/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
Do you want to learn how to play the game?
Then learn when to dodge and why.
I despise mods that tell people exactly what to do. You might as well turn your brain off and do what someone tells you to do.
/script JumpToSpecificHouse("@Starbridge84", 71)
Starbridge84 wrote: »Is there some kind of mod that auto dodges or tell you when to dodge or something because I am seeing a lot of this kind of 'always' dodging attacks in AvA.
Honestly I think ALL mods/add-ons should be disabled in PvP and AvA.
Using a mod that tells you when to dodge isn't skill.
Gorrdained wrote: »there was one that told you when to dodge depending on what attacks you wanted to dodge. like snipe, why even if you snip from stealth most would dodge it if they were in combat. the add on told them to dodge roll. not sure if it is still running. I have recently come back to ESO but 2 years ago there was such a add on. some pvpers caught exploiting and cheating used it, then it got popular after a few banns of them using it with cheat engine.
If there is such a mod like this I encourage you to report players directly to ZOS as it is considered as exploit and cheats.
And if you find any mod on internet put the link into you report ticket for having Quick action from @ZOS_GinaBruno.
Gorrdained wrote: »@Mannjdyr
That is why I dont use any Libb add-ons.
Most of the libb are used for background addons for stuff like that.
Modders do make private add-ons that only they and a certain few use. Dev's covered that up years ago. A few Streamers blew the whistle on it and it was covered up. Most of the private add ons use libb due to everyone has it for maps or skyshards. like the cyro timer. how do you have a addon that tells you what keep is attacked before it is flagged and how many siege is attacking it. Lib.
Add-ons are just a more silent way of cheat and exploit, pending on the add on. like the stealth detection one that Zos banned about one year ago, it told you when stealth was in your area.
If there is such a mod like this I encourage you to report players directly to ZOS as it is considered as exploit and cheats.
And if you find any mod on internet put the link into you report ticket for having Quick action from @ZOS_GinaBruno.
Ok -> https://www.esoui.com/downloads/info1545-MiatsPVPAlertsBattlegroundsEdition.html
i report players use it.