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How do you Feel about Seaveil Spire?

  • Shagreth
    Mascen wrote: »
    I had high hopes initally because i love Nedic/Dwarven/Ayleid stuff but the more I explored it the more I became disappointed and decided to pass on it. Western wing layout is all messed up, I found the northern wing with the underwater part annoying after 5 minutes and even though you can build a bridge to the sunken ship its difficult and lopsided if you wanna turn it into a bedroom suite. Eastern wing was the only good part.
    Shortcomings aside, I think most of us can agree that it nails the atmosphere, it truly feels serene down there, under the waves, if only it had a better layout...
  • ClevaTreva
    I'm actually very pleased with my build... closed-off space notwithstanding...
  • Shagreth
    One thing I've noticed, the area with the 3 fountains in the first room -- anyone tried placing crafting benches there? Can't get them to function, must be the water, which is sad, it was my plan to craft there. @ZOS_GinaBruno bug?
  • Nerdrage9000
    I just don’t understand why ZOS doesn’t separate houses like these into different zones

    Like I should be able to place 700 items in the outside area, and then when I port to the inside ‘zone’ I should be allocated another 700 item slots.

    This limitation makes 0 sense as obviously when porting and there is a loading screen, that it a new instance.
  • Norith_Gilheart_Flail
    I won't buy it because for a marine environment, it lacks in background marine life.

    Agree that it is far too large for what it is. I think if offering a marine house, then we want to feel like we are under the waves, or in an acquarium. Not an endless nedic running hall with some siderooms then this bubble where a shield pulsates.
  • Fester82
    Personally I have it and i love it. Its unique, highly detailed, and lots of room. That being said I do agree houses this big should be broken up into zones and each zone should have its own furnishing limit.
  • chrisfeng
    After decorating a few large house/ manors, I am less and less motivated to buy new houses at these prices, unless something comes along that is simply irresistible, and this one is not that.
  • Shagreth
    Fester82 wrote: »
    Personally I have it and I love it. Its unique, highly detailed, and lots of room. That being said I do agree houses this big should be broken up into zones and each zone should have its own furnishing limit.
    I got it too, all I can say is that it's growing on me, I'm getting some ideas, but mostly dealing with the fact that I have to leave parts of it 'as is' and be fine with how empty it looks. It's a nedic temple after all, and I can play around that.

    I just hate that I can't put functioning crafting stations on the shallow water at the fountain area.
    Edited by Shagreth on April 26, 2022 6:20PM
  • sharquez
    I've been lovingly working on mine and will show pictures of what I've accomplished I definitely have some notes on the house on area's that needs some attention or adjustment but so far I'm enjoying the build. It's largeness is part of why I bought it and I looooove marine life and environments so it was a gotta have it moment.
  • alberichtano
    Shagreth wrote: »
    For me, I like it, but I expected more, I'm just not sure what. One thing I definitely noticed is that the furnished version feels extremely poor. They could have done so much more for that price, but it seems the really unique & cool furnishings are sold separately with the furnishing bundles nowadays.

    I wish it had only been the cave. The whole nedic part feels like a waste of space, and I pretty much just let the whole thing get a cave in. Especially since the furniture at furnished was almost all orcis, not nedic. Now I needed orcish furni for another house, so I got to use them, but still... meh.

    The room with the water windows was cool but felt like a bad rehash of the Murkmire house, to be honest. And the cave was cool, but why was there "magic water" under the bridge? You can just walk right over it, so the bridge makes no sense. Would have been cooler with just real water, I think.

    My two cents.
  • alberichtano
    ClevaTreva wrote: »
    As I mentioned before the glowing and shifting force fields are so distracting from the beautiful views, I wish they could really turn that down. That is my number one criticism.
    Agreed - it really spoils the look.
    The one nerf I'm looking forward too!

    This was a major detraction, but the fact that there is some weird blue color filter or something in the large undersea area that makes decorations look wrong was too much for me. I didn’t buy the house for the Nedic architecture, even though I do actually like that style, I just had no idea how I was going to decorate that space. It was all going to be about having a colorful, beautiful underwater area to enjoy and I just couldn’t get anything to work.

    I would love to see pictures from any of you great decorators who have this same vision as I do and are able to make something wonderful. I got a refund and bought the Ragpicker and Armory assistants, not quite as exciting but they have already been highly useful.

    This brings me to one of my pet peeves - that there should be lighting (and sound) you could use for the whole house or for small parts. (And no, I don't mean lighting as in candles as such, but as placeable sources of light or dark).

    I remember back when I was playing Morrowind (the old game) and you could use the Creation Kit (or what it was called back then) to make your own dungeons or homes - it was lovely to play with light and dark to make very neat effects.
    I made a daedric altar where the roof was all covered in darkness, it looked amazing and very spooky. :)
    Edited by alberichtano on April 26, 2022 6:33PM
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I just don’t understand why ZOS doesn’t separate houses like these into different zones

    Like I should be able to place 700 items in the outside area, and then when I port to the inside ‘zone’ I should be allocated another 700 item slots.

    This limitation makes 0 sense as obviously when porting and there is a loading screen, that it a new instance.

    It isn't. The interior of a house is never in a different instance, which you can tell because it's not a proper loading screen. They are usually right where you enter to them but several meters down in the ground.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • maximusrex45
    I just don’t understand why ZOS doesn’t separate houses like these into different zones

    Like I should be able to place 700 items in the outside area, and then when I port to the inside ‘zone’ I should be allocated another 700 item slots.

    This limitation makes 0 sense as obviously when porting and there is a loading screen, that it a new instance.

    Interiors and exteriors of houses are all on the same map. Interiors are usually a few hundred feet under the ground of the exterior. There is a fade to black teleport when you switch, but not an actual loading screen. To avoid the furnishing limit technical issues they would have to separate them into two maps. That would increase the load times between the interior and exterior and probably also break being able to retrieve furnishings from anywhere in the "house". They would have to also likely need new code to link permissions between the two maps.

    I don't think any of these problems are insurmountable, though longer loading times might not go over well, and will be worse for those on console or lower spec PCs.
  • sharquez
    Did some fun distant vista stuff in mine to make the mountains and junk more interesting and build a little house.
  • Shagreth
    sharquez wrote: »
    Did some fun distant vista stuff in mine to make the mountains and junk more interesting and build a little house.
    Frigging amazing! I would LOVE to make a house on top the way you did.

    Do you have a YouTube channel or something to see this in more detail?
    Edited by Shagreth on May 3, 2022 5:45PM
  • sharquez
    I can put up a video once the servers come back.
  • Shagreth
    sharquez wrote: »
    I can put up a video once the servers come back.
    Awesome, cheers!
  • Ashryn
    I love the water and corals at top. The home itself it very disappointing, however, as it shows little imagination & feels too heavy & dark. Loved the look of the glassed-in sea windows that show the lovely ship wreck, but where are the fish??? It feels dead without them! If the home had interesting architecture, rooms laid out better, not so ponderous...perhaps incorporating shells/corals in its construction... I would have purchased it!
  • Ye_Olde_Crowe
    Not a fan, unfortunately. The Nedic walls /substance/furniture and underwater theme just don‘t compute for me… too … specific, too niche, if that makes sense .

    I frankly wouldn‘t know what to do with it.
    The furniture pack, on the other hand , goes nicely with the Murkmire home.
    PC EU.

    =primarily PvH (Player vs. House)=
  • Jaimeh
    Ashryn wrote: »
    The home itself it very disappointing, however, as it shows little imagination & feels too heavy & dark.

    I agree about the dark part--it makes sense given that it's supposed to be an underwater cavern, but since we have a limited number of slots for decoration, it's a pity that so many of them have to be used up for lighting just to make the areas somewhat visible. I wish there was a universal light switch that we could have used instead.

    Also, regarding the underwater part, I think one of the two main areas should have been smaller, probably the nedic room in the middle that connects to all the other rooms, because along with the massive cavern at the back, it's just too much space to build in. The cave itself is beautiful but I couldn't find a cohesive way to decorating it without spending all of the slots on it. I even blocked off three of the smaller rooms and I still run out of slots pretty soon. I think part of the problem is that it's not a complete template house, but there isn't much of an architectural shape either, besides the nedic parts, so it's hard to work with especially given the sheer size. I wish I had spend more time previewing it, I should have noticed the lighting problems in particular, and although it's a beautiful house (the bottom part is kind of similar to the Erstwhile Sanctuary, but the top part with the water is a great concept that we hadn't seen so far) I wouldn't recommend getting it. From all the houses I made it was the most challenging-and not in a good way-to find an idea to make it work, and I still wasn't 100% content with my build (I made a thread here if anyone wants to see my screenshots). I think for an underground cavern, Erstwhile was better, and the water surface part should have been devoid of the buildings (or we could have the option to remove them) to work better as a template.
  • WabanakiWarrior
    sharquez wrote: »

    How are you walking around in the sky? Is that a pc add-on? That looks so convenient
    PS4 NA
    Grand Master Crafter, PVP, Housing nerd
  • OnnuK
    sharquez wrote: »

    How are you walking around in the sky? Is that a pc add-on? That looks so convenient

    It should be the "Magic Carpet" addon.
    PC/EU @onnuk, Guild: ANADOLU "|H1:guild:29269|hAnadolu|h"
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