Character Slot Poll!

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I know this has been mentioned before but haven't really seen a poll on it, so here we are!

Would you like more character slots?
Hoping for more playable races

Character Slot Poll! 153 votes

Yes! 18 isn't enough!
aleksandr_ESOck37090npukDanikatKhenarthiSheezabeastElvenheartGrumblestiltskinNettleCarrierOreyn_Bearclawredspecter23MandragoraSarannahlillybitsix2fallInvitationNotFoundHallothiel0lbertikusFischblutwolfie1.0. 68 votes
I don't need them but think they should be added for those that do.
theskymoveshuntgod_ESOvailjohn_ESOGalenWhiteCoatSyndromeMrGhostyhans.johansson1958b16_ESOZephiran23CyberwolffeSalamanNZCendrillion21VulsahdaalVDoom1DestaiEasily_LostC0L0SSUSNightlordmerpinsRaddlemanNumber7GiantFruitFly 46 votes
No 18 is enough, just repurpose/delete!
Malkivhaploeb14_ESOjedtb16_ESOalterfenixeb17_ESOAektannDarrettEdaphonSheridanSalmeynaPhaedrynFolkbAstironMartofizl101IccotakKiralyn2000Sturmfaengerpdblakewhitecrowhasi 32 votes
driosketchVhozekElsonsokargen27RatzkifallemonizzleDreamyLu 7 votes
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    I don't need them but think they should be added for those that do.
    Why not,I personally dont need more but for those altoholics out there it surely is needed ;)
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • fizl101
    No 18 is enough, just repurpose/delete!
    I don't think so, maybe now, but with update 32 where you can respec the same character with 2 free slots I think it will become less necessary
    Soupy twist
  • Iccotak
    No 18 is enough, just repurpose/delete!
    The Armory system really removes necessity of new character slots - which would not surprise me if that was a major reason behind its inclusion.

    You can put multiple very different builds on the same character rather than leveling up a whole new character of the same class.
    That saves alot of time investment.

    So yeah 6 characters is enough for me
  • MaisonNaevius
    I don't need them but think they should be added for those that do.
    One of the reasons that leads me to think that going beyond 18 characters is necessary.
    - You have a majority of permanent characters (PvE / PvP / RP)
    - One shot characters, with a significant creation/delete rotation (RP / Test / Fashion)
    > Wiki spécialisé sur Cyrodiil / en cour de rédaction <

    - Naevius-
  • Franchise408
    No 18 is enough, just repurpose/delete!
    I remember games like SWG that allowed only one character.

    I miss those days.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    My altoholism has demands.

    I've a bunch of character ideas I can't do, because my list is full.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on October 7, 2021 4:26PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • TheImperfect
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    Yes I like making characters and trying differen't things. I really love the character creator and thinking of new characters to create.
  • merpins
    I don't need them but think they should be added for those that do.
    I think adding more for those that need em is fine. Why not?
    Though to be fair, buying a new account can be lucrative as well. it costs 8 bucks per character slot approx, and you get 8 for buying eso. If you have 1 friend that you tend to play eso with, owning a second copy of eso can be decent since you can duo random dailies if said friend has a second copy of eso as well. Course the downside is 2 subscriptions to eso+ and having to buy major DLC's twice, but depending on your frequency of playing the game and your financial situation, it can be better in some ways I'd imagine. Transparency, I do not own 2 accounts only the one, and I only have 9 character slots as I've not needed more in all the time I've played eso (I've been playing fairly regularly since beta), but food for thought.
  • redspecter23
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    Rich has stated on stream that adding more character slots is a performance issue. If it were up to me, I'd say raise the cap to 50 or even 100 characters per account, but there appears to be reasons why it can't be done, similar to furnishing caps, furnishing bag (like craft bag) or many other things that seem like simple integer changes to players.

    It doesn't matter how much we want it or how much we'll pay for it if it negatively affects performance... unless it's Cyrodiil :)
  • etchedpixels
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    IMHO there are two problems with raising the cap

    1. You would need to make things like transmute crystals from randoms capped per account (which would be a good thing anyway)
    2. Performance

    I'd actually be more than happy if we kept the character limit but had a way to archive characters and rather like deletions you could archive/restore them. You'd need a limit of how many you could swap in/out of the archive a day (and no doubt someone would sell crown store tokens to do more...) and probably it would take time so that it could happen in the background and not slow stuff down, as well as effectively preventing 'pay to win' behaviour on slots.

    Too many toons not enough time
  • Hallothiel
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    The Armory system really removes necessity of new character slots - which would not surprise me if that was a major reason behind its inclusion.

    Um, no it does not.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    While armory will solve the problem for some, it wont for others

    For exemple my mag sorc is a mage not a warrior so it wouldnt fit tu put him in heavy armor with a sword and shield
    Maybe we will see more after the integration of cold storage but i wont hold my breath
    Edited by Dark_Lord_Kuro on October 7, 2021 4:53PM
  • Mesite
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    If it affects performance then keep the cap. But I have more than one account, and I would prefer not to delete my old redguards in case the redguards ever become the master race again.
  • Lugaldu
    No 18 is enough, just repurpose/delete!
    I have three characters. omne trium perfectum
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    It would be nice if you could tranfer character slot from a server to another
    For exemple your avaiable slot from eu to na
    That would free space on one server while filling the other and vice versa
    So you could go up to 36 in na but at the cost of your access to eu

    I have absolutly no idea if its even feasable at all
  • Elsonso
    More free slots. They don't need to increase from 18... they just need to make some of the ones we have free. :smile:
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Araneae6537
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    I love creating different characters with different looks and stories as well as trying different classes, roles and play-styles. I can content myself with the slots we have but I don’t think I would ever play an RPG that limited you to ONE character.
  • kargen27
    I don't care other than we have been told it could have an affect on performance. There are options available to go beyond eighteen. You can play the other server or purchase another copy of the game. A friend has ten accounts and I think he plays six of them pretty regular. He plays on PC and Playstation both the NA and EU servers. These events make him a bit crazy getting tickets on all of them but most the time he just plays. He really likes leveling new characters and doing the stories. Last time I knew he had eight master fishermen.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • lillybit
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    fizl101 wrote: »
    I don't think so, maybe now, but with update 32 where you can respec the same character with 2 free slots I think it will become less necessary

    You can't do writs or dailies on a respec.

    I just want 2 more because 18 bugs me, if there's gonna be a hard limit it should at least be a tidier number :D
    PS4 EU
  • Ratzkifal
    In world of warcraft you can have 50 characters per realm and you do not have to buy additional character slots. I know ZOS said that every new character adds tons of data and impacts server performance significantly, but with the upcoming changes to cold storage, I really don't think we need to be limited to 18 - but I also do not think they should make you buy more character slots when you already repurchase the game every year for the chapter AND pay for ESO+ AND buy cosmetics AND gamble on crown crates.
    Edited by Ratzkifal on October 7, 2021 7:40PM
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    I know not everyone uses them in this manner, but I believe one of the biggest causes of inflation in this game is that ability to simply print gold (not talking about gold mats) by doing writs on 18 toons. Being able to simply conjure 100k out of thin air in 30 minutes once a day is a huge driver of inflation. Is it the only reason inflation is rampant, of course not, but it is high on the list. As long as that persists, 18 is more than enough (coming from someone with 18 max level toons).

    Crap I voted wrong. 18 is MORE than enough.
    Edited by Oreyn_Bearclaw on October 7, 2021 8:08PM
  • WhyMustItBe
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    coop500 wrote: »
    I know this has been mentioned before but haven't really seen a poll on it, so here we are!

    Would you like more character slots?

    There is a reason World of Warcraft gives you FIFTY character slots. They have more than TWICE the years running data to show that the ability to roll new alts is one of if not the main factor in long-term customer retention.

    Especially in a game like this where you have to spend 180 days grinding horse training, people are not going to just delete characters they have invested hard time on to roll an alt.

    This is a major bottleneck leading to burnout and loss of long-term profits.

    EDIT: Also, I am having difficulty seeing HOW exactly more character slots affects performance? You can only log into one character at a time, so the load on the server isn't increased like if you add more players.

    I think this is a question the devs need to be seriously asking themselves. One thing I can see is that they have like 40 different daily cooldowns running at the same time (horses, daily quests, trials, arenas, faction quests, etc.) which really makes no sense and is probably one of the main reasons, checking all those unnecessary timers and variables every time a character logs in.

    If they did away with all that counter-intuitive spaghetti and just made everything hard-reset with the daily quests on ONE timer, I bet they would eliminate much of this supposed performance issue.

    Edited by WhyMustItBe on October 7, 2021 8:16PM
  • Ratzkifal
    I know not everyone uses them in this manner, but I believe one of the biggest causes of inflation in this game is that ability to simply print gold (not talking about gold mats) by doing writs on 18 toons. Being able to simply conjure 100k out of thin air in 30 minutes once a day is a huge driver of inflation. Is it the only reason inflation is rampant, of course not, but it is high on the list. As long as that persists, 18 is more than enough (coming from someone with 18 max level toons).

    Crap I voted wrong. 18 is MORE than enough.

    I don't think that is true. For one because only a handful of people actually have the discipline and patience to do all 7 writs on all their 18 characters every day. Yes you can become filthy rich and yes it would be a problem if everyone started doing it, but I doubt that would ever happen.
    Also those writs are contributing towards deflation as well as they generate more upgrade materials and materials in general, which lowers material cost by increasing supply.

    The real driving force behind inflation in this game is the lack of sufficient gold sinks. Every new feature removes gold sinks from the game. CP slottables mean you do not need to spend 3000 gold every time you want to switch CP. The armory means you do not have to spend gold to switch skills. Armor repair can be done with the free repair kits from writs or it can be reduced with CP slottables. While it made wayshrine recall costs pretty much pointless, housing was the only effective gold sink we have left, but since no new houses are being sold for gold other than a 1million gold home per year, the housing market has become saturated, making it ineffective as a gold sink.
    The only thing in this game that gold can buy you are carry runs and crown store items from the crown exchange services and for both of these do not actually drain gold from the economy.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • lemonizzle
    I have 2 for each class and that is just enough, unless Zos introduces a new class there is no point (personally) to increase character slots even further.
  • bmnoble
    I don't need them but think they should be added for those that do.
    I think they should either gradually add more each year, when there is no new class 1 per new chapter and 1 per new DLC zone. When a new Class is released 3 character slots as they have been doing. Or remove the limit completely, let people buy as many slots as they want.

    If they just massively increase the number of character slots to another fixed number you will run into the problem of someone using them all and not wanting to delete one when a new class is released, people can say suck it up delete one but with the amount of time and crowns you can end up putting into a character that is not an easy choice for a lot of people which is one of the reasons this is being discussed right now.

    I think its up to the developers to add more character slots anytime they add a new class its not on the player to hold X slots aside for something that might happen years in the future.

    I know people on SWTOR for instance with 50 - 100 characters, I have about 14 characters in SWTOR didn't have to pay to unlock more slots either, that is one of the things that has always surprised me about ESO the low number of character slots available.

    You can't tell me there is no demand for it with players having bought multiple accounts just to be able to create more characters, even I bought a second account a long time ago, I don't use it often though, it has all 18 characters to CP level.

    There is one player I know who has between 10 - 16 accounts, all with 18 characters not max level but all the slots used, don't know how many more are out there like him out there, plenty with multiple accounts to get their own guild banks though.
  • kargen27
    lillybit wrote: »

    You can't do writs or dailies on a respec.

    I just want 2 more because 18 bugs me, if there's gonna be a hard limit it should at least be a tidier number :D

    This always kind of cracks me up because I prefer prime numbers. Anything like time on the microwave, volume my alarm I always if given the choice use a prime number. Numbers that end with a zero are the worst!
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Araneae6537
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    kargen27 wrote: »

    This always kind of cracks me up because I prefer prime numbers. Anything like time on the microwave, volume my alarm I always if given the choice use a prime number. Numbers that end with a zero are the worst!

    I prefer numbers divisible by 3 or ideally 9 so I really can’t complain about 18 slots. 20 is a disagreeable number but 21 would be fine. :grin:
  • Hapexamendios
    Elsonso wrote: »
    More free slots. They don't need to increase from 18... they just need to make some of the ones we have free. :smile:

    Only if those who already paid for them get a full refund.
  • Danikat
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    I'd like at least 20, so then I could make one of each race/gender combination.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    Yes! 18 isn't enough!
    lillybit wrote: »

    You can't do writs or dailies on a respec.

    I just want 2 more because 18 bugs me, if there's gonna be a hard limit it should at least be a tidier number :D

    At leas its not 19...
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