I know this subject has been discussed plenty before but I couldn't find any articles that seemed to address this speciic issue, so here goes:
I have 2 gear set combinations for my character (sorcerer), one intended for everyday and the other intended for dungeons etc. When I add up the spell "critical chance" values (and I do know to only add once, and not per gear item) one setup gives a total crit chance of 5215 and crit percent of 47.4%, where the other setup gives a crit chance of 5636 with a crit percent of 44.2%. This seems counterintuive, one would think the higher chance value would result in a higher percent.
Neither gear setup gives any additional buff like Major Savagery, I don't change CP allocations when switching gear, the mundus doesn't change with gear sets (it doesn't effect crit anyway), character is level 50/938CP, gear is all level 50/160CP improved to gold (if that makes a difference), no enchantments affect crit chance (just damage) so I don't know what could be affecting the gear to make it behave this way. The 5215 combination does have slightly higher max magicka (about 200), could that affect crit percent?