Resolution to Oakensoul Debate

This new mythic has spurred heated debate on the forums in the last few days. Most seem to agree it enables 1-bar builds to be viable but think that it would be too powerful when used by werewolves. While I still think that werewolves are underperforming and in need of some buffs/rework I think that we can address the strength of this item on werewolves but still have it be the 1bar build enabler it was meant to be, without some weird stipulations attached to its use. The current stats are

1 item:
Adds 450 Weapon and Spell Damage
Adds 5280 Armor
Adds 450 Health Recovery
Adds 450 Magicka Recovery
Adds 450 Stamina Recovery
Adds 3737 Maximum Health
Adds 3737 Maximum Magicka
Adds 3737 Maximum Stamina
Adds 1973 Critical Chance
While equipped, you are unable to swap between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets.

I think if the weapon damage, armor, and crit chance lines were changed to their corresponding major buffs it should address how powerful this item is on werewolves while not completely barring its use by them because they already have access to Major Brutality, Resolve, and Savagery. It would still be a good choice due to its stat density but not as powerful
  • divnyi
    It would ruin the item because everyone already have named buffs anyway.

    That's what I've said before. Potentially interesting item that can create dozens of new ways to play the game would be ruined to the ground and left in the overnerfed garbage heap just because WW interaction.

    It should either be disabled for WW, or deliberately described what would happen in WW case: limit number of skills on the bar to 3.
  • Yarcanine
    divnyi wrote: »
    It would ruin the item because everyone already have named buffs anyway.

    That's what I've said before. Potentially interesting item that can create dozens of new ways to play the game would be ruined to the ground and left in the overnerfed garbage heap just because WW interaction.

    It should either be disabled for WW, or deliberately described what would happen in WW case: limit number of skills on the bar to 3.

    Considering that we have examples of people hitting 120k+ dps on the PTS with this ring it seems to be overperforming across the board not just WW. It still provides buffs that 2 bar builds would be running on their backbar freeing up slots on much needed bar space on a 1bar build
  • Tremuto
    "The benefits from this item are reduced by half while transformed."

    ez pz
  • ixthUA
    Werewolves cannot taunt, heal others or do good AOE damage, thus making them a solo grind build, and overland is already easy enough. I see no harm in this ring on werewolves. Werewolf transformation lasts for like 50 sec? before feedings, so its not even enough to parse 150k DPS on a dummy.
  • Vaoh
    The real debate centers around how this ring affects PvE. Most players don’t mind there being a one-bar mythic.

    However, this ring is awfully close in DPS to full damage dealer builds..... while simultaneously allowing near infinite sustain, less risk since no barswaps, tons of survivability, and super easy rotation. Currently it’s just a bit too much.
  • Melzo
    Attention gentlemen. I will give you one piece of advice. Everything that works, it is better to be silent about it. Branch vampirism in ***. Talk less. We have all classes wear the same thing in pvp and pve despite the abundance of sets and abilities. And everything that at least somehow does not work according to plan, zos immediately send this opportunity to the trash.
  • GetAgrippa
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Werewolves cannot taunt, heal others or do good AOE damage, thus making them a solo grind build, and overland is already easy enough. I see no harm in this ring on werewolves. Werewolf transformation lasts for like 50 sec? before feedings, so its not even enough to parse 150k DPS on a dummy.

    Pvp is a thing and people have WW builds that stay transformed indefinitely.
  • Wuuffyy
    I agree that it needs to be adjusted, and not just for werewolf, but in general it is very strong on several builds. Maybe, depending on the values, give werewolf a little less than that new nerfed value on tooltip. Honestly, it should be obvious that werewolf is underperforming or unpopular due to its horrible pick rate in all content (people tend to play OP stuff, cite SSorc pve, magdk pvp, magplar).

    It clearly isn’t near the level of OP that the majority uses to describe it as, and, this is certainly attributed to the atrociously overpowered patch or so they had years ago that gave them this bad rep.

    So yes, it should still work with werewolf, at a reduced rate after nerf.
    Edited by Wuuffyy on April 25, 2022 6:11PM
    ESO player since 2014
    -PM for questions
  • TPishek
    They'll nerf it in a year, don't worry about it.
  • Halcyon_Kismet
    Here we go again...

    A bit of preface, I've played Werewolf through the highs and lows over the past 3 years in both PvE and PvP. I'm mostly geared towards higher end PvE (Vet Trials & HM DLC Dungeons) but have played a good chunck of PvP as a wolf to have an experienced opinion on the matter.

    Reposting what I posted in the last thread since my opinions haven't changed. One new piece of info is that Skinny Checks did a parse w/ the Oakensoul equipped and was able to get 110k. So for PvE concerns, it would help, but Werewolves even with this ring are still 15 - 20k behind the best builds.

    Even if built specifically for transforming into a Werewolf, it is almost always a detriment to yourself to do so.

    In PvE, Werewolf lags behind every single other dps by a huge margin. In the current patch, each class can do 20 - 30+k more compared to a werewolf. If played just about perfectly, they can just barely hit 100k. Just about every other class can hit 120 - 130k. On top of dealing less damage than every other class, you have to deal with an annoying feed mechanic which is constantly draining. Are you in a trial waiting on your raid lead to finish explaining the mechs to the new guys? Guess what, your starting that fight in your suboptimal human form. (And if your using the new mythic, you'd be stuck in human form w/ 1 bar.)
    Werewolf tanks can be amusing and even fun, however they bring nothing new to the table and are forced to dedicate 5 pieces of armor to do the job. But even if it can do the job, the base classes can still do a superior job have significantly better pulling ability.

    In PVP, Werewolves have been a joke for a quite a while. On more than one occasion I've heard Werewolves referred to as free AP. They are pretty much forced to build full tank to try and survive which in turn makes them do very little damage. If they do try and build damage, they're going to get slaughtered by experienced players. While just about every other class can build defensive on one bar and offensive on another, Werewolves do not have such a luxury. Oh, and just for fun, the fighters guild skills including the common Dawnbreaker ultimate do extra damage to you as well as poison skills (including the ever so popular Plaguebreak). You may be go on rampages in low mmr pvp, but once you start climbing that ladder you'll quickly be put in your place below their boot... This problem is even more evident when you factor in group play vs coordinated teams where a Werewolf doesn't really have much to contribute.

    For those claiming this would be OP on a Werewolf, I challenge you to go play Werewolf in some serious content. Go try a vet trial or romp around in Cyrodiil to get a taste of what its really like.

    This ring might allow for Werewolves to have a bit of a presence again, but at best its a band-aide which would allow Werewolves to be a bit more competitive than they currently are.

    The only place I can see this ring being problematic is if they decided to buff Werewolves to address some of the many problems they currently have. However, Werewolves have been pretty neglected for quite some time (they even had a bug that lasted for 2 (3?) patches where they sometimes couldn't revive teammates!) so I doubt this will be of any concern.
    Edited by Halcyon_Kismet on April 26, 2022 12:32PM
  • kojou
    It mostly just needs to be disabled for Werewolves...

    It should also lose its Armor, Health, and Health Recovery IMO. I don't like it when they pair strong defense with strong damage on the same item.
    Playing since beta...
  • Ryuvain
    Why are people trying to nerf werewolf when no one use them in ANY content again? Meanwhile broken classes/sets stay broken.
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Keep in mind one thing. If this item will be disabled for werewolves then it would mean that WW would basically be converted to a mythic, as it would give you basically 1-bar with WW-like stats - but without any drawbacks that WW has. It would make WW even more pointless than it is now.

    Another thing is that Werewolf is a class. Just like NB, Templar, Sorc etc. It acts as a 1-skill tree universal class that every other class can convert to. Imagine if you would have a gear set that says something like "This effect is disabled if your class is Warden".

    It seems to me as (again) many people jump into conclusions without doing any testing. WW on PTS with Oakensoul is definitely stronger than on the live server, but once you do some testing you will realise that it is not super-strong as people claim. Funny thing is when you compare normal 1-bar build with Oakensouls & WW with Oakensoul and realise that non-ww is actually better lol.

    Besides... Initially I understood people concerns about it. After testing ? Not so much. WW will be able to kinda mitigate the 1-bar penalty, because they already have that penalty. But things look different outside of WW form. With 5 skills & no ulti it will be huge drawback.

    On live server WW is currently very rare sight in more serious content. Even in PvP people play it just for lols & fun (and not for actual effectiveness). In higher mm BGs you can see them very rarely. Solo WW in PvP is something that I have not seen since very long time - because WW is probably the worst class for solo PvP. Sometimes you can see them in a "zerg surfing" mode only, or in a group - because they need a group with pocket healer / buffs to be at least half decent.

    I strongly, strongly would recommend to test things out 1st and not to jump into conclusions. And then if you test it, then compare it to how meta PvP classes & builds perform. WW with Oakensouls (even with this insane stats) wont be meta. Not even close, as every WW flaw is still there, and every counter for WW still works.

    Oakensoul on the other hand is imho too strong. It is too stat-dense. Giving up 1 bar (5 skills & ulti) is huge, but a build optimized for 1-bar will be strong (WW or not) & won't feel much of a penalty. I am 100% expecting it is gonna get nerfed on PTS week 3, as the most of the changes usually happen on week 3.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 26, 2022 8:30AM
  • exeeter702
    GetAgrippa wrote: »
    ixthUA wrote: »
    Werewolves cannot taunt, heal others or do good AOE damage, thus making them a solo grind build, and overland is already easy enough. I see no harm in this ring on werewolves. Werewolf transformation lasts for like 50 sec? before feedings, so its not even enough to parse 150k DPS on a dummy.

    Pvp is a thing and people have WW builds that stay transformed indefinitely.

    God forbid a single mythic not be useful for a singular build.
  • merpins
    WW are underperforming in PVE and over performing in PVP. This isn't really an issue with the ring, and yet again an issue with ZoS insisting on balancing PVE and PVP together, rather than biting the bullet and balancing them separately. over the last 8 years it's been shown that balancing the two sides of the game together does not work. And I'd hate to see this ring, which is a bit overtuned despite the pros and cons people have been pointing out and probably should have a small nerf, I'd hate to see this ring be yet another casualty of the balancing issues plaguing the game.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    What if instead of disabling Bar Swapping, it just disabled Ultimate use entirely :open_mouth: half joking, maybe.
  • Remathilis
    TPishek wrote: »
    They'll nerf it in a year, don't worry about it.

    Basically. ZoS will get cold feat, and give it the Malacath/Thrassisn treatment. If we're lucky, it will just end up RotPO where it works for casual overland but is crippled in any group/endgame content.
  • Erickson9610
    Hey, werewolf PvE/PvP player here. I personally think that the Oakensoul Ring's stats should scale off of maximum resources, like so: damage and critical chance should scale off of Max Stamina, armor and health recovery should scale off of Max Health, and magicka/stamina recovery should scale off of Max Magicka.

    If these stats scaled off of your maximum resources, then all users of this mythic item, werewolves and otherwise, would not benefit from the full potential of all of these stats at the same time, which would tone down the effectiveness of the set across the board, while promoting build diversity. My suggestion would allow users to stack Stamina for dealing damage, stack Health for being tankier, or stack Magicka for being a support role, but not all three at once, as it would be difficult to reach the maximum values of the set due to the high requirements of each resource type.
    Edited by Erickson9610 on April 25, 2022 9:16PM
    PC/NA — Lone Werewolf, the Templar Khajiit Werewolf

    Werewolf Should be Allowed to Sneak
  • Necrotech_Master

    In PVP, Werewolves have been a joke for a quite a while. On more than one occasion I've heard Werewolves referred to as free AP. They are pretty much forced to build full tank to try and survive which in turn makes them do very little damage. If they do try and build damage, they're going to get slaughtered by experienced players. While just about every other class can build defensive on one bar and offensive on another, Werewolves do not have such a luxury. Oh, and just for fun, the fighters guild skills including the common Dawnbreaker ultimate do extra damage to you as well as poison skills (including the ever so popular Plaguebreak). You may be go on rampages in low mmr pvp, but once you start climbing that ladder you'll quickly be put in your place below their boot... This problem is even more evident when you factor in group play vs coordinated teams where a Werewolf doesn't really have much to contribute.

    slight correction on the bolded part, plaguebreak does disease dmg (both the dot and explosion), WW takes bonus from poison, so this set does not do more dmg to WW compared to non WW

    however basically most of an entire bow build is focused on poison though (lethal arrow, acid spray, blackrose bow proc on magnum shot, poison injection)
    plays PC/NA
    handle @Necrotech_Master
    active player since april 2014
  • taugrim
    Hey, werewolf PvE/PvP player here. I personally think that the Oakensoul Ring's stats should scale off of maximum resources, like so: damage and critical chance should scale off of Max Stamina, armor and health recovery should scale off of Max Health, and magicka/stamina recovery should scale off of Max Magicka.

    If these stats scaled off of your maximum resources, then all users of this mythic item, werewolves and otherwise, would not benefit from the full potential of all of these stats at the same time, which would tone down the effectiveness of the set across the board, while promoting build diversity. My suggestion would allow users to stack Stamina for dealing damage, stack Health for being tankier, or stack Magicka for being a support role, but not all three at once, as it would be difficult to reach the maximum values of the set due to the high requirements of each resource type.

    This is a clever solution.

    It's basically the same with 5-pc and 2-pc set bonuses today. They scale with the appropriate stat.
    PC | NA | CP 2.3k
    • Active: Dark Elf Stamina Templar | Dark Elf Stamina Necromancer
    • Inactive: Dark Elf Stamina Arcanist | Nord Stamina Warden | Orc Stamina Sorceror | Nord Stamina Nightblade | Nord Stamina Dragonknight
    • Ankle Biters | Legends Syndicate (PVP) | Moonlit Shenanigans | Song of Broken Pines (PVP) | Ulfhednar (PVP)
  • geonsocal
    In PVP, Werewolves have been a joke for a quite a while. On more than one occasion I've heard Werewolves referred to as free AP. They are pretty much forced to build full tank to try and survive which in turn makes them do very little damage. If they do try and build damage, they're going to get slaughtered by experienced players. While just about every other class can build defensive on one bar and offensive on another, Werewolves do not have such a luxury. Oh, and just for fun, the fighters guild skills including the common Dawnbreaker ultimate do extra damage to you as well as poison skills (including the ever so popular Plaguebreak). You may be go on rampages in low mmr pvp, but once you start climbing that ladder you'll quickly be put in your place below their boot... This problem is even more evident when you factor in group play vs coordinated teams where a Werewolf doesn't really have much to contribute.

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sluggy
    With the limited testing I did I can say that it certainly makes werewolves extremely strong. And I don't entirely dislike this. Oddly enough both myself AND the person I was testing with both forgot to assign our Werewolf passives at one point. At first I thought they had stealth nerfed the time limit for staying in WW form. So I can say this much - I really don't think it would be a problem for Werewolves if the passive that extends the time in Werewolf form was disabled or at least severely limited.

    Long-story-short - I think a compromise can be made. Sudden bursts of extreme power while in Werewolf form are very strong and can be made fair by limiting the time they can stay in that form. Now they have to decide if they want to stay in Wolf form forever (useful in packs) or have a limited time in Werewolf form where they can absolutely dominate anyone that doesn't know how to kite and defend for a good 15-20 seconds (useful for solo wolves). I think it would be fair to also have the ring reduce the cost of Werewolf form slightly if this were made the case (but only slightly!!)

    Edited by Sluggy on April 25, 2022 10:38PM
  • sneakymitchell
    In pvp w nightblade can just go invisible and waste the WW timer same goes for other players drink invisible potion at the right time and watch them lose WW time while they try waste resources searching for you
    NA-Xbox one- Ebonheart Pact- Nord Tank DK
    PC-NA Ebonheart Pact Nord Stam Templar
  • divnyi
    In pvp w nightblade can just go invisible and waste the WW timer same goes for other players drink invisible potion at the right time and watch them lose WW time while they try waste resources searching for you

    WW doesn't end in 8 sec of invisibility.
    Also detection pot.
  • Amottica
    divnyi wrote: »
    It would ruin the item because everyone already have named buffs anyway.

    That's what I've said before. Potentially interesting item that can create dozens of new ways to play the game would be ruined to the ground and left in the overnerfed garbage heap just because WW interaction.

    It should either be disabled for WW, or deliberately described what would happen in WW case: limit number of skills on the bar to 3.

    I agree. The suggestion is over nerfing the mythic. I expect a balance can be found overall and with dealing with a WW build using it.
  • Chrlynsch
    1 item:
    After using an Ultimate grants the following stats for 2 minutes:
    Adds 450 Weapon and Spell Damage
    Adds 5280 Armor
    Adds 450 Health Recovery
    Adds 450 Magicka Recovery
    Adds 450 Stamina Recovery
    Adds 3737 Maximum Health
    Adds 3737 Maximum Magicka
    Adds 3737 Maximum Stamina
    Adds 1973 Critical Chance
    Grants Minor Uncertainty
    While equipped, you are unable to swap between your Primary and Backup Weapon Sets.
    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • bigrodthebeast
    I used to run WW tanks all the time. However, after the nerf they were honestly useless. I feel like this mythic would allow me to bring them back. I believe it should stand as is.
  • Mayrael
    I used to run WW tanks all the time. However, after the nerf they were honestly useless. I feel like this mythic would allow me to bring them back. I believe it should stand as is.

    Ofc it would, it's OP on WW's. Many say WW's are in bad shape right now. Same goes to all classes except mDK and Magplar, but should it be fixed by item? Nope. We need specific buffs for specific classes and palystyles.

    I don't mind Oakensoul to work with WWs as long as it's limited to PvE but when it goes to PvP, you know what's going to happen? You all think "Finally I'll be able to wreck havoc with my WW, yes!". Then you will enter BG/Cyro/IC and all you will see will be 100 other people who thought the same, all playing unkillable werewolves with the same builds. Sounds fun?

    Remember that it will be used against you to and you will have to deal with it, that's why balancing it is important.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • PileggiPileggi
    The way I see it, you don't lose that much from not being able to switch weapon, you certainly don't lose thousands and thousands of resources or stats. 1 bar builds can all eat food and stack gear like any build. They lose ability slots. 1 enchant, 1 trait.

    So it makes no sense to me to have so much hp/stam/mag and regen that should probably be the first to go, it is a 1 piece set after all. It is actually a joke, almost 4k in each resource and the amount of crit is also too much. Nothing in the game can give you so much resources and crit/armor similtaneously. Not even 5 piece sets so why on this 1 set piece?

    It is possible right now without ring to get major crit + power buffs then have room for a spammable, main damage and AoE. I think generally with 1 bar builds people like the simplicity of them and also like being able to choose their prefered skills for major buffs so I don't think changing the stats to majors is a good idea, except major resolve, that is the only major buff this ring should have.

    This ring should give major resolve, some SP/WD for the lack of enchant and SOME nerfed regen and crit (everything else). Thats all. All being said, I really love the idea for the mythic and hope it doesn't get nerfed too much.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Then you will enter BG/Cyro/IC and all you will see will be 100 other people who thought the same, all playing unkillable werewolves with the same builds. Sounds fun?
    "Unkillable Werewolf" lol :D:joy:

    The situation you described may happen, but for a week or two. Maybe more because it will take some time for the people to farm the leads. But after a while people will stop using it as at least some of them will realise they are only gimping themselves.

    Personally I think Oakensoul should either be useable by everyone or no one. We are all eso players. We are all part of the same community. Just because I play PvE and I am not interested in PvP doesn't mean PvP player or some classes or anything should be excluded from the community & not enjoy new content & gear. Dividng player base and especially dwindling PvP player base is the worst that can happen.

    And how many PvP-ers still use WW ? I guess a still a few - but less & less. In a "server scale" I guess it is maybe a few hundred or less - and that is speaking very optimistically as I have not even seen 100 WW players in total if I would count every single player I saw in various content (both PvE & PvE).

    To me it looks like players kinda want to keep OP gear set for themselves, because they are worried that it is gonna get nerfed because of someone else will be using it in different content. If a gear set is OP it deserves a nerf - content does not matter here. Anyway, I would be surprised if Oakensoul would reach live server in its current state. WW or not. PvE or PvP - no gear should be this good. Sure - we have insanely broken proc sets (DC & PB) - but it should not be a justification of introducing more & more powerful sets.

    I 100% expect it to get nerfed. It is just too good. Usually biggest changes happen on the PTS week 3, so I expect to see some nerfs. More precisely I think they will return it back to the "original" stats that Oakensoul apparently had on the "early preview" server:
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 26, 2022 1:01PM
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