This to me seems like a different error from the OP's issue. Your issue seems more like an SSD drive issue. When closing any program/game/application, wait atleast 10 seconds before shutting down or restarting your computer. SSD's have the nasty habit of unnoticeably moving files around to allow quicker access to them. This is normally not a problem. But when you close down or restart the computer too fast after closing a game/application/program, the ssd might still be moving those files around. Causing the files to not be completely moved yet, which means the application/game/program will give an error. But when you shut down the game again, the ssd notices they haven't completely moved those files yet, and finishes the move. Allowing the program to work correctly again.RisenEclipse wrote: »The launcher for weeks has been very faulty and constantly gives me different errors. Or demands a repair. I just ignore the repair and close the launcher. When I bring the launcher back it usually has the play button instead of the repair button. It still is very annoying.
Not sure if this will help, but if I would get an error like that I'd expect my harddrive to be broken. (had these exact issues with other games)
Could you try to re-install the not working ESO version on the same harddrive the working version is on. My guess is one of your harddrives is faulty. This keeps giving random errors, and has issues to allow the launcher to verify the gamefiles(play button taking so long). (Edit: Best to redownload the game to the working harddrive, as you do not want the corrupted files to transfer to the working harddrive as well.)
PS: If it is a faulty harddrive, repairing would only allow the files to re-install completely once, only to be corrupted again later.
PPS: If the harddrive is faulty it is best to completely disconnect it, as it would even slow down your working harddrive. (only let a professional do this!!)
This to me seems like a different error from the OP's issue. Your issue seems more like an SSD drive issue. When closing any program/game/application, wait atleast 10 seconds before shutting down or restarting your computer. SSD's have the nasty habit of unnoticeably moving files around to allow quicker access to them. This is normally not a problem. But when you close down or restart the computer too fast after closing a game/application/program, the ssd might still be moving those files around. Causing the files to not be completely moved yet, which means the application/game/program will give an error. But when you shut down the game again, the ssd notices they haven't completely moved those files yet, and finishes the move. Allowing the program to work correctly again.
Depending on which files the SSD was moving, this can generate a whole different set of errors.
TLDR: If you have an SSD, and stopped using a game/program/application, wait atleast 10 second before shutting down/restarting your computer.
WhyMustItBe wrote: »Holy entire game consult report posted in forums without a damn spoiler tag Batman! O.O
It was running. For anyone else wanting to try this, the actual process name is Winmgmt with descriptor of "Windows Management Instrumentation"WhyMustItBe wrote: »For people with this error, try going into your System settings, Services, and check if Windows Management Instrumentation is running. If not, temporarily set it to Manual or Automatic and right-click start it, then re-run the launcher-repair process and see if it works correctly.
I did a full reinstall about 2-3 weeks ago shortly after U33 and the issues it brought... it didn't fix anything. The same errors/issues were there after. This is definitely something that the ESO staff need to work on, no repairs or reinstalls or revalidations have done any good. (and not just me saying that if you've seen any of the threads about the other errors with the Launcher).WhyMustItBe wrote: »Another thing I have done in the past is navigate to the folder where the "Launcher" and "The Elder Scrolls Online" folders reside, and temporarily rename the 2nd folder "The Elder Scrolls Online TEMP". Then download the Install ESO executable from your account page, run it, and let it update the launcher. Then close it, delete the new "The Elder Scrolls Online" folder if it started to create one, and rename your "The Elder Scrolls Online TEMP" main folder back to "The Elder Scrolls Online".
After that re-run the launcher and it should work.
Thanks for the reminder/pointer. Chemo-brain and lack of sleep made me not even think of such... fixed now.