'Deals X Flame damage and Y Flame damage over 8.5 seconds. Heals for 34% of the damage inflicted when the effect ends.'
This is the morphed second ability in the Ardent Flame tree for DK's. If the affected enemy dies before 8.5 seconds are over, no healing takes place - this changes things when soloing dungeons or just having fun and pulling lots of mobs.
I feel as if the heal should proc for the same % of damage dealt by the ability until the target died even if the full duration didn't tick, as now you're being forced to not kill the target until the effect wears off if you need every bit of healing.
It's nowhere near a major issue for me as there are plenty of ways to sustain as a DK in AoE, and the fights where you do need to max out your sustain will last longer than 8.5 seconds, but if feels mechanically wrong that the ability can be wasted.
And I will face the sun with the pride of the living.