Hi everyone!
May be I am a little bit late with the post about the coming changes and how to implement them, and may be it has been suggested already in other topics/posts, but I just got access to the forum and I am trying to provide some thoughts about the topic before the actual release.
First of all, I do like the idea and I am all for it, personally sent many tickets with such requests. On the other hand the current implementation on the pts is not good enough yet, it has many gaps and it makes some players really unhappy. Many things about it look like workarournds rather than actual features.
Here is what I suggest:
Achievements menu to have 2 submenus/dropdowns: local and global. For example, like this:

Local menu contains the same date as it is on live now, a character can work towards certain achievements and get some rewards for the character or for the whole account. Local achievement shows that it is done by this particular character.

Global menu contains absolutly the same achievements but instead of a character name it shows the number of characters it is completed on.
Achievment points progress is calculated based on global achievments. If the number >= 1, then the points are granted.

1) Easy to implemend, to deploy and to track, no need to create workaround with some achievements. A character gets skillpoints or other bonus for local achievements, but the it is the accounts that gets achievements points now (and some other rewards like pets etc);
2) A character can still progress and get achievements even if you already have them on other characters (the feeling of progress is always good + a player can track local progress for some important things like skyshards or skillpoints related ones);
3) Different characters can work towards the same global achievement points bank, a player can easy switch between them and not to worry about the losing any progress.
4) Hardcore players can works towards something like "Godslayer 17" or "Emperor 17" and can show off with these )))
ZOS Team,
@ZOS_GinaBruno, pls take a look and consider such approch, I think it will make all sides happy.
P.S. English is not my native language.