NicGroover wrote: »Another day lost. Thank you TESO...
What concerns me is not the length but the frequency of maintenance that ESO needs. Normally there is 6-8hrs of downtime a week, which is alot.
While i sympathise you have downtime also it isn't quite the same as EU because this is our prime time play.
I think the reason is that they uses the US crew to watch over the maintained and fix problems.Auberon1983 wrote: »
That's the thing I don't understand is why NA and EU go down at the same time. It's only 8:02AM here in Phoenix (Arizona), but this is primetime in European countries. I sleep through the vast majority of maintenance, so I can't complain on a personal level.
I'm wondering if it's just a very small crew that handles the maintenance, and this is just simply easier on the workload.
LordOsiris wrote: »And best is, always EU players are loosing time, never ever NA ...
I literally cant wrap my head around a 7 hour maintenence.
Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »I am in login queue,wish me luck.
Saying 3 minutes.
TwiceBornStar wrote: »
Let me start by sitting at my desk and pouring myself a nice cup of coffee, and then think really long and hard about what Rudrani wrote on the forum. Okay, done. But! Now my coffee got cold. That's an issue. You can't have cold coffee, right? Right. So, I get up and walk all the way down to the cantina again, and pour myself a nice cup of coffee again. As I'm going down the stairs, I notice there's bubblegum on the marble floor. Again, this is an issue. This cannot stand. So, I go up the stairs again to ring the cleaning department, because you can't have bubblegum on the marble floor. What if our most important shareholders decide they want to visit us, and they all get stuck to the floor. Na-ah, buddy, na-ah. We can't have that, can we? So, anyways, I'm going downstairs again, because I still need to pour myself a nice cup of coffee. I mean, you can't think straight without a nice cup of coffee. You tend to make mistakes when you go without coffee longer than five minutes, and when you make mistakes, well, that's when all sorts of magic start to happen and of course the consequences of such magic are wholly unintended. So we don't want that. Anyway, coffee. Yes please! So.. Where were we? Oh, yeah. Right. My bad!
I may have an idea!
Lady_Galadhiel wrote: »I am in login queue,wish me luck.
Saying 3 minutes.
tonne.backlinderb16_ESO wrote: »I'd say it's time to buy a Nespresso machine for your office
I still cant wrap my head around why maint takes so long.
Its merciless on asian-pacific players
I literally cant wrap my head around a 7 hour maintenence.
Another possible reason for the frequent maintenance could be that the ESO devs and management are just more committed to fixing problems than with other MMOs?What concerns me is not the length but the frequency of maintenance that ESO needs. Normally there is 6-8hrs of downtime a week, which is alot. Most other games will be 6-8hrs a month. I get that the game is huge, but a game needing this much maintance was built using spaghetti.
I still cant wrap my head around it.
I always thought a company would do the time consuming things on a development server... then shut down the live server for the amount of time it takes to shut down, load data, restart.
i could see that taking... 20 minutes... ok maybe 2 hours for like terabytes of data?
Have you ever wondered how many individual pieces of hardware make up a megaserver?
MEBengalsFan2001 wrote: »
Do you work in technology? If not than that is why you can't wrap your head around it. There is quite a bit of things a company can do when it does server maintenance. It isn't just rebooting the server. For instance, they may have updates for the software and that alone can be an hour or two. Than they maybe upgrading some of the hardware, etc... maintenance is never a flip of a switch or an easy button. Proper maintenance takes its time.