to ESO+ group and you can pick up ESO+ for one month and get your uber toy.


    That's now how it works. ESO+ will never give access to mythics of any kind the way the game is structured.
  • Thecompton73
    Stanx wrote: »
    It's not pay to win, it's new content, which you should 100% be expected to pay for. The entitlement is unbelievable.

    You have to pay in order to get it. You can use it in a competitive mode in the base game against other players that haven't paid for it and it allows you to win when you'd otherwise lose fights. That's pay to win. Any counter argument simply isn't based on the facts.
  • ccfeeling
    You can also equip this ring, Whats the problem?
  • Xinihp
    Digiman wrote: »
    Whats wrong with buying a chapter?

    This. Right. Here.

    This sounds like complaining about the unfair advantage of current tier raiding gear in WoW because you didn't want to pony up for the current expansion that has the raid it drops in.

    Buy the ticket or don't take the ride. I don't really think it is reasonable to expect to just play for free and never even buy the normal expansion chapters, then complain you can't have the gear they drop.

    That is far from pay to win. Pay to win would be selling items that give an advantage in the cash shop above and beyond what people who actually pay for the current expansion to support the game get.

    This is an item that EVERYONE who actually supports the game and buys the current expansion gets.

    Besides if you honestly think this set gives an advantage in PVP when losing the utility of a 2nd bar I don't think you would probably be winning much regardless.

    Is it nice for people who can't handle bar swapping for whatever reason? Absolutely. Is it BIS or superior to min-maxed dual bar setups? Absolutely NOT. Not even pre-nerf.

    Edited by Xinihp on June 28, 2022 1:00AM
  • James-Wayne
    You must be new, the set will get nerfed in a month or so to minor buffs... we are still in the chapter purchase phase.
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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    529 people have also earned this badge.
  • TaSheen
    You must be new, the set will get nerfed in a month or so to minor buffs... we are still in the chapter purchase phase.

    Nerfed to minor buffs will still help me. I'm not fussed.

    "But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending." Mercedes Lackey, Into the West

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- four accounts, many alts....
  • Norith_Gilheart_Flail
    It's an incredibly welcome and appreciated item. I for one love having now a one bar build on some of my classes.
    At the end of the day, if I want to sub, and spend money in a crown store, but look for a game that gives me a variety of scale in gameplay from simple and enjoyable to more complex and engaging then I am happy with what's now on offer.

    Just remove the ring from being worn in PVP and the problem is solved.

    I am sick to death of the endless calls for nerfs, year after year, from the same SMALL subset of this games population who do Cyrodiil. Enough!

    It leads to resentment between the playerbase.
    Edited by Norith_Gilheart_Flail on June 28, 2022 7:28AM
  • Thecompton73
    barney2525 wrote: »
    So.... because some players enjoy using only one bar - which is rather restrictive in PvP - Zos isn't allowed to come up with something that will balance things and get more one bar players into PvP ?

    And as for the dlc purchase aspect - all you gotta do is wait. the Next addition will add this one to ESO+ group and you can pick up ESO+ for one month and get your uber toy.


    That's now how it works. ESO+ will never give access to mythics of any kind the way the game is structured.

    That's actually false. ESO+ includes everything but the latest chapter. When a new chapter drops the previous years chapter becomes available. Only new classes stay locked behind pay walls. I don't own any of the chapters on PC but I can go to Artaeum and get the psijic skill line, I can craft jewelry, and I can pick up the quest to start scrying. I could then go obtain all the older mythic items.
    What I can't do is go to High Isle to get the lead for Oakensoul that drops from lava vents until a year from now when the area becomes available as part of ESO+. By then it will be nerfed to oblivion and forgotten.
    It's not only pay to win, it's a short term pay to win scheme to get FOMO afflicted people to shell out $40 so they can experience it before it's made useless in a month or three.
    Edited by Thecompton73 on June 28, 2022 7:51AM
  • Lord_Nikon
    Keep the ring as is and make it a PVE only item. Disable it completely in PVP but don’t nerf it into the ground because of gankers.

    This ring has allowed myself and my wife to enjoy the game again. Don’t take it away from the PVE players.
  • Drammanoth
    If someone lacks skills and yet possesses the newest metabuild being aremed to the teeth... yeah, good luck.

    Pay to Win? Hardly. It's not WoW. When you buy the chapter, you are NOT given everything on a siver platter, but it's more convenient to bellyache rather than acknowledge that you suck at PvP - and do something about it.

    I know I do, which is why I try to hone my skills.
    My wishlist for ESO
    >>weapons: Polearms, Unarmed, Crossbow

    >>Sorc's Twilight - perched animation

    >>a skill line - a guild having this - to enable us to increase % gold gain for donating Ornate gear (another gold sink in order to gain more pennies - but over time it would pay off)

    >>new skill lines - Adventure (enable climbing, increase flora and fauna harvesting chances)

    >>tree climing in Grahtwood / Malabal Tor / Greenshade, etc. (with tall trees)

    >>rock climbing in Glenumbra / Rivenspire / Stonefalls, etc. (with tall peaks)

    >>restoration of destroyed cities, eg. Satakalaam, Aswala, Gil-Var-Delle, etc. Making them permanently restored, maybe with some traders OR minor quest hubs.

    >>a way to make Overland more challenging - for those who want

    III.CP 2.0
    >>Craft Tree development -->

    >>a mount OF CHOICE (eg. horse, senche, quasigryph) for every 1200 CP in respective colours
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to gold gain from every source for 900 CP collected on Craft
    >> a permanent 5% attack / defence bonus for 900 CP collected on Warfare
    >>a permanent 10% bonus to health/stam/mag regen and 5% health/stam/mag increase for 900 CP on Fitness

    IV.Replayable content in overland
    >>dynamic pocket rifts to Oblivion - eg. to Vaermina's in Stormhaven, Boethiah's in Deshaan, Hircine's in the Rift OR in Bankgorai, etc. to get Daedric Sets relevant to the Prince, something like Oblivion rifts in Blackwood / the Deadlands


    >>story mode for dungeons - sometimes I don't want to do a dungeon quest with sprinters. They will rush from boss to boss and leave without saying a thing. I'd love to enjoy the time, even though I've done a dungeon many times

    VI.Chapter ideas
    >>Whiterun + Fields of Regret DLC

    >>Winterhold (Winterhold Hold) + Dawnstar (The Pale Hold) DLC

    >>Timelines series: Cyrodiil
    some Imperial noble/vagabond - a Tharn - becomes the new emperor, so the claims of Ayrenn, Jorun or Emeric are for naught. Vestige begins the long and arduous process of rebuilding Cyrodiil, 1st in their own alliance, and then as they would along Cadwell's silver and gold.

    >>Solstheim CH or DLC.

    >>Pyandonea - we had some quests WITH Maormer (Summerset, High Isle) - maybe we could meet them there? Poke poke, nudge nudge, wink wink, eh ZOS?

    >>Blackmarsh CH or DLC.

    >>Akavir CH.

    >>Atmora CH.

    >>Peryite's Pits DLC.

    >>Vaermina's Quagmire DLC.

    (the ideas are also inspired by other Forum Users' posts)
    >>possibility to research traits on Companions' equipment so that we could change the traits

    >>pet battles! We collect SO MANY pets, and yet they are just a cosmetic. What a HUGE potential lies within those tiny beats!

    >>ASOC - a new server in Asia and Oceania. If people have a bad ping there, it would be great if they had a server reaching their places more easily. And hey, it would make THREE servers, not two.

    >>highlighting WBs that are being engaged

    >>possibility to dye barding

    >>possibility to switch UI between guild bank<-->bank<-->guild trader

    >>display the dialogue options so that we can see which answer the NPC is reacting to

    >>Norg-Tzel - for Mara's sake, ZOS, REMOVE it from the list please!
  • Bobby's_UserID
    It's the same thing every time. They release something absolutely broken, wait for people to buy it, let them have fun for a few months and then nerf it into oblivion. My fix for this is the same every time: stop playing the content that you can't do without the item. Sure, it sucks that no proc is busted rn, but there is also the proc campaign, where oakensoul is "less" of a problem.
  • iaminc
    If pvpers had their way we would all have nothing and them everything but even then I’m sure one of them would complain about it.


    Death dealers fete , Malacaths band of brutality , snow treaders? Didn’t see any complaints about those being OP but now there’s something anyone can use to give them half an chance at being able to do pvp it’s not Ok lmao.

    Cyro has been great with this ring added , I’ve seen more fights , more dps builds and fewer unkillable tanky builds. Fighting everywhere and people actually are being killed , it’s glorious.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Exile on June 28, 2022 4:29PM
  • TechMaybeHic
    iaminc wrote: »
    If pvpers had their way we would all have nothing and them everything but even then I’m sure one of them would complain about it.


    Death dealers fete , Malacaths band of brutality , snow treaders? Didn’t see any complaints about those being OP but now there’s something anyone can use to give them half an chance at being able to do pvp it’s not Ok lmao.

    Cyro has been great with this ring added , I’ve seen more fights , more dps builds and fewer unkillable tanky builds. Fighting everywhere and people actually are being killed , it’s glorious.

    [edited for baiting]

    Yeah. It was an exclusive club you had to be in to be allowed to use Death Dealers, Malacath, and Snow Treaders.
    Edited by ZOS_Exile on June 28, 2022 4:29PM
  • Redguards_Revenge
    Major Courage Buff

    How do you get this buff on this campaign without this ring? Sets that give this buff are disabled.

    Why is this ring not disabled on the campaign?

    So this campaign got a Pay2Win item. Why?

    Rofl I brought that up in Cyro the day of the release and someone told me to stop talking...I quit pvp. I am retired from it and it feels like a burden has finally been lifted off of me. Now I just read forums to see this trainwreck WHICH I WARNED ABOUT BEFORE THE RING WAS OUT!! take place.
  • Kahnak
    "I refuse to buy the new content, but I expect to be given the new content for free so that I can stay competitive with all of the people that did buy the content. I also expect there to be no incentive or reward for purchasing new content, so that I can stay competitive with people that purchased the new content.

    Otherwise, ESO is PAY TO WIN and they are UNETHICAL!"

    Then put your money where your mouth is and stop playing, seriously. If you don't want to pay to be admitted to the public pool, you don't get to swim. You can blow up the kiddie pool and sit in that all summer. The rest of us think that the new high dive is cool and are going to use it regardless of your feelings. The subject of this thread is almost as tired as all of the 'buff NB srsly' threads. I can't imagine accusing a company of being unethical simply because I didn't want to buy the goodies that came with the last chapter. I could make some cheap, gas station wine with all of the sour grapes in this thread.
    Edited by Kahnak on June 28, 2022 8:21PM
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • Kahnak
    iaminc wrote: »
    If pvpers had their way we would all have nothing and them everything but even then I’m sure one of them would complain about it.


    Death dealers fete , Malacaths band of brutality , snow treaders? Didn’t see any complaints about those being OP but now there’s something anyone can use to give them half an chance at being able to do pvp it’s not Ok lmao.

    Cyro has been great with this ring added , I’ve seen more fights , more dps builds and fewer unkillable tanky builds. Fighting everywhere and people actually are being killed , it’s glorious.

    [edited for baiting]

    Yeah. It was an exclusive club you had to be in to be allowed to use Death Dealers, Malacath, and Snow Treaders.

    The exclusive club of people who paid for the new chapter? Curb your FOMO. It's kind of embarrassing.
    Tombstone Reads: "Forgot to get good"
  • TechMaybeHic
    Kahnak wrote: »
    iaminc wrote: »
    If pvpers had their way we would all have nothing and them everything but even then I’m sure one of them would complain about it.


    Death dealers fete , Malacaths band of brutality , snow treaders? Didn’t see any complaints about those being OP but now there’s something anyone can use to give them half an chance at being able to do pvp it’s not Ok lmao.

    Cyro has been great with this ring added , I’ve seen more fights , more dps builds and fewer unkillable tanky builds. Fighting everywhere and people actually are being killed , it’s glorious.

    [edited for baiting]

    Yeah. It was an exclusive club you had to be in to be allowed to use Death Dealers, Malacath, and Snow Treaders.

    The exclusive club of people who paid for the new chapter? Curb your FOMO. It's kind of embarrassing.

    Not sure what you are talking about.
  • virtus753
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Remathilis wrote: »
    I'm fine with adding Oakensoul to the no procc ban list. Problem solved.

    Problem: no procs on Oakensoul.

    All sets that give named buffs are procs according to ESO's usage of the word. They use it to mean "process" - and the game has to check if you already have that named buff in order to decide whether to apply it. If it isn't a straight +/- flat number (no named buffs, no percentages, no if/then, just straight addition of flat numbers), then it's a "proc" set according to ZOS.

    All set bonuses granting named buffs were accordingly disabled in Cyrodiil during the no-proc testing and the updates during which procs were disabled.

    ETA: These were the only sets that fully functioned in no-proc Cyro testing. All others are considered procs.

    Amber Plasm
    Armor of the Trainee
    Beekeeper’s Gear
    Crafty Alfiq
    Draugr Hulk
    Fortified Brass
    Grace of the Ancients
    Hunding’s Rage
    Impregnable Armor
    Law of Julianos
    Mother’s Sorrow
    Plague Doctor
    Spinner’s Garments
    Spriggan’s Thorns
    Edited by virtus753 on June 28, 2022 8:38PM
  • fred4
    Just wait till I reconstruct this for my next level 10 character :D.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • OBJnoob
    virtus753 wrote: »
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Remathilis wrote: »
    I'm fine with adding Oakensoul to the no procc ban list. Problem solved.

    Problem: no procs on Oakensoul.

    All sets that give named buffs are procs according to ESO's usage of the word. They use it to mean "process" - and the game has to check if you already have that named buff in order to decide whether to apply it. If it isn't a straight +/- flat number (no named buffs, no percentages, no if/then, just straight addition of flat numbers), then it's a "proc" set according to ZOS.

    All set bonuses granting named buffs were accordingly disabled in Cyrodiil during the no-proc testing and the updates during which procs were disabled.

    ETA: These were the only sets that fully functioned in no-proc Cyro testing. All others are considered procs.

    Amber Plasm
    Armor of the Trainee
    Beekeeper’s Gear
    Crafty Alfiq
    Draugr Hulk
    Fortified Brass
    Grace of the Ancients
    Hunding’s Rage
    Impregnable Armor
    Law of Julianos
    Mother’s Sorrow
    Plague Doctor
    Spinner’s Garments
    Spriggan’s Thorns

    There's a lot more sets than that now though. Some of which seem very proc-like.
  • MentalxHammer
    ccfeeling wrote: »
    You can also equip this ring, Whats the problem?

    I don’t feel like dumbing down the mechanics I have spent thousands of hours mastering, and playing 1 bar is boring as hell. It’s ridiculous to think that’s what I need to do to keep up with the meta.
  • Eiagra
    This ring is meta? Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, but I wasn't finding any current meta builds for it... specific one-bar builds, maybe, but they didn't seem meta? (Admittedly, I don't chase the meta, so I'm not exactly in-tune there.)

    If it becomes that big a problem in the no-proc campaign, maybe they could try no-proc/no-mythic campaign? That might solve the whole "oh noes, its power is over 9000!" complaint. Sure, you'd lose all the mythics, but hey, in for a penny, in for a pound? You wanted balance, maybe that will help.

    I'm more interested in whether this ring will help me adjust some sets that I only equipped so I wouldn't have to maintain their buffs with potions or abilities (i.e. Rattlecage and Mighty Chudan). I'm not sure yet if it'll be a permanent addition to my wardrobe.
          In verity.
  • Kurague
    So according to you people, in ANY MMO other than TESO, which with every expansion they upgrade the level cap by 10, that's pay 2 win?

    Yeah, sorry...No, that's not at all how it works. At least with this option you only need to buy the expansion pack and get the set; Otherwise, you'd be stuck having to actually play the expansion(Which I guess you don't want to do and want to do PvP only) to it's end and until you have attained the new max level to be able to PvP.

    Oh, btw, with new max level comes brand new max level sets of gear, this happens in every MMO btw.
  • rpa
    If you want to play with the new shiny thing from new content before it is nerfed to useless you have to buy the content. Too bad. I prefer to wait for bugfixes, nerfs and sale.
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