joseayalac wrote: »ZOS recently stated that they will implement another kind of character storage. In order to optimize the use of the server, accounts that haven't logged in in some time, will be moved to a slower, secondary storage. When you log back in again after a long period, you'll get a 5 minute loading screen while your characters are moved to the actual game server.
So probably having more than 18 will impact the amount of data that the servers must store and handle. Although this may not be noticeable.
I don't care other than we have been told it could have an affect on performance. There are options available to go beyond eighteen. You can play the other server or purchase another copy of the game.
I thought it was not "accounts", but individual characters.
What on earth do people do with 18 characters??
The only time i ever have 18 is during anniversary where I make fodder alts for boxes, i mean i have over 10 but playing any more than that is exhausting, if you want more than 18 for rp purposes id say just make another account, otherwise just use the armory system.
I don't think that is true. For one because only a handful of people actually have the discipline and patience to do all 7 writs on all their 18 characters every day. Yes you can become filthy rich and yes it would be a problem if everyone started doing it, but I doubt that would ever happen.
Also those writs are contributing towards deflation as well as they generate more upgrade materials and materials in general, which lowers material cost by increasing supply.
The real driving force behind inflation in this game is the lack of sufficient gold sinks. Every new feature removes gold sinks from the game. CP slottables mean you do not need to spend 3000 gold every time you want to switch CP. The armory means you do not have to spend gold to switch skills. Armor repair can be done with the free repair kits from writs or it can be reduced with CP slottables. While it made wayshrine recall costs pretty much pointless, housing was the only effective gold sink we have left, but since no new houses are being sold for gold other than a 1million gold home per year, the housing market has become saturated, making it ineffective as a gold sink.
The only thing in this game that gold can buy you are carry runs and crown store items from the crown exchange services and for both of these do not actually drain gold from the economy.
You can't do writs or dailies on a respec.
I just want 2 more because 18 bugs me, if there's gonna be a hard limit it should at least be a tidier number
Araneae6537 wrote: »
I prefer numbers divisible by 3 or ideally 9 so I really can’t complain about 18 slots. 20 is a disagreeable number but 21 would be fine.