PTS Update 34 - Bug Reports for Item Sets & Mythic Items

Community Manager
Please report any issues involving item sets or Mythic Items in this thread. This includes the new item sets, Monster Masks, and general itemization changes. Please give us as much information as possible, including screenshots and/or video if applicable. Thank you!
Edited by ZOS_GinaBruno on April 18, 2022 7:49PM
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • ESO_Nightingale
    Whorl of the Depths does not apply the area of effect whirlpool when the effect ends early (if the target dies) despite it supposedly saying it will proc when it ends. This hinders it's usefulness, would be really nice if this was changed to allow it to proc when the effect ends in any form.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on April 25, 2022 10:19AM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • leem1988
    Dark Convergence doesn't apply the area of effect from range and doesn't pull enemies consistently.
  • fxeconomisteb17_ESO
    Lefthander shield doesn't seem to proc Infernal Guardian.
    "Is it true her wounds healed on their own ? Yes" No s***, at 75% health regen penalty!

    I was a vampire like you, but then I took an idea to the head...
  • Yaomac
    Soul Shriven
    The set Assassin's Guile set is completely broken and does nothing.

    What i tried to do

    * Equip Assassin's Guile
    * Light attack spam at non-trial target dummy
    * Check weapon poison buff and debuff uptimes via CMX

    I tried with these 2 weapon poisons

    * Crown Lethal Poison from the crown store
    * BRUTALITY-DRAINING POISON IX ( Dragonthorn + Stinkhorn + Wormwood )

    What i expected to happen

    * The minor brutality and minor savagery buffs to last almost 10s
    * The "minor fracture" to last 13s and be refreshed once the 10s poison cooldown was up
    * Minor main and minor enervation debuffs to last almost 10s
    * The poison dmg ticks from the crown lethal poisons to last alsmost 10s

    What happened

    * All poison durations stayed the same rounded up to nearest server tick
    * For some reason the poisons fired on cooldown. No 20% chance, just 100% chance on lightattack to fire

    What might happen

    * Maybe Assassin's Guile reduces the internal weapon poison cooldown to 6s instead?


    After more testing :

    Crown Poisons

    * The default duration of the effects seems correct
    * The duration of effects is not affected by Assassins Guile


    * The default duration of effects is WAY to low. Like -4s on everything at least over what the tooltip says
    * The duration of effects is affected by Assassins Guile

    Spagetti code ahoi.
    Edited by Yaomac on May 12, 2022 6:03PM
  • Yaomac
    Soul Shriven
    A few other things i forgot :

    * Shouldn't Maarselok be able to crit now?
    * Pestilent Host is in dire need of a description update. You should REALLY make it clear that it only procs if the target is affected with an alchemical poison. With the current description you can easily think it would proc if the target is afflicted with a poisoned status effect or standing in poison ground aoe. Would also love to see the "you kill" changed to a generic "if target dies with a effect by you on it" .. so it works in group content.
  • Mr_Stach
    If we're taking feedback on sets in general. Winterborn, you know this guy?


    Would be cool if it was brought up to speed to similar sets like Pillar of Nirn, Just a thought.
    Altoholic, Frost Warden Sympathizer and Main

    Glacial Guardian - Main - Frost Warden Zealot
    The Frost Man Cometh - PC Frost Backup
  • Aliyavana
    it seems that the new mythic lack lore tooltips. seeing as they are mythics, they should have them like the other ones
  • Extinct_Solo_Player
    Savage Werewolf set is bugged as it fires off twice from each light attack basically doubling its damage. I have the set and from what I have tested it procs twice within the same second.udhh5ghnatvm.jpg
  • Grandsheba
    Azureblight reaper doesnr properly proc from all dots. No enchantments dots or alchemical poisons ect. Only some skills with dots count towards blight seed stacks.

    Necromancers summons do not proc any sets.

    "The Tower touches all the mantles of Heaven and by its apex one can be as he will. Be as he was and yet changed for all else on that path for those that walk after. This is [CHIM] the secret of how mortals become makers, and makers back to mortals."
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