I personally do not believe any of this. None of his actions led to helping EP win the campaign. And he was just as frustrated by the double teaming that DC and EP had towards AD this campaign. I ran with him in his group multiple times. He was overall strategy focused on getting back AD keeps, would keep filling up this group when others left, and would wait till everyone was grouped together or kick those who refused to stay with crown. Moreover, he was fairly patient with all newcomers.
When DC has a point lead, it is only natural to focus DC and not take EP scrolls. It is poor strategy to give EP a reason to focus AD. We would want EP to focus DC, if they would. And if EP doesn't have scrolls, then DC has no real reason to head that way either. But alas, this campaign has been a true purple for most of it. And the argument could be made that regardless of what AD did, both DC and EP would focus us anyways.
I also think a few AD were relentless in negativity towards him. I wish him the best and would welcome him back on AD anytime.
Cuddlypuff wrote: »Why are you guys attacking someone that actively tries to get things happening on the map during off-peak? This zerglord is probably the one thing that's saved Cyrodiil from being a dead zone for the last few campaigns. I'm excited for him to come DC and train up our pugs.
I personally do not believe any of this. None of his actions led to helping EP win the campaign.
The amount of times his comments were "just let EP take our scroll its not important" followed by "every hit NIK" was crazy. once the scrolls were gone the keep that we lost was all of a sudden the most important thing on the map.
Constantly being told "leave ep alone" didnt help and then he turned everyone off when he would hit odd keeps so that ep could undercut and take the scrolls we were apparently aiming to get.. it happened far too many times to be a coincidence