Karminathevamp wrote: »The main quest Knights and Knaves is blocked after returning to Lady Arabelle with the mage scry. The conversation with Lady Arabelle loops and it's impossible to enter the chapel she mentioned and find the other guild member. I have also posted a bug report in game.
Karminathevamp wrote: »The main quest Knights and Knaves is blocked after returning to Lady Arabelle with the mage scry. The conversation with Lady Arabelle loops and it's impossible to enter the chapel she mentioned and find the other guild member. I have also posted a bug report in game.
Karminathevamp wrote: »The main quest Knights and Knaves is blocked after returning to Lady Arabelle with the mage scry. The conversation with Lady Arabelle loops and it's impossible to enter the chapel she mentioned and find the other guild member. I have also posted a bug report in game.
P.S. This is my main character ported from PCNA
Karminathevamp wrote: »The main quest Knights and Knaves is blocked after returning to Lady Arabelle with the mage scry. The conversation with Lady Arabelle loops and it's impossible to enter the chapel she mentioned and find the other guild member. I have also posted a bug report in game.
P.S. This is my main character ported from PCNA
RiverBrian wrote: »Someone in zone chat mentioned that the prolouge quest may be screwing up progress. I did the prolouge amd am stuck. My roommate did not do the quest, and finished the main. How about you guys
chessalavakia_ESO wrote: »It might be beneficial to add more characters at various parts of the story even if they just have a few lines and are just in the background to muddy the waters a bit more regarding the identity of the Magus and the Lord.