Dear Elder Scrolls players and staff,
The following will be a resume of my thoughts about the PvP condition since a few months.
First off, I’m a PvP guy. When I do PvE it’s to get gear for PvP. I don’t enjoy PvE at all and it makes me pretty sleepy. I need the action, the thrill of never knowing what’s coming.
I’ve been playing for 5 years on and off (3200 hours/1800 CP 90% of that in PvP) depending on the toxicity level of the meta, only battlegrounds, little bit of cyro and little bit of IC. But im not here to talk about this today, so let’s get back to the point.
I’m gonna start with the good!
Goodjob for finaly making hybrids a thing. It’s ton of fun to see diversity in the builds. I’ve been passing the last week messing around with all classes. I got everything, mag, stam, name it. Jack of all trades, master of none.
Goodjob for bringing back objectives in BG’s. I always loved it. Only problem is people actually continue to act like deathmatch sometimes but I’m still glad it’s back.
Goodjob on the scaling of skills and sets, as well as bringing back procs in PvP few patches ago.
Now the bad…
Since that plaguebreak / dark convergence patch, damage have reach numbers always higher. It’s out of control even more every day, as I expected with the hybrids. At least, on my point of view. BG’s are starting to get like cyro ballgroups one shotting everything in AOE, even with 30k resistances. I can’t count the numbers of times I’ve encountered plaguebreak , dark convergence / vicious death , rush of agony combos that leave you speechless. Morphs and sets mixed together for the most braindead combos.
When it’s not a group that sticks together and clean the whole BG with little to no competition, it’s that single DK with a pocket heal that just shreds through both team at the same time. I am myself that DK sometimes, it’s fun. Gotta admits it’s a little overtuned tho. It’s never been that easy to have the burst of the nightblade but survive like a god on that class.
In my opinion, same goes with magtemplars (insane healing, can toppling spam with the right timing and oneshot combo as well) and sorcs in general ( 1.5million damage, 1million healing as magsorc OR 3 million damage with plaguebreak rush of agony combo stamsorc lulz ).
Every class could use a little rework here and there, some more than others.
Nightblades. While they are still able to to have some good games but with so much more efforts than the other classes. I remember when nightblades were feared. Now, almost everything can kill them on the same level of skill. It feels like everything uncloak you. LOTS and LOTS of AOE, dots, even roll-dodge. How are you supposed to use the cloak anymore? Reveals never happened so often to me and don’t even need to use detect potions. People are just so fast and spamming AOE everywhere. Even with 28k resistance, one fossilizes and you’re dead ROASTED meat.
I’ve been trying group Bg’s , solo Bg’s, noCP IC, CP IC, CP Cyro with all classes. Before I was saying noCP was more balanced, now I feel it’s the opposite. (Let’s forget about dark convergence/vicious death harmony magcro that oneshot a whole group here). The damage is soooo high that you need those CP to survive a little bit more.
Yup, healing numbers been really high those days as well but the days of 100% healers are numbered in my opinion for small scale (NOT THAT I WANT, I love my healer soooo bad). More and more of the big damage dealers start to make games where 2-3 or even 4 of them has 1.5m + damage and 800k to even 2 million healing. Hell, I’ve even seen StamDk reach 800k healing for some reason.
Even if im complaining about it, I would not reduce the healing right now. I’d say we need even more. The resto staff has some issues that needs to be fixed. It happens often that you cannot prevent a death, even with full ressources and spamming, you just get deleted.
Some awesome builds could be born if the damage shields were at least effective on something else than a sorc. Especially the resto shield that covers 5k damage (today that’s a light attack) up to 100% more when you’re in execute range. Yet it cannot crit itself but can be critted on now.
I’m sure im not the only one that would like to see a change coming to this, although it could lead to even more powerful magsorcs. Sets that give shields are also worthless for the most part since the battle spirit -50%.
But that’s not what’s gonna fix the problem right now in my opinion cause it’s coming from elsewhere.
What else to say than waiting 10-30 minutes for a single battleground…? Oh and wait, once you’re at a certain level of plays, you’re facing the same comps over and over. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s not. I mean there is surely more than 12 people queueing for bgs at the same time, no?
Where to now?
I’d like to see a different direction than tank meta where you have 40k + resistance / 40k health and can still combo someone with proc sets, or just unkillable teams with 3 damage dealers / healers carry.
I’d like to see a little bit more skill and group play to actually wipe a whole team. Not 3 guys spamming whirling blades, graveyard combo, fossilize with 3x charged whip, dawnbreaker ultimate dump and go on.
While it makes nice videos, it ruins the fun for the others playing against and if we keep buffing and buffing, getting numbers higher there’s a point where you can’t counter play. Stop buffing and buffing underperforming class, and balance things.
I’d like to see a reduction of the damage in general. Not talking about PVE here because I don’t know anything about their stuff, but I presume sometimes they need that high damage.
Maybe even a change to impenetrable trait to reduce player damage by X%, I don’t know. Yes, it would force people to run more impen than they want, but then again rallying cry can cover that now.
Now with that said, without starting the 3rd war, I’d be glad to hear what you guys have to say as well. Hoping that the reflection I’ve put here is not only seen by me and my few PvPers friends.