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I am sick of Dark Convergence

I am soo tired of getting yanked every few seconds to be dumped on. The range in this set is stupid. You can't even see it most of the time. Along with the poor performance, it has taken all the fun out of PvP for me. Its seriously making it where I don't want to play anymore. You guys missed the mark by a mile with this set.

I pay for ESO plus and buy the chapters because I enjoy the content but I enjoy PvP the most. You guys have killed that. I'm not sure I want to continue in a game that I am not getting enjoyment out of.

I know I am not the only one that feels this way. So I am telling you now. You guys seriously need to reconsider this set and it function.
  • Gilvoth
    thats how i feel about sorcerers shields and overpowered damage and also the wardens extreme tank builds and over powered damage.
    exact same thing.
    and that our nightblade sneak speeds were removed.
    im sick of it and i hate that its allowed.

    its my honest feedback.

    Edited by Gilvoth on October 16, 2021 6:57PM
  • Jackey
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    thats how i feel about sorcerers shields and overpowered damage and also the wardens extreme tank builds and over powered damage.
    exact same thing.
    and that our nightblade sneak speeds were removed.
    im sick of it and i hate that its allowed.

    its my honest feedback.

    That's yesterday's complaints. We complain about Dark Convergence now. Get with the times! :p
    PS | EU
  • Gilvoth
    Jackey wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    thats how i feel about sorcerers shields and overpowered damage and also the wardens extreme tank builds and over powered damage.
    exact same thing.
    and that our nightblade sneak speeds were removed.
    im sick of it and i hate that its allowed.

    its my honest feedback.

    That's yesterday's complaints. We complain about Dark Convergence now. Get with the times! :p

    my complaints are still active just like dark convergence is, they are the same.
    they are both complaints about what is happening currently, exactly the same complaints as OP.

    Edited by Gilvoth on October 16, 2021 8:38PM
  • Araneae6537
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Jackey wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    thats how i feel about sorcerers shields and overpowered damage and also the wardens extreme tank builds and over powered damage.
    exact same thing.
    and that our nightblade sneak speeds were removed.
    im sick of it and i hate that its allowed.

    its my honest feedback.

    That's yesterday's complaints. We complain about Dark Convergence now. Get with the times! :p

    my complaints are still active just like dark convergence is, they are the same.
    they are both complaints about what is happening currently, exactly the same complaints as OP.

    No, not at all the same as getting repeatedly yanked and stunned and no getting immunity to it! Cyrodiil no-proc is currently the only form of PvP I enjoy in large part because of these cheese sets. Every class should have unique strong abilities and those must be used by the player so I’m okay with dying to those. If any class is relatively underpowered then it should be buffed in my opinion.
  • Gilvoth
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    Jackey wrote: »
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    thats how i feel about sorcerers shields and overpowered damage and also the wardens extreme tank builds and over powered damage.
    exact same thing.
    and that our nightblade sneak speeds were removed.
    im sick of it and i hate that its allowed.

    its my honest feedback.

    That's yesterday's complaints. We complain about Dark Convergence now. Get with the times! :p

    my complaints are still active just like dark convergence is, they are the same.
    they are both complaints about what is happening currently, exactly the same complaints as OP.

    ... getting repeatedly yanked and stunned and no getting immunity to it!

    that is the exact same thing sorcerers bolt escape and wardens skills do to the rest of us.
    there is no ability to block those just the same as dark convergence, they are overpowered in both damage and defenses, thats the exact same complaints you guys are saying about dark convergence.
    exactly the same complaints.

    and just like title says "im sick of it"
    well so am i, i have nothing further to say on this subject.

    Edited by Gilvoth on October 16, 2021 9:04PM
  • Nogawd
    I don't have a problem fighting it or using it.

  • Ezorus
    So pathetic to see it in every BG game
  • Kory
    -User takes 1000% more damage while wearing this broken ass armor set.

    That should balance the set guys! :D Just a suggestion

    Edited by Kory on October 17, 2021 6:28AM
  • vamp_emily
    I wear Dark Convergence and I love it.

    It is a perfectly balanced set, no reason to change it. [snip]

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 18, 2021 12:29PM

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • Ragnaroek93
    It's an absolutely trash designed set. One person using it is kinda manageable, several persons stacking it makes the game totally unplayable, especially for meele players. Constantly losing control over your character, getting teleported around, blewing through ressources to avoid getting hit by it and finally getting randomly pulled into one explosion which almost oneshots you. This crap should be hotfixed/overnerfed/deleted from the game tbh.
    I used to think that PvP was a tragedy, but now I realize, it's a comedy.
  • SalamanNZ
    I had this set on 3 of my pvp characters. It was fun to announce people and finish high up the table. Sure it won games for my team and it was easy to get kills. I also have many melee pvp characters that get pulled from place to place due to DC. And it is annoying. And it is avoidable unless two teams use it a few seconds apart. But you can still win without using it

    But my point is I have stopped using it. I play with other sets to test my skills. I do have it there though as my back up set if I feel like being a lazy pvper
  • ThePianist
    The only problem I have with dark convergence is the pull from upper floors.

    A long time ago, we had people going through walls by abusing crit rush. Why can’t the designers just make the walls taller?

    Dark convergence is fine imo. The biggest issue at the moment are destro ults. We are about to enter 2022 and destro ults are still unblockable.

    You’ve got zergling ball groups running around with dc and vicious death. If dc gets nerfed, these ball groups will just go back to the old destro ult/pulsar Xv1 builds.
  • DrSlaughtr
    ThePianist wrote: »
    The only problem I have with dark convergence is the pull from upper floors.

    A long time ago, we had people going through walls by abusing crit rush. Why can’t the designers just make the walls taller?

    Dark convergence is fine imo. The biggest issue at the moment are destro ults. We are about to enter 2022 and destro ults are still unblockable.

    You’ve got zergling ball groups running around with dc and vicious death. If dc gets nerfed, these ball groups will just go back to the old destro ult/pulsar Xv1 builds.

    I'd rather avoid destro than get hit with a graveyard, convergence, colossus, synergy, f I'm dead dead combo.
    I drink and I stream things.
  • Veinblood1965
    Seems to be a ball group issue. It's not so bad in Cyrodiil. I don't use it but manage to dodge roll out of it and don't see it used by more than one peep at a time.
  • MEBengalsFan2001
    danwtayl wrote: »
    I am soo tired of getting yanked every few seconds to be dumped on. The range in this set is stupid. You can't even see it most of the time. Along with the poor performance, it has taken all the fun out of PvP for me. Its seriously making it where I don't want to play anymore. You guys missed the mark by a mile with this set.

    I pay for ESO plus and buy the chapters because I enjoy the content but I enjoy PvP the most. You guys have killed that. I'm not sure I want to continue in a game that I am not getting enjoyment out of.

    I know I am not the only one that feels this way. So I am telling you now. You guys seriously need to reconsider this set and it function.
    SalamanNZ wrote: »
    I had this set on 3 of my pvp characters. It was fun to announce people and finish high up the table. Sure it won games for my team and it was easy to get kills. I also have many melee pvp characters that get pulled from place to place due to DC. And it is annoying. And it is avoidable unless two teams use it a few seconds apart. But you can still win without using it

    But my point is I have stopped using it. I play with other sets to test my skills. I do have it there though as my back up set if I feel like being a lazy pvper

    I got the DC set to use it for a bit. I will state this though, I love DC in dungeons with adds. Pulling all the adds into one group to burn them down quickly is AWESOME. DC should not be allowed in PVP but in PVE it is a fantastic set for farming XP and dungeon runs from my experience.

  • MEBengalsFan2001
    Seems to be a ball group issue. It's not so bad in Cyrodiil. I don't use it but manage to dodge roll out of it and don't see it used by more than one peep at a time.

    Yesterday me vs. 4 players. We all had DC on. I pulled them together and jump right in. Well I ended up getting pulled away and than I pulled less than a second later from 2nd pull, than a third and a fourth and I died. I was using it to stop a group, they abused it as a group on a sole player.

  • master_vanargand
    Perhaps the game creator wanted to create a merry-go-round.
  • deleted221205-002626
    I agree with this.. I've just returned from 5+yrs away and all I can say is WOW! It's like pinball out there now... I've been sucked through upto 4 DC positions because they're everywhere on the ground almost fighting eachother, before finally settling down on one and SPLODING to 40-60k dmg. It's no longer anything remotely close to pvp out there and I'll likly be cancelling my eso+ I just signed up for again unfortunatly.

    Also these ball groups still untouchable after nearly a decade? I thought the very purpose of DC/Plague sets were to deal with them?
  • deleted221205-002626
    ^^ and damn clearly need to update my sig! haha
  • Callosum
    The only right treatment for this set is INSTANT DELETION.
  • Flangdoodle
    Here's a possible solution to Dark Convergence: leave it exactly as it is - current strength and all - but make it cost health to cast, and a substantial amount of health like 25-30%. Also make it like Imperial Physique so that the caster is highlighted (not permanently but say for 1-2 seconds) You want the pull/stun/snare AND the damage? Fine, but it's not free and you have to think about what situations to use it in.
  • techyeshic
    I think every time I log in, I see it somehow cover a larger area at once. If you even see it. I'm over it.
  • Jokesonyou
    Soul Shriven
    There is no way to balance this set without some sort of crazy specific rules for it.. it's the same thing every time I log in.. groups of 3, 4, 5 necros running a ton of heals all ball up and drop their DC at the same time, drop an ulti, and smash their grave robber.. you get snatched across the map even tho you were outside of the circle on the ground and you drop from full health to dead before you could even roll dodge.. death recap is just 60k worth of graverobber, colossus, and DC from 3 different names

  • PancakeHead
    I play on the PS4/5 NA server most nights and primarily in champion point Imperial City. One issue I see with dark convergence is it's not used for the intended purpose of dealing with tanks or large zergs. What I normally see are large groups with a large number of them running dark convergence, such as last night coming across a group of twelve where as far as I could tell five or six had dark convergence on. Conversely, I don't remember the last time I saw one person wearing dark convergence kill anyone. It's pretty easy to get out of once you experience it a little.

    Maybe off topic, but I also think zergs or large groups are unfairly labeled as weak players or a problem, when at least what I see large groups are the natural outcome of what happens. I'll log in alone, I'll get killed by a group of three people, I'll eventually find another player running flags, we'll get killed by five people, etc. The people I see in these groups are good players. It's just, unlike some streamers want us to believe, you can't just blow through good or even decent players when you're alone.

    I don't like dark convergence because it takes what I thought was really fun out of the game at times. I love coming across huge groups or seeing huge groups clash. It's unpredictable, exciting, and fun. Sure, a lot of the time you're alone and get killed in seconds but I'd much rather see a lot of people on than a random person here or there.

    A bigger issue may be sportsmanship in the game. I definitely notice in these large groups people who aren't that good constantly tea bagging people. I even see people who are considered good tea bagging everyone their zerg kills. It's disrespectful and rude where I know several lower level players (400 - 800ish) who stopped playing because every time they died someone would rub it in by tea bagging them. Last night I was playing, came across a group of eight, died, and the one guy wearing dark convergence tea bagged me. I purposely didn't respawn to see how long he would do it and he only stopped after realizing the group had moved on and likely didn't want to be caught alone.

    Similarly, I think some of the streamers need to be more respectful. They complain if there's large groups but then if they catch someone alone and kill them, they tend to be, well, [snip]. There's one video of a streamer just lording over a girl he killed frozen in time, ignoring the reality I see her most nights and she's good.

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 24, 2021 6:03PM
  • AdamLAD
    I wish I could just have a nice thoughtful and reasonable chat with the combat team and let them understand as to why things need to change. Dark convergence needs to be erased from history. Get rid of it. It has no place in eso. PvE and PvP. It shouldn't ever do that much. It does more damage than an entire combination, in an aoe, snares, pulls and stuns. Oh but frags can't stun. Logic blows my mind.
    Edited by AdamLAD on October 24, 2021 9:13PM
  • LarsS
    Simple solution, go for Ravenwatch its the best way to tell zos that they should remove the set.
    GM for The Daggerfall Authority EU PC
  • McTaterskins
    I seriously made this account because of wanting to provide feedback on DC.

    Recently had three friends get into the game as of just before Blackwood. Pulled them in right around/before Flames DLC.

    They had enough time to level up and get geared before Blackwood/Waking flames.

    They've quit already.
  • Dojohoda
    Please delete Dark Convergence.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • geonsocal
    i don't know why cyro keeps getting emptier and emptier as time goes on...i do get that convergence rubs a lot of people the wrong way...

    little doubt that sooner or later:

    particularly for those fighting solo or outnumbered all the time - it's a tool that is very useful...heck, you know what, it's also pretty darn good at wiping noobs too :#

    of course, the trick is - trying not to get killed yourself by that same tool...

    it is a little ironic though regarding the endless complaints by posters on this forum over the years about just how hard it is to kill players in cyrodiil - well, convergence is definitely pretty good at killing other players...balanced and fair or not - it's got that going for it...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • xDeusEJRx
    geonsocal wrote: »
    i don't know why cyro keeps getting emptier and emptier as time goes on...i do get that convergence rubs a lot of people the wrong way...

    little doubt that sooner or later:

    particularly for those fighting solo or outnumbered all the time - it's a tool that is very useful...heck, you know what, it's also pretty darn good at wiping noobs too :#

    of course, the trick is - trying not to get killed yourself by that same tool...

    it is a little ironic though regarding the endless complaints by posters on this forum over the years about just how hard it is to kill players in cyrodiil - well, convergence is definitely pretty good at killing other players...balanced and fair or not - it's got that going for it...

    It's because of the trouble trio(Convergence, Pre-nerf Hrothgar, Plaguebreak) among other things. The timing of the release of these sets and other factors just led to people not wanting to go into cyro. I know I geared all my toons for no cp and just played no cp no proc campaign cause I already saw the procalypse coming. I already prefer no proc gameplay but when I saw these sets in pts that pretty much gave me reason to leave CP campaigns
    Solo PvP'er PS5 NA player

    90% of my body is made of Magblade
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