Past MMOs - a trip down memory lane

Here are some of the MMOs I have played. UO, EQ 1 & 2, city of heroes, GW 1 & 2, eve, Age of Conan, Warhammer, DDO, WoW, LOTRO, SWG, TOR, DC Universe, Champions, vanguard, neverwinter, Marvel, Rift, Tera, The Secret World, lineage 1 & 2. To name a few. Of those here are my favorites.
1) Age of Conan
2) City of Heroes
3) The Secret World
4) WoW
5) GW2
6) Eve

What are your favorites? And any fond memories?
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Tera is probably the most fun i have had with fighting in an MMO. If they could of some how smashed it together with the Story in Swtor id probably still be playing. Ok now I'm lying. With so many choices anymore, everything gets boring after a while.
  • Khandi
    I have play most of those and I would say that I loved the combat of Tera the most but I hated what it became :(
    One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.

    ~Oscar Wilde

  • reften
    Two all time favs = DAoC and Everquest
    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Drachenfier
    I've played all of those, Lineage 2 was probably my favorite overall, but NCSoft dropped the ball on that game. It could have been huge in the West if they had just adapted for that market.
  • Exef
  • demendred
    Played a mud called Nodeka years back, a 2D mmo called Wyvern, flyff, ffxi and xiv arr, wow and now eso.
    Edited by demendred on April 30, 2014 8:15PM
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • Extractor
    Have played most of them myself, but the #1 mmorpg, open world, skilled combat game ever to this day is still DAOC! I played it for years and still have great memories of the awesome battles that were fought for towers, keeps, and relics! 8V8 was a blast and the dungeons were not so bad, housing and auction system was great, guild and alliance system worked well and chat was non complicated.
  • columbineb14_ESO
    I loved pretty much everything about GW/GW2, which is a fun thing to say first because it makes about 70% of the people reading it stop instantly. (Not sure why those games seem to be so disliked by so many.)

    I have trouble getting/finding groups, and I don't do big structured dungeons because I can't deal with their unforgiving nature (I'd always be the one who messes up and wipes the team), so I tend to judge games first on how interesting I find their story and second on how well I can get through the content with occasional help from random players in the world, or by teaming with my usual teammate as a duo. DDO failed this - only duo'able up to a point. We both liked LOTRO a lot, and the recent Star Wars one. Rift was interesting but also badly flawed in some ways (the best part about it - the Rift-closing events - was also its most repetitive/unvaried).

    Secret World was fascinating, if for no other reason than it's nice to see someone try an MMO that isn't Basic Quasi-Medieval Fantasy or Basic SF universes ... but, boy, if you think people complain about the parts where you're forced solo in this game, you should SEE some of the "ability check" solo bottlenecks in TSW, they're horrific. TSW is also very grindy in places, since you'll end up having to repeat the same content several times just to get past some of those ability-check parts.

    I liked WoW, but I wish it hadn't become the elephant in the room.

    [Yeah, I know, but I just wanted to babble a bit. Sorry.]
    I have just told you more than I know.
  • B1oodcrow
    I loved pretty much everything about GW/GW2, which is a fun thing to say first because it makes about 70% of the people reading it stop instantly. (Not sure why those games seem to be so disliked by so many.)

    I have trouble getting/finding groups, and I don't do big structured dungeons because I can't deal with their unforgiving nature (I'd always be the one who messes up and wipes the team), so I tend to judge games first on how interesting I find their story and second on how well I can get through the content with occasional help from random players in the world, or by teaming with my usual teammate as a duo. DDO failed this - only duo'able up to a point. We both liked LOTRO a lot, and the recent Star Wars one. Rift was interesting but also badly flawed in some ways (the best part about it - the Rift-closing events - was also its most repetitive/unvaried).

    Secret World was fascinating, if for no other reason than it's nice to see someone try an MMO that isn't Basic Quasi-Medieval Fantasy or Basic SF universes ... but, boy, if you think people complain about the parts where you're forced solo in this game, you should SEE some of the "ability check" solo bottlenecks in TSW, they're horrific. TSW is also very grindy in places, since you'll end up having to repeat the same content several times just to get past some of those ability-check parts.

    I liked WoW, but I wish it hadn't become the elephant in the room.

    [Yeah, I know, but I just wanted to babble a bit. Sorry.]
    That what this post was ramble on about the MMOs we loved. :)
    Edited by B1oodcrow on April 30, 2014 8:27PM
  • Selstad
    Well now, this can't be good to see what's been done over the years :)

    Runescape: My first MMO, spent countless hours on this one back before the updates. 2D sprites and could be played on every computer with Java. Had some real fun with this one.

    World of Warcraft: Joined in here in 2005, played it up until this year and TESO came out. I liked Vanilla, TBC and mid way through Wrath, but Cataclysm just lost me and Mists was a complete joke. I have some hopes for Warlords but I feel WoW is just repeating itself, not really doing anything new. Might try Warlords as I've pre-purchased it but, we'll see.

    Rift: I've played this some but it never really got to me. I tried it before it went P2W and after it went P2W. Rift is really a pay 2 win MMO, and stands as a clear example of how bad in-game store can be. You almost have to pay for XP potions and gear because you're never at the "end" level of that current zone and constantly enter the new zones 2-3 levels short of what is recommended. Really hated that aspect of the game.

    The secret world: Loved this one, especially the quest system. Nothing short of the best quests in any MMO so far with a lot of variation. Nothing but what's expected from the company behind the best point & click adventure game (The Longest journey) out there. However I did not like the crafting system very much as it was very difficult to understand the developer's thought process of it, as well as the whole skill system. It could have been a bit better on that part, certainly.

    Lord of the Rings: Online: Only tried this a couple of weeks so I'm really not at liberty to discuss it too much. Personally it didn't appeal too much to me.

    Guild wars 2: I did play Guild wars as well, but only for a few weeks there too so my memory isn't too good there. Guild wars 2 however, I tried for a few months. I really like the story and combat system, I didn't however like that you were always tuned to the level of the zone you're inn. I never felt like a "grand" adventurer once I got higher in levels, and even though they tried on a "non fixed setup" in groups, it felt clunky and chaotic trying to do dungeons as everyone ran around, trying to avoid as much as they could, though, still ended up dying. All in all, a solid game, but grew dull pretty quick.

    Star Wars: The old republic: Fun fact; it runs on the same engine that TESO does (HeroEngine). Anyway, I liked being a genuine EVIL sith in this game (I was bad to the core) and the fact that it showed on your character. The story was also very good, but I didn't like that it was so heavily instanced as it was. Half the time you didn't see anyone for a whole play session because you were instanced. Also, after it went P2W it went to smithereens. I logged in recently and they wanted me to pay to take my helmet off. So it was a good game when it was released but far from anything special.

    Right, I would leave you all with a potato for this long post but, I ate them all for dinner so you'll just have to cope with a comically shaped banana ..... that I also ate. Sorry.
  • B1oodcrow
    My first fond memory in a mmo was playing City of Heroes. Just creating the hero was a blast.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    I'm not going to list all the MMO's i've played ... we'd be here a while ... sometimes I get bored and download one of the hundreds of them out there to dabble with for a bit.

    But as for favourite.

    1. Dark Age of Camelot. This will always be my number one. Used to have asome fantastic times out on the lakes scouting and fighting. Good times.

    2. The Secret World. It gets a hard time but some of the story chains in it are pretty decent and I enjoy it.

    3. City of Hero's. Best character customisation ever.

  • Jeremy
    B1oodcrow wrote: »
    Here are some of the MMOs I have played. UO, EQ 1 & 2, city of heroes, GW 1 & 2, eve, Age of Conan, Warhammer, DDO, WoW, LOTRO, SWG, TOR, DC Universe, Champions, vanguard, neverwinter, Marvel, Rift, Tera, The Secret World, lineage 1 & 2. To name a few. Of those here are my favorites.
    1) Age of Conan
    2) City of Heroes
    3) The Secret World
    4) WoW
    5) GW2
    6) Eve

    What are your favorites? And any fond memories?

    Final Fantasy 11 was one of my favorites - when it first came out. Lot of good memories - and its' really the only MMORPG I have ever played that truly felt like a multiplayer experience.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 30, 2014 9:03PM
  • Gix
    I'll be honest, most of my MMO memories come from vanilla WoW. Those Tarren Mills attacks were epic.

    I had a HUGE fondness of Warhammer Online too. I probably would've enjoyed the crap out of Dark Age of Camelot but, at the time, there were no Mac solutions to play it.

    I played a LOT of different MMOs, but I have awesome memories of those. GuildWars 1 was REALLY fun, but still a little stale.
  • ClaudiaMay
    Serious gamer ADD here, so I've tried quite a few that I probably can't remember (only playing for a few weeks, etc). But my favorites are, not in any specific order. . .

    1. Everquest Classic
    - I think started around the Planes of Power expansion, and boy did I love it. You just never get back that first MMO experience I think. Heck, I have fond memories of just sitting at the base of the Kelethin lifts and scrounging up fruit. And cooking, gosh that was an epic endeavor. I had a binder 4 inches thick of recipes.

    2. WoW
    - Say what you will, I loved it when I started. I think my love started to peter out after B.C., but I still play occasionaly. On temporary hiatus until Warlords comes out though. Still, I had a great time raid leading/tanking in BC in our pitiful little 10 man guild. Our first Huntsman kill was epic.

    3. EQ2
    - Housing. Dear blessed lord I loved the housing in this. It's the whole reason I kept playing, and it kindled my love for the hobby. I powered my carpentry skill just so I could make as many furniture items as possible for myself and friends. Never did raid lol, but my houses looked awesome.

    4. Rift
    - Played at launch, loved it. But apparently, despite my tendency to wander and do lots of side things, I leveled too quickly and got near max level very fast. Kind of ruined it for me, but still a good game.

    5. Runescape
    - Of course, who hasn't? Have a high tendency to restart, power to a certain level then give up lol.

    Plenty of other games I've played too, just can't remember them all. :smile:
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • Gedalya
    MMOs but not MMORPG: World of Tanks and World of Warplanes; can't wait for World of Warships. Also, WoW, LOTRO, and SWTOR.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Natjur
    EQ when it first came out and Enchanters where over powered (charm players and drown them)
    Did WOW, EQ2, Aion, Rift, The Secret World, GW2, Eve

    Most MMO I try for 6 months or so, then a new one comes out and I move on or the wife makes me :)
  • Brimsurfer
    1) WoW
    2) WoW
    3) WoW

    No one does it quite like blizzard. I loved it thoroughly until WotLK. Cataclysm killed it for me, the next expansion looks very promising so I might go back to it, since ESO did not turn out to be what I expected. Its a decent game (i'ld give it 7/10) but it won't be able to hold my interest.
  • kasain
    FFXI, this game is older then WOW, and still fun to play. Warhammer, I loved the public quest. It allowed you to start an event solo but end up in a team. Something that be nice for ESO. Aion, I love this game. Flight is great, graphics are awesome, PvP is fun. Storyline was ok. Oh and Vanguard.

    I cringe that ESO reminds me me of Vanguard graphics and that game is 10x years old. And Aions graphics put ESO to shame. ESO started making there game Aion came out, yet its graphics fail.

    I did try FFXIV, but to much hand holding and repeat of everything I did on ffxi.

  • Mercurio
    My favorite ever I think was everquest 2, despite its terrible combat. Just the scope and breadth of everything (I started when it was ~6 expansions deep lol).
    It was VERY "RPG" unlike a lot of current MMOs. I read quests. - 2 years.

    I also loved WoW for its time (was my 1st MMO) - despite how cool it is to hate on it now. - 1.5 years.

    Rift was a solid 3rd place, great devs. - a year. One of the few MMO's I quit and actually went back to, despite disliking basic design pillars haha. Sometimes still log on.

    AoC was fun until Tortage ended, LOL. - 2 months on and off plus it was the summer and I had better things to do. Also played Rift concurrently but was bored of that game at that point.

    I thought SWTOR had potential but the devs scrapped its future almost immediately, maybe it was the horribad engine that limited them. -almost 6 months of wasted waiting.

    Those are the ones I played the most, outside of Guild Wars 2 ( 6 months-year) - still have a bad taste in my mouth regarding that game and I consider it F2P scam trash now. Also dabbled in TSW, Darkfall, TERA, , Guild Wars and probably many others I forgot.
  • Gervis
    Warhammer, the universe and characters, I was a bit of a table top gamer myself. The rvr, until they took away the timer lock on zones. I remember hours of theory crafting builds and being able as a small group to wipe 2x our number ahh good memories.

    Also that stagger hahaha and ability to hot key with shift+X !
    And killing destro !
  • sarbonn
    I think I've played every MMO at some point or another. Some of the more obscure ones I've played are:

    Earth & Beyond
    Tabula Rasa

    My favorites were:

    City of Heroes: Never had so much fun with a game before. I was so peeved when that game went off line.
    Star Wars Galaxies: The early days before the company totally screwed up the game, then tried to fix it and then made it worse.
    Ultima Online: Played it for years when it first came out and loved every instant of it until they created Trammel and the game started to die.
    Dark Age of Camelot: Was there from the beginning and loved being an uber healer/death dealer.
    Everquest: Never enjoyed exploring in a dangerous game so much.
    Clueless, but willing to learn.
  • alphawolph
    B1oodcrow wrote: »
    Here are some of the MMOs I have played. UO, EQ 1 & 2, city of heroes, GW 1 & 2, eve, Age of Conan, Warhammer, DDO, WoW, LOTRO, SWG, TOR, DC Universe, Champions, vanguard, neverwinter, Marvel, Rift, Tera, The Secret World, lineage 1 & 2. To name a few. Of those here are my favorites.
    1) Age of Conan
    2) City of Heroes
    3) The Secret World
    4) WoW
    5) GW2
    6) Eve

    What are your favorites? And any fond memories?

    I'm currently subbed to swtor, secret world, WOW, and jump into Fallen Earth now and again. SWG was my first, and I've never recaptured that magic in another game.
  • Taid
    Selstad wrote: »

    Star Wars: The old republic: Fun fact; it runs on the same engine that TESO does (HeroEngine).

    Fail Fact: Eso DOES NOT run on the same Engine SwTor does. Its a Custom-Engine designed only for Elder Scrolls Online. Seeing so much *** around the internet, lets at least clear this up.

    And if your googleskills are better than mine you might even find the developer question and answer thread.
    You know the old saying.....Neither a Troll, nor a Fanboy be? :o


    Without Trolls and Fanboys, how could we ever be able to sell anything? :#
  • sociald100ub17_ESO
    Im not much of a sci-fi mmo guy so I didn't do SWTOR or EVE but other than that i've nearly played them all. even going back to The Realm, before EQ
    OP- I find it odd you chose Age of Conan as your top.
    I had a closed beta invite to that and after spending hours downloading all the files my beta account key didn't work, after contacting their support 3 times and never even getting an answer.. not even a canned auto reply I decided that with that kind of support I wasn't going to even think about playing the game.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Im not much of a sci-fi mmo guy so I didn't do SWTOR or EVE but other than that i've nearly played them all. even going back to The Realm, before EQ
    OP- I find it odd you chose Age of Conan as your top.
    I had a closed beta invite to that and after spending hours downloading all the files my beta account key didn't work, after contacting their support 3 times and never even getting an answer.. not even a canned auto reply I decided that with that kind of support I wasn't going to even think about playing the game.

    That is what always makes forums great as a whole. So many act like their experience is the same experience everyone had. Which is understandable since yours is the only experience you have. But Larry might hate ESO because since launch every time he logs on the client crashes and support won't help him. Years from now Jill is posting on a forum about how Eso is the greatest game ever, and she never had any problems.

    I think it is why you see so many hater, fanboy labels, it is easier then just accepting that some else might be experiencing something else.
  • PlagueMonk
    Gervis wrote: »
    Warhammer, the universe and characters, I was a bit of a table top gamer myself. The rvr, until they took away the timer lock on zones. I remember hours of theory crafting builds and being able as a small group to wipe 2x our number ahh good memories.

    Also that stagger hahaha and ability to hot key with shift+X !
    And killing destro !

    Ah WAR........they got SO much right (the looks of the characters and world were amazing and borrowed from the source material wonderfully...all except the silly Dwarf Gyrocopter) and managed to keep me highly interested through development. They shouldn't have been so against making WAR, DAoC's spiritual successor (initially). If they had done so from the get go WAR would have a strong and growing following like EVE but they made mistakes along the way like not making the PvP a 3 sided faction model.....then not finishing the PvP zones and finishing only one city on each goes on and on from there.

    And nothing will rival DAoC (I may even go back if ESO fails to keep me) but there is Camelot Unchained on the horizon.....we shall see.

  • UnknownXV
    I played City of Heroes as well. Amazing MMO. The atmosphere and style of the game was brilliant in its day. I loved the soundtrack too. I'd spend hours creating my hero, zipping around cities at the speed of sound, or competing in costume contests under the atlas shrugged statue. Ha man, good memories... I do miss that.

    Runescape too. I loved that game. It was so.. open ended. The world was small, but the activities were not. So varied. I loved how levels were sorted into particular skills, and especially for combat, it wasn't a general level that increased but each individual trait. For instance, Strength, attack, defense, magic, etc... and the combined stats (muddled through a basic algorithm) determined your combat level. Great system. I loved how punishing and difficult the game was too. You died? Your gear is probably lost. You want to level? Be prepared to invest months, even years for the harder skills if you want to max it out. Now that was an MMO with spirit, that was designed for the long-run. I REALLY miss MMOs like that.
  • qwertyburnsb16_ESO
    I've tried most, but MMO's that I have subscribe for 2 months to a year are as follows:

    1. Runscape
    2. SWG (Brilliant!)
    3. Second Life (Okay, not really an MMO!)
    4. Bounty Bay Online (Sub version of VCO)
    5. POTBS
    6. Fallen Earth (Nearly 2 years)
    7. Warhammer Online
    8. Star Trek Online (Actually quite good if you can get over the poor graphics)
    9. Xsyon (At least you see a tree fall over when you go to cut it :) )
    10. SWTOR
    11. Neverwinter
    12. Archehage online (Russian server)

    .....and of course ESO which should keep me on board for a month or two.
  • cabbageub17_ESO

    3. City of Hero's. Best character customisation ever.

    Actually Champions upped the character creator a good notch from COH. More textures and greater degree of body variations. The game got old fast though with very little content.

    City of Heroes prob the best in game community I've ever encountered.
    Edited by cabbageub17_ESO on May 1, 2014 2:56AM
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