Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

ZOS please remove Dark Convergence from the game

  • Waylander07
    Defending a keep is now a nightmare because of DC especially at the likes of Nikel where there is not a lot of space up top. In a 1v1 fight this set is annoying but not deadly as you can roll out but in mass battles its everywhere. Last night a group using DC were hitting for 35-40k damage a time leaving a mass of bodies and half the time you couldn't roll or even mist to get away. The answer seems to be don't stand together but how can you defend when everyone is spread out so as to be not in range of this set.

    In my opinion this set is op and zos has just introduced nukes to a sword fight (yea i am exaggerating but I am sure many will get my point).

    I had a friend come try pvp with me but after 3 attempts he gave up because of constantly getting wiped. Pvp has a steep learning curve and is hard enough for new players without sets like DC which are being used successfully by the very groups it was meant to stop.

    Zos you don't need to make it easier to get killed in pvp as we already have lag, skills not firing, not being able to change weapons and stuck in combat to contend with.
  • RevJJ
    Delete this set from the game. Like, yesterday. Tried to defend a keep just now and kept ping ponging between 4-5 Dark Conzergence purple balls, pulled off walls, pulled off siege. Just admit this set was a mistake ZOS. If not, you’re just making it abundantly clear that you want to turn Cyrodiil into a PVE zone and want to remove pvp from the game completely. Cyrodiil is nothing but a meme now.
  • CrashTest
    The only issues I have with this set are: it pulls you off keeps and sometimes its AoE is invisible. Other than that, I think it's fine.

    I play on BR, but I heard Dark Convergence is horrible on Gray Host bc GH is always so laggy, but then again everything is horrible on GH bc of the lag.
  • Danse_Mayhem
    Delete this set from the game 1000%.
    Just accept that it was a terrible choice, mail players the mats for these pieces and delete it completely. The upcoming change to the second pull and damage scaling won’t stop 90% of mag players using this set at all.

    “It’s good vs zergs”
    ^ That might have been true on the first few days of this set being available, but now that the majority of players have this set, the zergs/ball groups all have this set and are using it to decimate any balance of pvp. A small group using DC won’t beat a big group using DC so the Zergbusting argument is completely irrelevant now.
    This set has also totally murdered BGs - All teams usually have at least 2 players running it and the whole thing just turns into a stack and pinball mess in one spot of the map with matches timing out because no one can get kills between pinballs, or players straight up leaving BGs because they are bored of it.

    It takes Zero skill or aiming. Just throw an AOE down and you’ve single handedly CC’d everyone in the area regardless of LOS usually. It’s high reward with zero risk and even if the set was changed to have 0 damage, the AOE pull in is what is killing the action.

    Players can be pulled off walls - Which I don’t see changing unless somehow AOE’s are no longer placable on different elevations like the chain / gap closing targeting restriction etc which would not be a good change.

    Even if this set has zero damage, and 4x the cool down, it would still be OP because the masses can just run it and alternate procs to flawlessly control the battlefield. No matter what state this set ends up in, it rewards the larger group every time and makes small group play / melee styles and basically any non DC group play virtually impossible.

    Please please please listen to your community, the ones who are actually making solid arguments and do something about this.
    The state of pvp is worse than it has ever been since release because of this one set.
    Edited by Danse_Mayhem on October 18, 2021 2:58AM
  • neferpitou73
    Delete this set from the game 1000%.
    Just accept that it was a terrible choice, mail players the mats for these pieces and delete it completely. The upcoming change to the second pull and damage scaling won’t stop 90% of mag players using this set at all.

    “It’s good vs zergs”
    ^ That might have been true on the first few days of this set being available, but now that the majority of players have this set, the zergs/ball groups all have this set and are using it to decimate any balance of pvp. A small group using DC won’t beat a big group using DC so the Zergbusting argument is completely irrelevant now.
    This set has also totally murdered BGs - All teams usually have at least 2 players running it and the whole thing just turns into a stack and pinball mess in one spot of the map with matches timing out because no one can get kills between pinballs, or players straight up leaving BGs because they are bored of it.

    It takes Zero skill or aiming. Just throw an AOE down and you’ve single handedly CC’d everyone in the area regardless of LOS usually. It’s high reward with zero risk and even if the set was changed to have 0 damage, the AOE pull in is what is killing the action.

    Players can be pulled off walls - Which I don’t see changing unless somehow AOE’s are no longer placable on different elevations like the chain / gap closing targeting restriction etc which would not be a good change.

    Even if this set has zero damage, and 4x the cool down, it would still be OP because the masses can just run it and alternate procs to flawlessly control the battlefield. No matter what state this set ends up in, it rewards the larger group every time and makes small group play / melee styles and basically any non DC group play virtually impossible.

    Please please please listen to your community, the ones who are actually making solid arguments and do something about this.
    The state of pvp is worse than it has ever been since release because of this one set.[/quote]

    That's the ting from what I've heard, PvP in general is extremely balanced this patch except for these ridiculous proc sets that were added last patch. Just delete them and half the complaints go away.
  • Soraka
    CrashTest wrote: »
    The only issues I have with this set are: it pulls you off keeps and sometimes its AoE is invisible. Other than that, I think it's fine.

    I play on BR, but I heard Dark Convergence is horrible on Gray Host bc GH is always so laggy, but then again everything is horrible on GH bc of the lag.

    Dark Convergence frequently shows up as friendly aoe to me when it's an enemy cast. Very frustrating.
  • Jaraal
    Soraka wrote: »
    CrashTest wrote: »
    The only issues I have with this set are: it pulls you off keeps and sometimes its AoE is invisible. Other than that, I think it's fine.

    I play on BR, but I heard Dark Convergence is horrible on Gray Host bc GH is always so laggy, but then again everything is horrible on GH bc of the lag.

    Dark Convergence frequently shows up as friendly aoe to me when it's an enemy cast. Very frustrating.

    Yeah sometimes I'll cast Siege Shield on a resource flag if there's enemies shooting from the tower, or just for kicks, DC procs, and it's funny to watch half your allies roll out the way out of habit, lol
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • AJones43865
    I agree. The only way to fix Dark Convergence is to remove the set from the game. Either that or remove the chaining mechanic from the set entirely, not just nerf it a tiny bit like on the PTS now.
  • AJones43865
    I just played for another couple hours and had to quit due to Dark Convergence. Every time I get pulled by this set it tastes like someone is crapping in my mouth.
  • EdmondDontes
    I agree. The only way to fix Dark Convergence is to remove the set from the game. Either that or remove the chaining mechanic from the set entirely, not just nerf it a tiny bit like on the PTS now.

    Exactly. I played on the PTS some in the last couple days to see what the nerf to DC looked like. It didn't seem to make much difference. A free pull that doesn't have to be aimed is simply an absurd mechanic to put in a game. It's a god mode mechanic.
  • LarsS
    Well you can go non-proc on Ravenwatch problem solved and you tell ZOS to remove it if enough people change to non-proc.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • McTaterskins
    Get rid of the pull. Do something with the aoe and immobilize/stun etc. but get rid of the pull or...

    Get rid of the set entirely. It is absolutely ridiculous to introduce something of the sort into an already chaotic and dynamic combat system. Especially one with overly significant performance issues.
  • Jackey
    LarsS wrote: »
    Well you can go non-proc on Ravenwatch problem solved and you tell ZOS to remove it if enough people change to non-proc.

    PvP guilds will never leave Gray Host no matter what.
    Ravenwatch is a dead campaign on most platforms. So no, not problem solved.
    PS | EU
  • Dojohoda
    Please delete the Dark Convergence set. It is an no-skill set that disrupts gameplay.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • NerfSeige
    Please don’t delete dark convergence, make it like bahsei (only works on non-player characters)
    Avid reader of wes’-pts-diary[RIP]

    NerfAS and Shill ruins everything

    Skinny-meta-fake, graded D, and can’t explain the law of diminishing marginal returns.

    I won’t post that Wes, I’ll get [snipped] for the last time

    Revert this patch - Audens, 2022
  • Dojohoda
    NerfSeige wrote: »
    Please don’t delete dark convergence, make it like bahsei (only works on non-player characters)

    I find those terms acceptable.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • NerfSeige
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    NerfSeige wrote: »
    Please don’t delete dark convergence, make it like bahsei (only works on non-player characters)

    I find those terms acceptable.

    Yeah, they already separated pve and pvp for bahsei, inner beast, and mist form. They can do it on this set.
    Avid reader of wes’-pts-diary[RIP]

    NerfAS and Shill ruins everything

    Skinny-meta-fake, graded D, and can’t explain the law of diminishing marginal returns.

    I won’t post that Wes, I’ll get [snipped] for the last time

    Revert this patch - Audens, 2022
  • DrSlaughtr
    NerfSeige wrote: »
    Dojohoda wrote: »
    NerfSeige wrote: »
    Please don’t delete dark convergence, make it like bahsei (only works on non-player characters)

    I find those terms acceptable.

    Yeah, they already separated pve and pvp for bahsei, inner beast, and mist form. They can do it on this set.

    But it's a pvp set...
    I drink and I stream things.
  • LarsS
    Jackey wrote: »
    LarsS wrote: »
    Well you can go non-proc on Ravenwatch problem solved and you tell ZOS to remove it if enough people change to non-proc.

    PvP guilds will never leave Gray Host no matter what.
    Ravenwatch is a dead campaign on most platforms. So no, not problem solved.

    There is quite a number of PVP guilds on Ravenwatch PC/EU. My message is, if you dont like dark convergence and it seems to be many, then change campaign and you will get a good pop on Ravenwatch.

    Fact is that the gap between pugs and hard core have become too big and it cant be solved with yet another proc-set, ZOS have tried that for years. The widening gap is a major reason that new players trying PVP go off soon again. So ESO PVP have to change direction.
    Edited by LarsS on October 25, 2021 10:45PM
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • LeHarrt91
    I havent died to DC in a while, its easy to block (when the animation shows) but i wish they would have made a No Proc, No Hammer, CP Campaign.
    PS NA
    Have played all classes.
    Warden Main
  • lexicondevil99
    LeHarrt91 wrote: »
    I havent died to DC in a while, its easy to block (when the animation shows) but i wish they would have made a No Proc, No Hammer, CP Campaign.

    It's not the DC you die to. It's the fact that after you have escaped from the seventh one (without ever having CC immunity for some reason) you have no stam left and get the crap kicked out of you by the other half of the zerg that isn't running DC.

    One or two DC's are never the problem. It's the ball groups with a half dozen or more spamming it while everyone else drops ults on you.
  • Sandman929
    All characters that have worn this abomination should be deleted as well, it's the only way to be sure it's really gone.
  • Flangdoodle
    LarsS wrote: »
    Well you can go non-proc on Ravenwatch problem solved and you tell ZOS to remove it if enough people change to non-proc.

    Yeah - but why should I have to give up proc sets that aren't broken, just to avoid a single set that's completely broken?
  • wotevah
    I think its almost too late. This set was possibly the worst thought out change ZOS has ever made to pvp. I have pretty much stopped playing the game as a direct result of this cancer and will not renew eso plus while that set exists. if it did only one of the things it does it would be op and meta for organised groups. the pull alone without the snare without the damage and at half the range and it would still be cancer in the hands of a coordinated group. The existence of this set raises all sorts of questions about the motivations in bringing it in.

    Are you trying to kill off pvp? You are doing a great job of that, it that's your intent.

  • AJones43865
    wotevah wrote: »
    I think its almost too late. This set was possibly the worst thought out change ZOS has ever made to pvp. I have pretty much stopped playing the game as a direct result of this cancer and will not renew eso plus while that set exists. if it did only one of the things it does it would be op and meta for organised groups. the pull alone without the snare without the damage and at half the range and it would still be cancer in the hands of a coordinated group. The existence of this set raises all sorts of questions about the motivations in bringing it in.

    Are you trying to kill off pvp? You are doing a great job of that, it that's your intent.

    I hope you are not right, but I fear you are.

    Introducing a set like Dark Convergence is so monumentally messed up on so many levels it makes a player wonder, legitimately, what is going on at ZOS.
  • AJones43865
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    All characters that have worn this abomination should be deleted as well, it's the only way to be sure it's really gone.

    I've come to realize it's not really feasible to delete the set from the game. People need to be able to recover their one gold temper from deconning it. But they should disable it in the sense that they make it only work on NPC's. Even in the nerfed state on the PTS Dark Convergence is still cancer.
  • geonsocal
    good to see so many dead bodies on the ground these days in cyrodiil...

    seems like we were stuck in that no one can kill anyone else mode for years...

    convergence - let the bodies hit the floor
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Jaraal
    geonsocal wrote: »
    good to see so many dead bodies on the ground these days in cyrodiil...

    seems like we were stuck in that no one can kill anyone else mode for years...

    convergence - let the bodies hit the floor

    So, in the Update 31 combat preview they said:
    Let’s start with something we’ve seen a lot of discussion on: Time to Kill (TTK) in Player versus Player environments. Compared to previous updates, the amount of damage is higher across the board than it was previously, but simultaneously, defensive power is lower too. This is mainly caused by two things: the balance standards that Champion Point 2.0 was held to in Update 29 where we introduced more choices between either offensive or defensive options, as well boosting up stats on fresh characters with the introduction of base Weapon and Spell Damage, and the base Maximum Resource adjustments from Update 30. Between these two, many builds are making more choices in improving their ability to deal or take damage while experiencing a sharper operational loss of the other. As many player builds lean towards dealing damage in PvP environments, this creates a situation where TTK lowers. While we’ve identified specifics, such as base stat adjustments, we wanted to stay focused on where the problem was felt, which was exclusively related to PvP. Our main adjustment in Update 31 will be to Battle Spirit and focusing on the damage taken portion, increasing it so the base character takes 60% less overall damage, rather than 50%. Aside from this and a few more specific, smaller adjustments, we’re still monitoring many of the moving parts (such as proc set scaling) and discussing measures we can take in future updates that won’t adversely affect parts of the game where problems aren’t as severe.

    .... and yet TTK is now ridiculously fast thanks to most people running Dark Convergence.

    These yo-yo changes and saying one thing and then doing another is really getting old. Cyrodiil is turning into a ghost town because of it.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • geonsocal
    is it truly because of convergence, or just a continuing trend of lower player pops in cyrodiil that started a few years after the game first went live...

    I don't know all the reasons there seem to be fewer and fewer pvp participants...I do know though there's more than just a few...

    pretty sure convergence isn't all that woes cyrodiil...

    it's tough though, I play late night US time and cyro has become a ghost town for me on the EU server, and barely enough folks to keep the fight going on the NA server...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • keto3000
    I also play on the NA server at night and on AD we have actually been getting more overall cohesive gameplay than we have had before IMHO.
    geonsocal wrote: »
    is it truly because of convergence, or just a continuing trend of lower player pops in cyrodiil that started a few years after the game first went live...

    I don't know all the reasons there seem to be fewer and fewer pvp participants...I do know though there's more than just a few...

    pretty sure convergence isn't all that woes cyrodiil...

    it's tough though, I play late night US time and cyro has become a ghost town for me on the EU server, and barely enough folks to keep the fight going on the NA server...

    “The point of power is always in the present moment.”

    ― Louise L. Hay
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